Wednesday, March 30, 2011

o'tax'n spend - What does 4,064,000 years equal in dollars/second? Answer: U.S. Debt [redux]

The current U.S. debt: (includes unfunded liabilities) $127,491,037,000,000.00+ trillions of dollars!
which equals more than 4,064,000 years (millions of years) spent at a dollar a second!
(note:  at the time of this video, 2010, the funded debt was only $9 Trillion!!!)

Repeal that [welfare] law, and you will soon see a change in their manners.  St. Monday and St. Tuesday, will soon cease to be holidays.  Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them."
-- Benjamin Franklin, letter to Collinson, 1753

related, debt videos & graphs:

o'mam - Pssst...don't tell anyone. It's a secret!

article source:
Obama authorizes secret help for Libya rebels
WASHINGTON | Wed Mar 30, 2011
     President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.  Obama signed the order, known as a presidential "finding", within the last two or three weeks, according to government sources familiar with the matter.
Read the full article at

o'bamacide - "Pay for Abortions or I'll Shut Down the Government," Harry Reid (D-NV)

From: ConservativeActionAlerts Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Subject: Harry Reid: "Pay for Abortions or I'll Shut Down the Government."
Harry Reid:  "Pay for Abortions or I'll Shut Down the Government."     The Hill newspaper reports Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has effectively issued an ultimatum with a threat to shut down the federal government unless House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) agrees to continue long-term funding of Planned Parenthood, the nation's #1 abortion provider, with your tax dollars.
      "A Republican proposal seeking to ban taxpayer dollars for Planned Parenthood will not be part of any agreement to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year," declared Harry Reid, taking a stand for tax-funded child-killing.  "Not only no, but hell no," said Reid. 
     Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, criticized Reid's demands: "Senator Reid is wrong. Planned Parenthood is an abortion-centered organization and America's largest. It performs more than 300,000 abortions a year, which constitutes at least 37 percent of its revenue, by conservative estimates.... Planned Parenthood must be defunded and it must be defunded now."
       While Boehner had voiced support for eventually defunding Planned Parenthood, he stated last month he would not shut down the government over the abortion issue.  "There are a lot of options on the table but I don't think in the short term, the CR (continuing resolution) is the opportunity we're looking for," Boehner told CBN News.
     Pro-life activist Randall Terry says Boehner is caving in to keep fund abortions.  "Mr. Boehner does not get it," Terry said.  "The 'opportunity we're looking for' is here and now. By saying ahead of time that he would 'not shut down the government' over Planned Parenthood, he has telegraphed to the Senate, and to us, that he is surrendering."
       Will House Republicans cave-in to Reid, and fund Planned Parenthood?  Let's call all 535 Congressmen and Senators at 202-225-3121 and demand they stop funding aboriton.   Don't have time to make 535 phone calls?  Sign our petition, and we save you time by auto-faxing all of them, immediately.  Let's draw the line, and stop funding abortion.
     Obama Threatens to Shut Down Government without Tax-Funded Abortions
     The Washington Times reported last month President Obama was still threatening to veto House spending cuts to abortion provider Planned Parenthood, and Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid (D-NV) are demanding full federal government funding for abortions with your tax dollars.   "Mr. Obama has issued a veto threat on that bill, saying House Republicans? cuts are unacceptable," the Times reports, "and Senate Democrats said the non-spending provisions of the bill ? such as restrictions on Planned Parenthood and on Obama administration rules and regulations ? will also have to be struck."
       While their 2-week budget compromise averted a government shutdown, House Republicans fought to defund most abortions permanently when the House Judiciary Committee passed H.R. 3, on a strictly party-line 23-14 vote, sending the bill for a full House vote soon.  Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi was the only Democrat to vote for the measure, mislabeled the "No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act," which would actually continue to fund some abortions in the rare cases of rape and incest, while permanently cutting federal funds for over 90% of elective abortions, saving you tax dollars and reducing but not banning child-killing by groups like Planned Parenthood.
       The committee rejected all 15 pro-abortion amendments offered by Democrats.  Pro-life Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) rebuked the Obama Administration as the most pro-abortion President in history. "We?re getting to ask the real question ? does abortion take the life of a child? ? If it does, then those of us sitting here in the chambers of freedom live in the midst of the greatest human genocide in the history of humanity," Franks said before the historic vote.  By his veto threat, Obama wants to fund child-killing, especially in the inner cities, ironically, where black children are three times more likely to be aborted than white children, and abortion has reduced the black population nationally by 25%.
     Sadly, Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) admitted "H.R. 3 does not ban abortion. It also does not restrict abortions, or abortion coverage in healthcare plans, as long as those abortions or plans use only private or state funds."  So even if Obama does not veto H.R. 3, the legislation does not go far enough to protect life.
      As Senators prepare to restore the cut funding to Planned Parenthood, and try to block H.R.3, we who believe life begins at conception should actively petition all 100 Senators to FIX then PASS the three pro-life measures up for consideration this year.  Call 100 times to 202-224-3121.
      The U.S. House of Representatives voted last week to defund Planned Parenthood Federation of America [PPFA], the nation's largest abortion provider, who receives hundreds of millions of your tax-dollars to kill innocent children.  Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) offered an amendment to H.R. 1 that would strip funding from Planned Parenthood, which passed by a 240-185 vote in the House.
The National Right to Life Committee said in a letter to Congress:  "PPFA is the nation?s largest abortion provider, reporting 324,008 abortions in 2008. It appears that abortion accounts for roughly one-third of the aggregate income generated by PPFA-affiliated clinics. According to press reports, PPFA has recently mandated that all of its regional affiliates must provide abortions by the end of 2013.  Please call the office of your U.S. House member and urge him or her to support the Pence Amendment and all other pro-life amendments to H.R. 1."
     According to Jill Stanek of the American Life League, over 96% of Planned Parenthood's  services facilitate abortions, compared to adoptions or prenatal care, as shown by this pie chart.-->  That means for every one tax dollar given to Planned Parenthood, 96 cents facilitates killing innocent children.
     Please call your Congressman and both Senators at 202-224-31212 right now. If you have time, you can call all 535 Senators and Congressmen at that same number.
       In a letter  after receiving  begins debate this week on three important abortion bills, that would strip federal tax-payer funding of most abortions.  The three new bills are labeled H.R. 3 "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act" [NTFAA], the H.R. 358 "Protect Life Act" and the H.R. 217 "Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act."  Although it's great to see pro-life Congressmen trying to stop abortion funding, but there's only one problem.  These bills still allow tax-payer funding of  abortions in the rare cases of rape or incest.  Why should we be forced by the IRS to pay a murderous abortion "doctor" to kill an innocent child, just because the baby's father was a criminal? We should not.  The baby deserves to live, even if conceived by rape or incest.  Punish the criminal, don't kill the innocent victim.
     Christian Coalition writes these 3 new bills would:
-Permanently ban taxpayer funding of abortion across all federal programs.
-End use of federal facilities, such as military hospitals.
-Ban publicly subsidized coverage of abortion in the new "ObamaCare" health system.
-Prevent any abortion funding via ObamaCare.
-End federal funding for Planned Parenthood (and other abortion providers).
-Provide conscience protections for health care workers who refuse to perform abortions.
     Their analysis is mostly correct.  Subsidized abortions would cease, except it would still be funded in the rare cases of rape and incest, which we must also oppose, by calling 202-224-3121 for your Congressman and both Senators today.  But until the U.S. Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade, liberals will argue abortion is a "legal right."  Yet even if the government could try to over-rule God to make child-murder a legal right, must it also be a tax-payer funded entitlement?  Of course not.  Liberals often confuse legal rights with funded entitlements.   As pro-death Senator Barbara Boxer confused this week, the new bill H.R. to defund most abortion subsidies "punishes women and businesses with a tax hike if they wish to keep or buy insurance that covers a full range of reproductive health care."  No Senator, it merely requires they pay for abortions with their own private money, not with mine.  By refusing them our tax-dollar subsidies, and making them pay their own money to kill their own children, she calls it a tax hike?  Give me a break.  We're not stupid. Let's take a stand.
     Or maybe we are stupid.  For 2 years the Church has been largely silent while the Obama-Boxer-Pelosi coalition raised government spending for Planned Parenthood, just like the Bush-led government did for 8 years before.  Now Speaker Boehner's NTFAA bill attempts to change direction, by making the 1976 Hyde Amendment permanent and banning most federal funding for abortion-providers like Planned Parenthood.
       Without this ban, you can see in the <-- chart how "coincidentally" abortions  increase when their funding increases, and how YOU PAID FOR 363,000 abortions last year by funding Planned Parenthood (of which over 90% were elective, not rape or incest abortions).
       Can anybody guess what would happen if their tax-dollars were denied?  No doubt the number of abortions would go decrease, and tens of thousands of babies (but not all babies) would be saved.
     And herein lies the dilemma faced by the pro-life community.  Should we pass bills that save a few, perhaps even most babies while "legalizing" killing the children of rape or incest?   Some say yes, some say no.  I say we follow a sequence:  1) petition Congress to first remove the murderous "exceptions" in these so-called pro-life bills, then 2) ban all federal funding of abortion, then 3) pass personhood amendments to overturn Roe v. Wade, then 4) replace all liberal Supreme Court justices with pro-personhood justices, then 5) pass laws outlawing all murderous abortions period, unless they are needed to save the life of the mother.  Morally, if every living human is equal, then sparing the life of the mother is the only permissible case where such "choice" would be allowed by God.Please select, sign, and we will fax
God Bless you, in Jesus' name,Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt (For media interviews, contact here.)  
P.S. Thank you for petitioning to save unborn children.  Your reward will be seen on their faces when you meet them in heaven.  Prefer to donate by mail?  Please mail paper check or money orders to:  The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO  80970.   Please select, sign, and we will fax your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you time!) to DEFUND ALL ABORTIONS, AND SAVE ALL UNBORN CHILDREN, including those born as victims of rape or incest.  Let's take a stand for unborn children.  Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who was honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying "in Jesus name" in uniform, (but was later vindicated by Congress), are his own personal views, not the views of any political party, government, or organization.

related, America's "Final Solution" at

Life v death - Who pulled the plug on a bloodmoney screening?

From: Blood Money Film Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Subject: Who pulled the plug on a bloodmoney screening?
Earlier this week, 40 Days for Life was suddenly told by the Marathon County Public Library that they weren't allowed to show their scheduled screening for Bloodmoney.  This made the local news and they're currently in the process of filing a civil suit for a violation of their first amendment rights.  Read the Full Story Here and watch the TV interview.   Do you think the library was within its rights as a "limited public forum" -- or was this an agenda-driven decision?
 -- The Bloodmoney Team

Who is the troublesome party here, the folks sitting quietly and watching a documentary, or the angry people causing a scene in and around the library?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

o'mam - Muslim Rights versus Other's Rights

"allah akbar: Allah is Greater."  The battle cry in war, riots, beheadings, stonings, Jihad, terrorists, and of suicide bombers.  The phrase has specific implications against Muhammad's Jewish and Christian enemies; meaning that Allah is greater than the God of the Jews and the Church.
From: ConservativeActionAlerts Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Subject: Muslim Rights versus Other's Rights
     Senate Democrats are have scheduled a hearing on Muslim civil rights.  It will take place after Congress returns from a 10-day vacation.
     A couple of weeks ago, U.S. Representative Peter King (R-NY), Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, began Congressional hearings on the "radicalization" of American Muslims. The goal of the hearings was to determine the cause of dozens of arrests during the last two years of American Muslims who were planning terror attacks. Yet, the liberal media tore Rep. King to shreds.
     They whipped up such hysteria and hatred against the Congressman simply because he spoke the TRUTH about radical Islam that 24-hour security had to be put in place to protect him and his family.
     Now, in response, Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) announced the subcommittee hearing on Muslim civil rights this past Tuesday, claiming there was a spike in anti-Muslim bigotry in the last year that demands closer attention.
     The pro-Muslim Obama administration has once again bent over backwards to make sure that Muslims are treated fairly; even more than Christians or Jews in this country. Remember when Mr. Obama DENIED that the United States was a "Christian" country?!   Can you imagine what our Founding Forefathers would have thought?
     We need to let our Congressmen know that these hearings must be totally fair for all religions, not just Muslims. 
     U.S. Senator Dick Durbin declared: "Our Constitution protects the free exercise of religion for all Americans. During the course of our history, many religions have faced intolerance. It is important for our generation to renew our founding charter's commitment to religious diversity and to protect the liberties guaranteed by our Bill of Rights."
     President Obama never mentions the persecution and killings experienced around the globe by Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and other religious minorities in Muslim nations. However, Barack Obama is a real "champion" for Muslim rights not only in the United States, but around the world.
     The U.S. State Department, under Mr. Obama's direction, set up special Internet sites in Arabic that gives instructions on how to use social networking to topple oppressive governments. The results are seen in Egypt and in the Middle East where Christians face almost daily attacks. Radical Muslims are "challenged" every Friday by their Imam to bring wrath upon the Christians.
     What do we hear from the White House or the U.S. State Department about these murderous attacks on Christians? ZERO. NOTHING. ZIP!
     Does our federal government care for any other religious group, other than the Muslims?  Not really!
     Christians suffer much more persecution than Muslims. A report last week by "Aid to the Church in Need" showed that 75% of religious persecution is currently being carried out against Christians. The report states: "For millions of Christians around the world, persecution, violent discrimination and suffering are a way of life as they live out their faith."
     What about the Egyptian Coptic Christians who were killed for their faith on New Year's Eve? President Obama said: "I strongly condemn the separate and outrageous terrorist bombing attacks in Egypt and Nigeria. The attack on a church in Alexandria, Egypt cause 21 reported deaths and dozens of injured from both the Christian and Muslim communities."
     FACT CHECK: 45 were killed. 0 of them were Muslims. Mr. Obama is fearful that he may offend Muslims!
     President Obama removes his shoes before entering a mosque!
     Barack Obama had the same attitude when 67 Christians were killed in October of last year in a Baghdad church.  He never once mentioned that it was Christians who were killed. 
     On and on and on---the violence against Christians continues. Last week, news outlets reported that a mob of approx. 15,000 armed Muslims with Molotov cocktails, guns, and clubs, attached Christians just outside Cairo. The Egyptian army did nothing to prevent the bloodshed, but actually joined in the attack. "Mr. Obama, please tell both sides of the story!"
     The Washington Times reports: "In 2009, the latest FBI statistics available, anti-Islamic hate crimes accounted for 9.3 percent of the 1,376 religiously-motivated hate crimes recorded. That's far less than the 70.1 percent that were anti-Jewish.
     Just because every known attacker on 9-11 was Muslim, does NOT mean that we should come against every Muslim. But it does beg the question: How many more radical Muslims are there in the world---ready to attack us? Sure, freedom of religion is one of the cornerstones of our great country, but, please, we must be fair to ALL religions and not select one particular religion to bend over backwards to see if there has been a supposed "spike" of anti-Muslim bigotry that demands closer attention.
     I hope that Senator Durbin does not "grandstand" over Muslims for political purposes. That would be so very, very wrong. Your alarm must be faxed to your Congressman today. Please fax and donate.
     Sincerely, Tony Adkins, Spokesperson, Conservative Action Alerts
P. S.   Under the disguise of being supposedly "politically correct," Congress has "walked on eggshells" with the Muslim people. Please, just treat everyone the same; and help to stop this religious persecution --- both in America and overseas!
Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the U.S. Congress to URGE them to be fair to ALL religious groups in the United States: Christians, Jews and Muslims; and make sure they don't "favor" one particular religious group over another! Your fax will help to make sure that religious persecution is dealt with in the exact same manner as every religion in America!

Friday, March 25, 2011

o'mam - (humor) Libya News

From: piloto Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Subject: Latest news from Libya
 نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان
 نور اگر رفت سایه. ر رفت سای
پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان نور اگر رفت سایه
پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما
 If I hear anything else, I'll let you know....

Social Security Numbering System Change

From: baja Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Subject: Social Security Numbering System Change
     In the past, law enforcement officers were aware that the first three digits of a person's Social Security Number corresponded to the state where that card was originally issued.  When inconsistencies in this numbering scheme were recognized by the officer, that officer alertly suspected some sort of validity issue with the card and often took additional action.  Many counterfeit cards, often leading to other criminal activity, have been discovered using this technique.  Most agencies even have charts provided by the Social Security Administration that show which states issued which prefixes.  For instance, cards issued in Arkansas started with 429 through 432, etc.
     Because of constrictions on the quantity of numbers available,  the Social Security Administration has announced that they will no longer follow this numbering scheme.  Instead, effective in June of 2011, they plan to issue cards based on a random assignment of numbers.  Obviously, this change will likely adversely impact the ability to spot an invalid card based solely on the number, as in the previous paragraph.  Here is a link to the SSA's website that provides additional information about this change:

Social Security Number Allocations

Attention All Users
On June 25, 2011, SSA will change the SSN assignment process. Numbers issued after this date will not adhere to the rules outlined on this page. Please see SSN Randomization for more information on SSA's new assignment process and how it may affect you.

Since 1973, social security numbers have been issued by our central office. The first three (3) digits of a person's social security number are determined by the ZIP Code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number. Prior to 1973, social security numbers were assigned by our field offices. The number merely established that his/her card was issued by one of our offices in that State.  See also High Group List of SSN's.


The chart below shows the first 3 digits of the social security numbers assigned throughout the United States and its possessions. See "Note" at bottom of page.
001-003 New Hampshire 261-267 Florida 449-467 Texas 531-539 Washington
004-007 Maine 589-595 627-645 540-544 Oregon
008-009 Vermont 766-772 468-477 Minnesota 545-573 California
010-034 Massachusetts 268-302 Ohio 478-485 Iowa 602-626
035-039 Rhode Island 303-317 Indiana 486-500 Missouri 574 Alaska
040-049 Connecticut 318-361 Illinois 501-502 North Dakota 575-576 Hawaii
050-134 New York 362-386 Michigan 503-504 South Dakota 750-751
135-158 New Jersey 387-399 Wisconsin 505-508 Nebraska 577-579 District of Columbia
159-211 Pennsylvania 400-407 Kentucky 509-515 Kansas 580 Virgin Islands
212-220 Maryland 408-415 Tennessee 516-517 Montana 580-584 Puerto Rico
221-222 Delaware 756-763 518-519 Idaho 596-599
223-231 Virginia 416-424 Alabama 520 Wyoming 586 Guam
691-699 425-428 Mississippi 521-524 Colorado 586 American Samoa
232-236 West Virginia 587-588 650-653 586 Philippine Islands
232 North Carolina 752-755 525,585 New Mexico 700-728 Railroad Board**
237-246 429-432 Arkansas 648-649 729-733 Enumeration at Entry
681-690 676-679 526-527 Arizona
247-251 South Carolina 433-439 Louisiana 600-601
654-658 659-665 764-765
252-260 Georgia 440-448 Oklahoma 528-529 Utah
667-675 530,680 Nevada 646-647
NOTE: The same area, when shown more than once, means that certain numbers have been transferred from one State to another, or that an area has been divided for use among certain geographic locations.

Any number beginning with 000 will NEVER be a valid SSN.

The information in our records about an individual is confidential by law and cannot be disclosed except in certain very restricted cases permitted by regulations.

** 700-728 Issuance of these numbers to railroad employees was discontinued July 1, 1963.

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home

Social Security Number Randomization

     The Social Security Administration (SSA) is changing the way Social Security Numbers (SSNs) are issued. This change is referred to as "randomization." The SSA is developing this new method to help protect the integrity of the SSN. SSN Randomization will also extend the longevity of the nine-digit SSN nationwide.
The SSA began assigning the nine-digit SSN in 1936 for the purpose of tracking workers' earnings over the course of their lifetimes to pay benefits. Since its inception, the SSN has always been comprised of the three-digit area number, followed by the two-digit group number, and ending with the four-digit serial number. Since 1972, the SSA has issued Social Security cards centrally and the area number reflects the state, as determined by the ZIP code in the mailing address of the application.
     There are currently 435 million numbers available for assignment. However, the current SSN assignment process limits the number of SSNs that are available for issuance to individuals by each state. Changing the assignment methodology will extend the longevity of the nine digit SSN in all states. On July 3, 2007, the SSA published its intent to randomize the nine-digit SSN in the Federal Register Notice, Protecting the Integrity of Social Security Numbers [Docket No. SSA 2007-0046].
SSN randomization will affect the SSN assignment process in the following ways:
  • It will eliminate the geographical significance of the first three digits of the SSN, currently referred to as the area number, by no longer allocating the area numbers for assignment to individuals in specific states.
  • It will eliminate the significance of the highest group number and, as a result, the High Group List will be frozen in time and can be used for validation of SSNs issued prior to the randomization implementation date.
  • Previously unassigned area numbers will be introduced for assignment excluding area numbers 000, 666 and 900-999.
     These changes to the SSN may require systems and/or business process updates to accommodate SSN randomization.
     If you have any questions regarding SSN randomization or its possible effects to your organization, please see the related Frequently Asked Questions or email your question(s) to

Thursday, March 17, 2011

o'nero - "..while Rome burns." (2 articles)

Dithering Obama Fiddles While Rome Burns
Ab asino lanam  
Ab asino lanam quaeris
[ τίς εἰς τοῦ λήθης πεδίον, τίς εἰς ὄνου πόκας ]
WASHINGTON DC - USA - When Americans voted for 'Change' even they did not think that they would be duped to the level that is now apparent with Barack Obama.
     "People are dying in Libya and Japan while Obama is sitting on his ass dithering like a ninny.  This guy couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag, this guy is so yella that I bet he leaves streaks on the floor when he walks.   This guy makes Jimmy Carter look like Attila the .. ' Hun!" a disgruntled White House official revealed on Wednesday.
Too little Too late
     Let us face it, the Daily Squib knew from the beginning that Obama was a wet fart and was not going to amount to anything, but amongst the brainwashing sessions from the White House during the election campaign, people thought that the sun shone out of his arse at the beginning of his presidency.
     "I just wish Americans would wake the .. up.   I mean, we've been duped with this lame duck guy who needs his autocue and hundreds of spin doctors, and even then he can't make a single .. decision.  He's about as decisive as a two headed donkey tethered to a pole.  Not only that, he's lazy as well.  He just doesn't want to know.  He doesn't know how the world works, or Washington or the country.  Hillary has got way more balls than Obama, she should have been president," a former democrat supporter told CBS news.
     A discontented Washington resident said on Tuesday: "One has to wonder what Obama has done since winning the election?  It seems that his socialist agenda has been successful in one thing, and that's pouring trillions of American taxpayer dollars into a black hole to be chewed up and never seen again.  Someone give this guy some .. balls."

article source:
By Ron Ewart  Thursday, March 17, 2011 “When the earth shudders, puny man can only get out of its way if he hopes to survive.  If he builds where the earth moves, or spits lava from its fiery orifices, or he plants his footprint where the ocean rises and falls, he can only expect to be swallowed up, burned alive, or drowned en masse.  We have much more to fear from an unstable earth than we do from man-caused global warming.” — Ron Ewart
    The mark of a true leader is one who makes rapid decisions when events are unfolding for which there was no plan.  It is more than evident that Obama is out of his element and is incapable of making the necessary decisions to protect American interests, much less foster an agenda that is in keeping with American sovereignty and values of individual freedom and liberty.  While Rome burns, Obama is giving speeches, predicting basketball scores and golfing.  The words that come to mind are “apathetic”, “detached” and “pathetic”.  If anyone was truly looking, his poll numbers should be falling like a rock if it wasn’t for a news media that no longer prints the truth.
     But enough of the town clown, there are dynamic, unfolding global issues of major impact to the entire human population of the planet.  The Middle East and North Africa or unraveling into chaos, anarchy and maybe even genocide.  The implications of this Islamic meltdown maybe even more catastrophic than what is happening in Japan with the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactors that are rapidly approaching the meltdown phase.
     And then there is the rise of radical Islam that would do in the western world if they ever find us weak and discover a chink in our armor.  Radical Islam will be with us for decades, if not centuries and may ultimately prevail, if we let down our guard for one moment.  In response to this threat, Obama apologizes for America and tells the Islamic world that we are a Muslim nation.  The fact is, a “bully” will only back down when confronted with a force greater than his.  We ignore that fact at our own peril.
     The economy of most countries depend on the life-giving energy that pours out of the Middle East in the form of black gold.  Any major disruptions to the supply could send the world-wide economy into a financial black hole and America won’t be spared.  Because of the insane, if not treasonous policies by environmentalists and the government of no drilling for our own oil over the last 30 years, we are now left vulnerable to a major supply interruption.  In response, Obama talks about opening up the strategic oil reserves, as if that will do anything.
     Libya is turning into a blood bath while Obama and the rest of the world’s leaders are arguing at that irrational rabble of dictators called the United Nations, over a resolution to “do something”.  While the world dithers, people are dying at an increasing rate, while calling out for the world’s help and not getting it.  Meanwhile, 2% of the world’s oil supply isn’t getting into the markets.  Obama gives a speech about women.
     Europe has spent itself into oblivion and is essentially broke, based on the always-failing socialist model.  Austerity measures by the individual EU governments and their broken promises they couldn’t keep because they ran out of other people’s money, have entered Europe into a new phase of violent unrest.  Obama golf’s.
America’s economy lies lethargic with several broken bones and casts all over its body.  Because of government’s attempts to manage everything including money, markets and people’s lives, when they can’t even manage themselves, has left a once vibrant capitalistic economy hovering on the brink of extinction and threatens to make America a third-world country, while China and Russia are scrambling to gobble up the Earth’s resources.  Obama holds state dinners in the Whitehouse for our enemies.
     Japan, the third largest economy in the world, is in grave danger of collapsing all together.  The triple whammy of a massive earthquake and continuing aftershocks, a monster tsunami destroying entire cities and now several nuclear reactors on the path to the China Syndrome, could send Japan reeling into the dark ages, without massive international assistance.  The nuclear story is still unfolding and may have world-wide impact from deadly radiation releases.  Obama delivers another of his rousing campaign speeches.
     America is without direction and a buffoon has his hands on the wheel and the nuclear and internet trigger.  He teeters on the edge of delivering a major decision any moment to ......... ?  Who was that he voted for in March madness?
     So ladies and gentlemen, it is up to the people to grab the wheel and rest control from the leaders who would send us into the mouth of a belching volcano and incinerate the only country that rose out of the bowels of revolution to form a country of people steeped in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.  If we follow these leaders into the abyss, we are enablers of our own destruction.
     Many have whispered under their breaths about the 3% solution and what they mean is, revolution.  We submit that there is a peaceful 3% solution and the power of that solution lies in the hands of millions of freedom-loving Americans who decide that playing follow-the-leader is suicidal and instead are now determined to direct the leaders, using the unstoppable power of the many.  They but only need to focus that power on one problem at a time, rather than taking on all of America’s problems as a whole.  We have briefly described the 3% peaceful solution in a short YouTube video entitled “The 3% Solution”.
     Obama is idling in reverse gear while the congress is deadlocked over budgets and opposing ideologies.  Decisions on important matters lie in the hands of the fickle gods of the Democrats and Republicans.  If the logical, objective and intelligent people of America don’t take back the reins of power from the inmates of the asylum and pretty damn quick, the last vestige of individual liberty will decay into the dust of history.  The 3% peaceful solution is one way in which we can stop this decay.  We’ve tried everything else and it hasn’t worked so far, but if just 10,000,000 like-minded Americans (3%) would focus all of their energy on one problem and resolve it, the other problems would begin to fall like dominos.  What have we got to lose by trying?
  Ron Ewart Bio & Ron Ewart's Most recent columns.  Ron Ewart, President, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RURAL LANDOWNERS.  An organization dedicated to re-establish, preserve, protect and defend property rights.  Ron can be reached at:

related, "Obama 'While Rome Burns" at

2nd Amendment - [NPR] Calling All Gun-Toting Xenophobes

xenophobia - fear or dislike of strangers or the unknown, often used to describe nationalistic political beliefs and movements (added rfh)
From: Western Journalism Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 Subject: Calling All Gun-Toting Xenophobes
     Patriotic Americans are a bunch of "gun toting,  xenophobic racists."   At least that was the opinion of National Public Radio's (NPR) Senior Vice President Ron Schiller.
     Of course, Schiller, didn't voice that opinion in a public forum.   He made the confession on a "sting video" to two men he thought were representatives of an organization affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
     And yes, we're talking about the same NPR that accepts millions of your hard-earned tax dollars each and every year to fund its liberal rhetoric.   Enough is enough, its time to stop funding this vile hogwash.
     Executives at NPR were caught in a sting operation.  During a secretly filmed conversation, they revealed what they really think of the American people.  In short, if you don't support their radical left-wing agenda, you're racist, intolerant, ignorant, gun-toting and uneducated.   And according to Schiller, you're downright "scary."
     And yet, Barack Obama has requested $451 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), NPR?s parent company.  That's $451 million of your money going to help fund a propaganda mill that views most of the hard-working, taxpaying citizens of the United States as uneducated, religious madmen.
     What's going on here?  Thomas Jefferson called it TYRANNY: "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
     It stops today. The time has come to remove ALL federal funding from CPB, NPR and PBS.   It's time to tell the politicians in Washington that you will accept nothing less than the complete de-funding of this hive of scum and villainy.   They Have Not Learned Their Lesson.  The Insults Will Continue As Long As Your Hard-Earned Dollars Continue To Line Their Pockets.
     NPR's new interim CEO, Joy Slocum said, "I think if anyone believes that NPR's coverage is biased in one direction or another, all they need to do to correct that misperception is turn on their radio or log onto their computer and listen or read for an hour or two.  What they will find is balanced journalism that brings all relevant points of view to an issue and covers it in depth so that people understand the subtlety and the nuance."
     The new interim CEO, Joy Slocum, who talks about balanced journalism is, according to the Daily Caller a Democrat and has made regular donations to Democratic candidates dating back to 1999.
     White House press secretary Jay Carney defended the left's decision to give NPR tax payer funds and said,  "that (the) budget also contains within it the president's priorities, and we're working with Congress to find common ground, as you know, on the broader budget issues.  But we believe that - or rather, we do not support calls to eliminate funding for National Public Radio and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, as is evidenced by our budget."
     Have you ever known the Obama administration to give money to anything that is fair and balanced?  Even with their overwhelming addiction to spending money, they would never give money to anything that does not support their radical agenda.
     This isn't the first time that NPR has shown it's true colors.  They fired Juan Williams for breaking "editorial standards."  As Williams himself said "I think they were looking for a reason to get rid of me.  They were uncomfortable with the idea that I was talking to the likes of Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity."  Was it a coincidence that Williams was fired just after NPR accepted a huge donation from George Soros?   We think not.
     If George Soros wants to fund NPR, he can.  We the hard-working taxpayers should not be paying for the ideas of the few to be forced on the minds of the many.  The liberal elites can pay for that themselves and leave us, America loving "xenophobes" to give our money to those that deserve it.  
          Schiller Says That You're "Scary."  What Is Scary Is The Fact That Our Government Has Funded This Tyrannical Ministry Of Propaganda For Far Too Long. 
     We're not sure how many of you have seen the video, We've seen it and it is scary.
     Ron Schiller, until he was caught, was head of NPR's fundraising.   In the film Schiller is dining with two representatives of a fictitious group called the Muslim Education Action Center.
     Of course, Schiller thought they were a real organization and he didn't flinch when the representatives of this fictitious group claimed affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.
     That is correct, Schiller jumped at the opportunity to accept donations from an anti- American organization.   And anxious to curry favor with his would be donors, he called patriotic Americans, like you, "scary."
     In the "sting video" one of the representatives joked that NPR is as known as  "National Palestinian Radio"  Schiller visibly smirked and Betsy Lilley, an NPR Senior Director, who was also present, laughed and replied "Oh really? That's good.  I like that." 
     Is NPR the sort of organization that should receive our tax dollars?  I don't think so and I doubt you do either.
     Of course the left has come out swinging in defense of NPR. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Oregon Democrat and founder of the bipartisan (in a pig's eye) Congressional Public Broadcasting Caucus said "public broadcasting stations are the only source of free programming that educates our children rather than the many commercial stations simply trying to sell them products."
     Of course, NPR is not free.   You subsidize it with your hard-earned money.   And yes, NPR sells a product ... it's called Liberal Indoctrination.
     Is NPR the sort of organization you want to educate your children?  Do you want an organization that is willing to deal with anyone, including the devil himself,  for a donation check educating your children?  We think not.
     Of course, we're liberals and NPR executives will attempt to wrap themselves in the Constitution ... a document that is usually so bothersome to them.
     They'll claim that those who want to de-fund NPR are opponents of free speech.  It's a lie.   With the country $14 trillion in debt and budget deficits of $1.65 trillion for this year alone we need to stop any and all wasteful spending.
     It is time to apply the brakes.   Not a dime, not a nickel, not a cent more of the money of hard-working Americans should be spent on this corrupt, anti American nest of vipers.
     Floyd Brown, Western Center for Journalism
P.S.   Even if you can not join us in this effort right now, you can still help us expose Barack Hussein Obama by sending this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends.   The  Western Center for Journalism is a 501-3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed.   The Center for Western Journalism, 3434 Anthem Way, Suite 118-444, Anthem, AZ 85086  (202) 370-6366