Monday, February 28, 2011

o'mam - Help Christian Sentenced to Death Under Sharia 'religious conversion' edict

From: Traditional Values Coalition  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Subject: Victim of Shariah Law Set for Execution
Christian Convert Condemned to Death in Afghanistan; Obama Remains SILENT
Two things you can do to help right away
     I need your help to save Said Musa's life.

     Right now, Said Musa is sitting in a prison in American-liberated Afghanistan, condemned to death.  Of course, Musa has been brutally abused and tortured during the course of his imprisonment.
     His crime?  Converting to Christianity.
     Obama's response so far?  SILENCE.
     You see, in Islamic countries where shariah is practiced, the law clearly states that those who convert to any faith other than Islam bear the penalty of deathThis was the system of law under the Taliban, and inspired the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
     If you are a Christian, or even if you are simply someone who believes in religious freedom, now is the time to speak out with one voice.  Click here right now.  Contact President Obama, the State Department and members of Congress.   Let them know that Said Musa should not have to defend himself against shariah law -- [and especially] not while American soldiers are securing freedom in Afghanistan!
     Traditional Values Coalition continues to remain vigilant in the case of Christian convert Said Musa.  In addition to your voice, know that your support of just $25 can help us keep the pressure on and keep others informed as we alert the nation on this shocking development in Afghanistan.
     I need your help.  Said Musa is praying for your help.  Can we count on you?
     Sincerely, Rev. Lou P. Sheldon, Founder: Traditional Values Coalition
P.S. -- REMEMBER that we are working (and praying) very hard here to ensure that Said Musa's sentence of DEATH is not carried out while American soldiers are securing freedom in Afghanistan. Your voice added to thousands of others makes an impression upon those who need to hear it.  
Traditional Values Coalition is an inter-denominational public policy organization speaking on behalf of over 43,000 churches.  

o'czar - chart: Regulatory Extremism (Undermining the Constituion + Legislation by Regulation)

Democracy Denied: The Obama Chart
(source: & ARRA News Service, Sunday, February 27, 2011)
The "Obama's Regulatory Extremism" chart shows how it has become standard procedure in the Obama administration not to take no for an answer.   When Obama's radical agenda is rejected by Congress and the American people, he goes around the democratic process to do what he wants anyway.

Using the interactive version at here, you can 'mouse over' each box for details.   You can also download the PDF here.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life v death - 'Silent No More' 1Mar11 D.C. Senate March re PP

From: Priests for Life  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Subject: Silent No More about Planned Parenthood
'Silent No More' about Planned Parenthood
     ROME  – While having various meetings at the Vatican regarding the pro-life movement, Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, announced that the women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (a joint project of Priests for Life and Anglicans for Life) are raising their voices about their experiences at Planned Parenthood as the U.S. Senate prepares for its vote on whether to defund the world's largest abortion business.
     At, members of the Campaign are sharing their painful experiences, providing more firsthand evidence that Planned Parenthood does not serve the needs of women and has no respect for the law.
     For instance, Sherry Coleman Wright states,
"I was 17 years old - the lady at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Council Bluffs, Iowa told me I could go to Women's Services clinic in Omaha, Nebraska, to get the procedure.  My boyfriend at the time was 23 or 24 and I was told not to mention that or he would get into trouble.  I don't feel like they really had my best interest in mind.  From what I understand, they still give young girls the same advice.  I was devastated by that abortion and my life spiraled downward."  
     Christy Annison tells us,
"I had a botched abortion in Atlanta's Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.  The doctor left the dead fetus inside and I needed immediate medical attention.  For the health of women, please defund Planned Parenthood."
     The Campaign is providing these and numerous other testimonies to the U.S. Senate in the days ahead, and is urging citizens, as they communicate with their Senators, to share with them the voices of experience found at
     Founded in 2003 by Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life, and Georgette Forney, president of Anglicans for Life, the  Silent No More Awareness Campaign has become an integral part of the March for Life, which every January marks the anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision.  Women and men who have been harmed by their abortion experiences also share their testimony at events across the country and throughout the year.
     Beginning  March 1,  members of the Campaign will take to the streets in front of the Senate offices in Washington, holding their signs saying,  "I Regret My  Abortion."
     To arrange an interview with Father Pavone, Mrs. Morana or Mrs. Forney, please call Dan Matejek at 888-735-3448, ext. 251.
Priests for Life, PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314 -- O: 718-980-4400 -- F: 718-980-6515 -- --

Life v death - Propagandists Target Pence Amendment, Abortion Terroris Arrested, "The Silent Scream Narrator" Remembered, and "mayonnaise sandwiches"

From: ProLifeBlogsSent: Friday, February 25, 2011 Subject: Propagandists Target Pence Amendment and more...


Propagandists Target Pence Amendment
Last week the US House of Representatives did something that has been a long time in coming: they passed the Pence Amendment as part of a federal spending bill which includes a provision to cut taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is notorious for its radical support of child killing in the womb (i.e., abortion). In fact, PP has slaughtered over 4 million preborn babies and kills 5,871 innocent human beings every week.
Further, recent investigations by LiveAction have revealed the scandal-plagued abortion organization has employees who are willing to ignore criminal activity when an abortion has been requested.
Here is how Rep. Pence introduced the legislation to de-fund PP:
     Is it any surprise the pro-abortion extremists are now targeting Pence's provision and demanding that taxpayers fund one of the world's most prolific abortion providers? Their method is to misrepresent the Amendment as blocking funding for organizations and activities, such as Title X, and pretend it isn't about cutting taxpayer dollars to a notorious abortion provider. Yes, this is misrepresentation, exaggeration and fear mongering.
     Here's Rep. Pence's response:
          First, the Pence Amendment does not cut any funding for women's health services under Title X. It would simply block those funds already in the bill from subsidizing America's largest abortion provider.
               In fact, it has never been my ambition to reduce funding for Title X services. I applaud the important work done at Title X clinics, such as pregnancy diagnosis, breast cancer screening and HIV testing. I support young women getting the access to care they need and deserve. My legislation would help protect women who find themselves in crisis pregnancies by ensuring they receive access to unbiased and compassionate health services.
               Second, critics have asserted that if Planned Parenthood is denied funding there would be no other organizations available to provide these services to women in our larger cities. This too is incorrect.
               There are literally thousands of clinics across the country -- other than Planned Parenthood -- that receive federal funding and offer access to health care for low-income women and families.
               In Indiana, for instance, some of these clinics include: Open Door clinics in both Anderson and Muncie; Lafayette Street Clinic in Fort Wayne; Women's Urgent Visit Center in Indianapolis, and Tri-Cap Family Health Services in Evansville. Around the country, clinics from Maine to Florida and New Mexico to Washington serve the needs of women, such as the Augusta Family Planning Clinic, the Children's Hospital Adolescent Clinic, the Lake Worth Teen Time Clinic, Healthcare for the Homeless, and the Forks Women's Clinic -- just to name a few.
               The passage of the Pence Amendment was a victory for taxpayers and a victory for life, and I am hopeful our colleagues in the Senate will join us in ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood once and for all.
     Those speaking out against the Pence Amendment need to listen to this video one more time and ask whether or not taxpayers should be funding this type of "service".

Pro-abortion domestic terrorist Theodore Shulman was arrested yesterday after several years of making threats to pro-life leaders. Jill Stanek reports:  Shulman, 49, is being held without bond at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in NYC, a Federal holding facility, for making interstate threats against two as yet unnamed pro-life leaders. Operation Rescue has more, including a voicemail Shulman left.  In fact, Jill and Company supported the investigation by providing over 4,000 comments... Read the rest and join the debate.  »
This obituary from the Chicago Tribune brought tears to my eyes yesterday:  Dr. Bernard Nathanson dies at 84; obstetrician championed abortion rights before switching sides.  February 23, 2011 - By Elaine Woo, Los Angeles TimesDr. Bernard Nathanson, an obstetrician who was a leading champion of the abortion rights movement until he switched sides and vaulted to prominence as the narrator of the grisly anti-abortion film "The Silent Scream," died Monday at his New York City home. He was...Read the rest and join the debate. »
More Recent Articles:

WASHINGTON, Feb. 21, 2011/Christian Newswire --
The following is released by Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union:
     Let me get this straight; Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) says if the federal government stops funding Planned Parenthood, hungry, crying children will need to eat the Ramen noodles and mayonnaise sandwiches to fill their little bellies.
     "So, Gwen, what you are implying is - it's better to fund and organization whose core business includes killing off our children by abortion rather than allowing the children to "suffer" through the enjoyment of eating Ramen noodles?"
     Gwen, "I am grew up one of 7 children. My mother talks about how whe
     Gwen, "I know 50 ways to cook pasta. Our meals were filling, cheap and very, very tasty."
     Representative Moore, "I have one last thing to say: Try this recipe. Cook Ramen noodles as usual--drain. Sprinkle the season pack over the drained noodles--toss and enjoy. Try the same recipe adding diced chicken, fresh veggies when available, but frozen or canned veggies work, too. Yum!
     Oh, and don't even get me started on mayonnaise sandwiches - a childhood favorite."
     See Rep. Gwen Moore's comments in the left.

Live v death - Save Baby Joseph: Death Panels Canadian Style

From: Father Frank's Alerts  Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 Subject: Save Baby Joseph
Save Baby Joseph!
February 26, 2011                      joseph.jpg       There's an 18-month-old baby boy in Canada who is about to be put to death by the Canadian government.
     I'm writing to you today so that you can help Priests For Life save this baby's life if possible.
     Here's the situation -- The baby, who is known as Baby Joseph, is suffering from a critical condition that requires him to have a breathing tube in order to stay alive.
     However, the Canadian government has decided that they don't want to spend any more money on Baby Joseph to keep him alive.
     And, to everyone's horror, the government won't even let Baby Joseph go home with his parents.  His parents need to obtain better health care for Baby Joseph by bringing him to the United States where a hospital -- preferably a Catholic hospital where the baby will NOT be euthanized.
     My experience in the case of Terri Schiavo back in 2005 showed me how devastating it is when a person -- no matter how young or how old -- is put to death by the "health care" system that pretends to help the sick, the poor, the indigent, the elderly, and those with terminal illnesses.
     In reality, the government "health care" system doesn't want to spend money on anyone if they can't make money on that patient.
     Therefore, since the Canadian government -- because of their system of rationing health care -- is determined to put Baby Joseph to death by removing his breathing tube, we at Priests For Life are stepping up to the plate and offering to bring Baby Joseph to the United States so that he can receive better health care and possibly survive his illness rather than being put to death because of rationed health care.
     You see, the Canadian government is refusing to let Baby Joseph's parents take care of him. His parents don't want him to die.  They already had one child die from a similar illness, and they don't want it to happen again.
     But because of the Canadian government's system of "socialized" health care, Baby Joseph is in danger.  They won't take care of him.  Therefore, we have to.
     The first thing I urge you to do is contact the officials in the Canadian government who are holding Baby Joseph's life in their hands.  All you have to do is click here and your message will be sent immediately to these Canadian officials to implore them to release Baby Joseph back to his parents so that he can get the proper health care he needs and not be put to death in the painful, inhumane method of removing his breathing tube.
     The second thing you need to do is pray for Baby Joseph and his parents for a sensitive solution to this problem.
     And then, third, please forward this alert to everyone on your email list!
I will keep you updated on our progress in this crucial fight to save Baby Joseph.  Please keep reading these alerts and forwarding them to all your friends and family members so that the word can get out about the injustices inflicted upon little children by the Culture of Death.
Blessings, pavonenew.jpg, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
Priests for Life, PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314 -- Phone: 718-980-4400 -- Toll Free: 1-888-735-3448 -- Fax: 718-980-6515 -- -

Live v death - Pro-Life Update 2/26/11

From: Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 Subject: Pro-Life Update 2/26/11
For news updated throughout the day, visit
Current Headlines
New Planned Parenthood Report: Record Abortions Done in 2009
Licenses of Gosnell Abortion Biz Colleagues May be Yanked
• Obama's Approval Rating Dropped in All 50 States in 2010
Late-Term Abortion Biz in Seattle Evicted After Missing Rent

Obama Distances Himself From Planned Parenthood Sex Trafficking Scandal
Push to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Now Moves to Senate
• Pro-Life Groups Upset by Obama's Weakening Conscience Rights
Bernard Nathanson Passes Away, Was Early Abortion Muckraker

International and State Pro-Life News
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

humor - A citizen rant against a speed sign. (video 1m13s)

From: rapa/baja  Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 Subject: humor - A concerned citizen rant's against a ridiculous speed sign. (video 1m13s)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

o'mam - multiculturalism is dead: "..kick them out of the country & we won't have any problems."

"Multiculturalism is dead"
source: "Russia Today"
"Where's PETA?"
source:  Pat Condell
"In the Oval Office? .."
source:  Pat Condell

source: "Russia Today"

source: "TheTVLicence"| Feb 11, 2011 
Multiculturalism is dead in Europe,
British PM David Cameron,
German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
French President Nicolas Sarkozy all agree!
The rise of the right: Sweden
source: "Al Jazeera"
Nederland/Holland 'Doubts':

Samma inslag i b?ttre kvalitet:
S?ndes: 2011-02-14

patcondell posted on Youtbe Feb 11, 2011
Bon appétit, Britain. 
[Where's PETA?]
State multiculturalism has failed, says
Diners unknowingly eating halal at Wembley stadium
Oxford University students secretly served Muslim halal meat
Halal meals storm brewing
70% of New Zealand lamb imports to Britain are halal... but this is NOT put on the label
Muslim and Jewish groups object to labelling of ritually slaughtered meat
Euro ministers drop proposals to label religiously slaughtered meat
Petition: Stop force-feeding us halal
Petition against sharia law in Britain