Tuesday, May 28, 2013

o'bamacide's abortion death-chambers make the KKK look like Mother Teresa

The ethnicity of Congress' votes in both houses is apalling when tallied against their consistent voting records expanding abortion death-chambers, extermination camps if you will.  These very folks, many of whom had families who suffered unspeakable horrors at the end of a rope, in a gas chamber or oven, or lined up along side a trench or in front of a wall ... have those forebearers screaming down through generations but their cries are unheard as they fall on deaf ears.  Like pigs these officials grub for votes$ in the lobbyists' dirty money trough$.  And to what end - just to torture and murder millions more? -- rfh
It Can't Happen Here! ...euthanasia ...useless eaters ...small children with disabilities ...starvation ...not able to work: 'Operation T-4' ...lethal injection ...gas chambers, gas vans ...firing squads ...garrote ...guillotine ...medical experiments, ...institutionalized adults with disabilities ...perceived as unable to work ...aged ...infirm ...Nazis...political opponents ...communists ...Social Democrats ...trade unionists ...Jehovah's Witnesses ...firing squads ...homosexuals ...sexual orientation ...Jews ...Roma (Gypsies) ...blacks ...hanging ...racial enemies ...arbitrary arrest ...internment ...murder ...racial grounds ...persecution ...Juden ...Negroes ...Poles ...Slavs ...criminals ...Croatia ...mobile gas vans ...anti-partisan ...asocials: real or potential repeat criminal offenders ...death squads ...terrorist ...extrajudicial killings ...assassinations ...forced disappearances ...insurgency ...terror campaign ...secret dentities, so ...political repression ...police states ...one party state ...military dictatorships ...state of emergency ...state terrorism ...secret police ...paramilitary ...vigilantes ...killing politicians, unionists, dissidents, social figures ...State security ...terrorists ...organized crime ...drug cartels ...El Salvador ...Bangladesh ...Pakistan ...Sri Lanka ...Equatorial Africa ...Jamaica ...South America ...Uzbekistan ...Thailand ... Philippines ...Communist Cuba ...Cambodia ...Mengele ...classicide ...provisional ...Stalin ...government ...Sand Creek ...sponsored ...embryo harvesting ...authoritarian ...Indian Nations ...torture ...Pakistan ...Nanjing ...Hitler ...China (KMT, Warlords, PRC) ...abortion ...Mozambique ...atrocities ...Japan ...prisons ...Trail of Tears ...liebensraum ...infanticide ...Chechyna ...Waco ...bespredel ...Rape of Nanking ...Nanjing ...camps ...Somalia ...disappearances ...Poland ...democratic ...Wounded Knee ...Sumatra ...ethnic cleansing ...Mau Mau ...massacres ...Ruby Ridge ...KKK ...Turkey ...rebels ...Vietnam ...SS ...exterminations ...Pol Pot ...Deutchland ...secular ...Laos ...murder ...U.S.S.R ...totalitarian ...Ghengis Khan ...genocide ...The Inquisitions ...executions ...Nero ...Yugoslavia (Tito) ...North Korea ...final solution ...Mexico ...Armenia ...Ruwanda ...Afghanistan ...Syria ...Iran ...North Korea ...Iraq ...Moaist China ...Cambodia ...Lithuania ...Bangladesh 1971 ...Indigenous ...Rwanda 1996 ...Sumatra ...Vietnam ...Nguyen Van L?m ...Hamburg ...Argentina ...Chile ...concentration camps ...work camps ...death camps ...crematoriums ...Acmechetca ...Alderney ...Aktion Reinhard ...Armenia 1914 ...Aschaffenburg ...Auschwitz ...Auschwitz-Birkenau ...Auschwitz-Monowitz ...Auschwitz-Oswiecim ...Auschwitz-Oswiecim Camp Central ...Barth/Ostsee ...Bendorf ...Berga ...Bergen-Belsen ...Berlin-Dahlem-Institute ...Berlin-Shonefeld ...Bernburg ...Bernburg-Saale ...Bethel-Institution ...Bogdanovka ...Brandenburg ...Bredow ...Breendonck ...Brno ...Buchenwald ...Buchenwald and Dora-Mittelbau ...Buzet ...Chelm-Lubelski ...Chelmno, Poland ...Chelmno killing center ...Cholm-Insane-Asylum ...Colpo ...Dachau ...Domanovca ...Dora-Mittelbau ...Drancy ...Eglfing-Haar ...Eichberg ...Esterwegen ...Flossenburg ...Froeslev ...Furstenberg ...Gardelegen ...Geilenburgh ...Goerdon ...Goerlitz ...Goettingen ...Graeben ...Grafeneck ...Grafenegg ...Gross-Rosen ...Gunskirchen ...Gur ...Gusen ...Hadamar ...Hartheim ...Hersbruck ...Hirtenberg (sub-commando, sub-camp Camp Wiener Neustadt) ...Hohnstein ...Horseroed ...Hungerhauser ...Jasenovac;, Croatia ...General Ion Antonescu ...Jasenovac concentration camp complex ...Kamionki ...Kauffring ...Kolin ...Krychow ...Lackenbach ...Leitmeritz ...Lublin ...Maidanek ...Maidaneck ...Maline ...Maly-Trostinets ...Marzahn ...Mauthausen ...Mauthausen Camp Central ...Meseritz-Obrawalde ...Mittelbau-Dora ...Mulsen ...Natzweiler ...Natzwiller-Struthof (at the Rhine) ...Neubranbdenburg ...Neuengamme ...Niederhagen ...Nordhausen ...Oberstaubling ...Ohrdruf ...Oranienburg ...Orel ...Osowa ...Papenburg ...Plaszow ...Pluvignier ...Poland ...elite ...intellectuals ...Catholic priests ...Lutheran Pastors, as Ausserordentliche Befriedungsaktion (AB-Extraordinary Pacification Action) ...Ravensbruck ...Ravensbruck Camp Central ...Riga-Kaiserwal ...Rostock-Marienehe ...Sachsenhausen ...Salaspils ...Sall ...Salzburg ...Schirmeck (sur le Rhin) ...Schirmek-Vorbruck ...Schwarzenforst ...Seim ...Slavuta ...Soldau ...Sonnenstein ...Starachowice ...Stutthof ...Thekla ...Theresienstadt ...Trawniki ...Vittel ...Vught ...Witten ...Yanivsky ...Yanov ...and on, and on...    Oh, Man's Inhumanity to Man, Woman, ...and Child.
"Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan..."
Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

From: Zionica Christian News  Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 Subject: Abortion Industry Makes KKK Look Like Mother Teresa

video sourcehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMV1hNXt1JM

Never Again: No Guns for Negroes
Abortion Industry Makes KKK Look Like Mother Teresa

article linked from: http://zionica.com/2013/05/17/abortion-industry-makes-kkk-look-like-mother-teresa/

     Over two dozen pro-life black leaders came together and hosted an event at the National Press Club where, among other things, they called on Congress to hold investigative hearings on the abortion industry in the wake of all the horrific details that came out of the Gosnell trial.
     One such black pro-lifer at this event was Walter Hoye, founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation.  He reminded everyone of who the real racists are:
      "Right now to give some of us just a perspective of the impact of abortion on demand in the black community, according to the archives of the Tuskegee Institute, from 1882 to 1968 - 86 years - the Ku Klux Klan lynched 3,446 Negroes.  While it took the Klan 86 years to accomplish this, abortion on demand in America accomplishes that is less than 4 days."
     Since 1973, abortion on demand in black America has taken more lives than homicides, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and HIV/AIDS combined and has become the No. 1 cause of death in the black community.  The facts are clear.  The numbers don't lie. Abortion on demand is a holocaust.
baby reaching from womb to hold finger of doctor
     "The fact that the abortion industry is rooted in population reduction, racism and eugenics is well-known.  The founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger said, "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."  She was one of eleven children and associated having large families with all sorts of social ills.  She thought that if people would just keep their families limited to two children, we wouldn?t have to deal with domestic violence, poverty or unemployment.
     One such black pro-lifer at this event was Walter Hoye, founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation.  He reminded everyone of who the real racists are:
o'bamacide as Uncle Sam "I want you to pay for abortions!" "Right now to give some of us just a perspective of the impact of abortion on demand in the black community, according to the archives of the Tuskegee Institute, from 1882 to 1968 - 86 years - the Ku Klux Klan lynched 3,446 Negroes.    While it took the Klan 86 years to accomplish this, abortion on demand in America accomplishes that is less than 4 days.  Since 1973, abortion on demand in black America has taken more lives than homicides, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and HIV/AIDS combined and has become the No. 1 cause of death in the black community.  The facts are clear.  The numbers don't lie.  Abortion on demand is a holocaust."
     The fact that the abortion industry is rooted in population reduction, racism and eugenics is well-known.  The founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger said, "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."  She was one of eleven children and associated having large families with all sorts of social ills.  She thought that if people would just keep their families limited to two children, we wouldn't have to deal with domestic violence, poverty or unemployment.
Sanger's solution, which was shared by other eugenicists, was to curb the population rate of those who were "unfit" and "feebleminded" through the distribution of birth control and access to sterilization and eventually abortion.
She talked about ways to solve "The Negro problem" in the U.S. since she viewed them as "human weeds" and "reckless breeders."  She even thought that there were some people who were so "unfit" that they should not be allowed to have any kids at all and should submit to forced sterilization.
In her opinion, those who chose sterilization should be rewarded.  She was only being consistent with Darwinism and its "survival of the " mentality, since she viewed blacks as inferior to whites and therefore "unfit."  For the past several decades, the left have cleverly [twisted, distorted] turned this into a women's rights, "my body, my choice" issue and have conveniently forgotten about the original racist agenda.
It's great to see these black leaders taking this stand and demanding their leaders put an end to black genocide. [America's "Final Solution" -- rfh]
bcc'd: "red diaper babies", fellow travelers, appeasers, quislings, o'commiecratsRINOs, 'whigs', and "weak sisters"

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What is communism? by Herbert A. Philbrick (1963) [PG, mature, scenes of violence]

Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia:
"No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it's always worse." -- M. Stanton Evans, author of "Black Listed by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy" (published 2007)

Lord Monckton on "..the communist ally in the White House."

"If it quacks like a duck .." o'forward, a communist, socialist, or Marxist anti-colonialist Muslim?: 'Vpered and Vorwaerts' + videos

What is communism? 
by Herbert A. Philbrick [PG, mature, scenes of violence]
theavgeeksWhat is Communism? (1963)
Uploaded to Youtube by theavgeeks
Red Nightmare -- The Communist takeover of America
(1962 Department of Defense Film)

     Herbert A. Philbrick hosts this amazing anti-Commie propaganda film from the 1950s.  Philbrick was a salesman who was recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the Communist Party and report back to J. Edgar Hoover.  After the FBI pulled him out in the late '40s so he could testify in a Smith Act trial (the verdicts of many of which were later deemed unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court), Philbrick wrote a book about his experiences hunting Commies.    
     Hosted by Herbert A Philbrick, celebrated double-agent for the FBI and author of "I Led 3 Lives" (also see Youtube videos of the TV series and listen to the OTR show "I was a communist for the FBI."), this film is an excellent record of one of Philbrick's lectures about the evils of Communism he would give across the country.  .. Philbrick continued his campaign against the Communist menace even after the fall of the Berlin Wall until his death in 1993.

article source and 3 videos below: http://hauntingeurope.com/2011/10/the-lost-world-of-communism/
If you like it, please buy the DVD of the series, or the accompanying book from the BBC shop.
     The BBC’s documentary series from 2009, The Lost World of Communism, examined the legacy of communism twenty years after the fall of the Stalinist regimes of the Eastern Bloc, focusing on personal memories and descriptions of daily life. The three programmes of the series were each about a different country — East Germany, Czechoslovkia and Romania. Part 1, about East Germany, is below.
uploaded to Youtube by hauntingeurope
Thumbnail 59:26  
The Lost World of Communism - Part 3 - Romanian Revolution and Life in Communist Romania
Uploaded to Youtube by zaracake
Thumbnail 51:36

The Red Menace 1949 (complete film, 1h27m1s)
"Does he know he's not joining the Tea Party?"
Watch on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KWHDNPdoCg video source: http://youtu.be/6KWHDNPdoCg 
1949 Republic Anti-Communist Film starring, Robert Rockwell, Betty Lou Gerson, Hannelore Axman.

The Grand Design (G. Edward Griffin, 1968) (80m)
The Grand Design: The Hidden Plan That Shapes U.S. Foreign ...► 76m:41s

Oct 15, 2012 - Uploaded by LibertyInOurTime
The Grand Design: This lecture by G. Edward Griffin, given in the late '60s, exposes the hidden plan that shapes U.S. foreign policy and that the ultimate objective of that policy is the same then as it is now — disarmament and world government.

"More Deadly Than War: The Communist Revolution in America"
"..under the banner of socialism.."
This address by G. Edward Griffin, given in 1969, is as current as today's headlines. Mr. Griffin shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution. One is violent. The other is non-violent. While most people think only of violent revolution, the non-violent phase is where most of the action has been in the United States.
     Learn how today's Leninists utilize mass-membership organizations (i.e. Occupy Wall Street), politicians, and parliamentary process to brings about totalitarianism with little opposition from those who are being subjugated.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

o'bamacide - "..a crock-pot ain't what you think!" †

----- Original Message -----

The Promise: "The first thing I'll do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act."When/Where: [o'bamacide] Statement on 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision [1973], Chicago, IL, 01/22/08
Source: http://www.obama44reportcard.com/articleResourceIndex.php?articleResourceCategoryKey=10&PHPSESSID=d225f02258ad85dddb28c4917f04dcf1
Status: The 110th Congress Freedom of Choice Act (H.R. 1964/S. 1173) was aimed to provide women with the right to choose to bear a child, terminate a pregnancy prior to fetal viability, or to terminate a pregnancy at any time to protect their own lives.  This bill got nowhere, nor was it reintroduced by either the 111th or 112th Congresses.  On 04/29/09, [o'bamacide] stated in a press conference that the Freedom of Choice Act was not his "highest legislative priority."  This promise has not been fulfilled.
source, Campaign Promises: http://www.obama44reportcard.com

[o'bamacide] Speaks Staunchly to Planned Parenthood: Skipped by ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS...by Tim Graham, NewsBusters.org, May 02, 2013
article source: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2013/05/02/obama-speaks-staunchly-planned-parenthood-skipped-abc-cbs-nbc-npr-pbs
     [o'bamacide] made "history" by being the first president to address Planned Parenthood (Apr13), the nation's largest purveyor of abortions.  [o'bamacide] did this in spite of the terrible timing, during the Kermit Gosnell trial.  But like the Gosnell trial, [o'bamacide's] speech drew a blackout: no story on  ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, or NPR.  ..[o'bamacide] never used the word "abortion, which [of all people] he should never feel ashamed to use. .. Grisly details of snipped spinal cords, and dismembered feet in jars, and babies being flushed down toilets .."
About the author: Tim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow Tim Graham on Twitter.

by , for The Blaze, We.8May13
Live Action, a pro-life organization, has released the fourth installment in its "Inhuman" series. (http://www.www.liveaction.org/inhuman)
The latest undercover video shows pregnant investigators speaking with Dr. LeRoy Carhart, one of only four abortion doctors in America who is willing to terminate pregnancies past the 26-week mark. In addition to comparing what happens to a baby's body during a late term procedure to "putting meat in a Crock-Pot," the organization claims that Carhart misled an investigator about the dangers of abortion.
Lila Rose, founder of Live Action, decried this odd and grisly comparison and charged that the late-term abortion doctor made inappropriate jokes while speaking with the investigators — women he assumed were visiting him to seek an abortion.
"He jokes about his abortion toolkit, complete with 'pickaxe' and 'drill bit,'" Rose said.
Abortionist Makes Grisly Comparison About Terminating Babies Lives in Newest Undercover Video: Its Like Putting Meat in a Crock Pot
Doctors Susan Robinson, left, and LeRoy Carhart from the documentary "After Tiller" pose for a portrait during the 2013 Sundance Film Festival at the Fender Music Lodge, on Friday, January, 18, 2013 in Park City, Utah. Credit: Victoria Will/Invision/AP
Here's a portion of the dialogue that the doctor had with an investigator who was 26 weeks pregnant at the time (as transcribed by Live Action). The two were discussing how the baby is terminated and removed:
Dr. Carhart: It gets soft – like, mushy – so you push it through.
Woman: So what makes the baby "mushy"?
Dr. Carhart: The fact that it's not alive for 2 or 3 days.
Woman: Oh. So I'll have a dead baby in me?
Dr. Carhart: For 3 days, yeah… It's like putting meat in a crock pot, okay? … It gets softer. It doesn't get infected or–
Woman: OK, so the dead baby in me is like meat in a crock pot.
Dr. Carhart: Pretty much, yeah … in a slow cooker.
Rose also claims that Carhart lies in the video when he discusses the death of Jennifer Morbelli, a woman who died after a late-term abortion at his clinic (read more about Morbelli's death here). Pro-life advocates have pushed diligently against the doctor following the 29-year-old's tragic death, claiming that a botched abortion and not complications as a result of the pregnancy led to her demise.
"He outright lies when he claims that his patient, Jennifer Morbelli, died of complications in her pregnancy rather than from his abortion," Rose adds.
At another point in the clip, Carhart addresses depression following abortion procedures, something he allegedly believes not to exist. In fact, he tells one of the investigators, "I've not had anybody leave there feeling worse than they came."
Watch the shocking video, below:
This is the fourth investigative video in the "Inhuman" series. Last week, TheBlaze brought you the third video, which showed a counselor claiming that a Phoenix, Arizona-based clinic would not resuscitate a baby following a late-term abortion procedure.
Before that, a separate clip showed a Washington, D.C.-based abortion doctor saying that he, too, would not help a baby born alive — and in the first Live Action clip, similarly-troubling commentswere made at a Bronx, New York, doctor's office as well. These revelations come as the jury continues to deliberate in the Gosnell abortion case (full coverage of that can be found here).
In the past, TheBlaze has explored the journalistic standards and ethics surrounding undercover videos. The central question is: Is it ever permissible to lie to get the truth? While some would quickly answer affirmatively, it's a challenging dynamic — and one that deserves scrutiny.
Experts have a variety of opinions, but the general consensus is that, unless deceit is the only option to retrieving information of monumental importance to the public, lying to obtain it is not ethical journalistic practice. There are, of course, differing ideas on how this dynamic unfolds. In 2011, Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard told TheBlaze that these rules do not apply to those outside of media.
"It's dishonest for anyone in journalism to pretend to be someone they're not.  This rule doesn't apply to folks outside the profession," he said at the time.
But not everyone agrees with this assessment. Poynter has developed a list of standards for when it is — and is not — appropriate to use undercover tactics. And read more about TheBlaze's exploration of undercover journalistic standards here.  (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/03/09/ends-vs-means-the-ethics-of-undercover-journalism/)

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Calamari Anyone?

Listen to the original radio show here: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/play_full.php?play=484&act=1plate of bung calimari

"Dead Ringer."

by 484: Doppelgängers, Jan 11, 2013 - This American Life from WBEZ
    Ben Calhoun tells a story of physical resemblance — not of a person, but of food. 
     A while ago, a farmer walked through a pork processing plant in Oklahoma with a friend who managed it. 
     He came across boxes stacked on the floor with labels that said, "artificial calamari."
     So he asked his friend, "What's artificial calamari?"
     "Bung," his friend replied. "Hog rectum."
     Have you or I eaten bung dressed up as seafood?
     Ben investigated. (31 minutes)

NPR Claims Pig Rectum Is a Suitable Substitute for Calamari -- In a Pinch

     If you happened to listen to NPR this weekend you might have stumbled on an interesting food story on This American Life.
       The episode opens with a detailed examination of pork bung, which has been breaded and fried and served as calamari to unsuspecting diners.
     This can't be possible, right?  Turns out it can.  And while while the investigation determines that dining on pork bung at your favorite Italian restaurant is improbable (most hog bung is exported to Asia) the segment is more than entertaining.

     "A pork bung is long and floppy and ugly," describes Ira Glass.  "At one end it widens out in a bulbous shape like a pink, wrinkly pear -- that's the rectum.  At the other end it narrows out into a soft, pinkish tube."
     Sounds appetizing right?  But it turns out after you bread and fry bung slices -- after they emerge from the "redemptive oils of the great culinary equalizer that is the deep-frying" as Glass puts it -- they have an almost identical flavor and texture to calamari given the same treatment.
     And if you're ever chewing on a dense, rubbery ring of calamari at a restaurant and you think you detect the faint whisper of deep-fried porcine flavor, good luck with that.

Monday, May 06, 2013

o'humor - A Politically Correct Joke (Louisiana Bar IQ Robot)

From: bb Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Subject:  Best Bar Joke Yet:
Guy goes into a bar in Louisiana where there's a robot bartender!
The robot says, "What will you have?"
The guy says, "Whiskey."
The robot brings back his drink and says to the man, "What's your IQ?"
The guy says, "168."
The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.
The guy leaves,  . . .but he is curious  . . .So he  goes back into the bar.
The robot bartender says, "What will you have?"
The guy says, "Whiskey."
Again, the robot  brings the man his drink and says, "What's your IQ?"
The guy says, "100."
The robot then starts to talk about NASCAR, Budweiser, the Saints and LSU Tigers.
The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. 
He goes back into the bar.
The robot says, "What will you have?"
The guy says, "Whiskey," and the robot brings him his whiskey.
The robot then says, "What's your IQ?"
The guy says, "Uh, about 50."
The robot leans in real close and says, "SO,  . . . you people . . .still happy . . .with Obama?"

 "Tough times never last,
                     Tough people do........"

1984 Orwellian Alert - Floridians Rat Out “Anti-Government” Neighbors

speaker gif  (89kb) Voice of Alfonso Bedoya: "Treasure of Sierra Madre" (nobadges.wav)  Big Brother peeking through keyhole
"There was, of course, no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment." --- George Orwell, "1984" alt (b.1903-d.1950 CE/AD) & Read More Quotes

small speaker icon Retina Scan + Finger Prints & Colonic? A Speaker GIF Image.  Press START Button for Sound Clip (108Kb)

From: Zionica Christian News Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 Subject: Floridians Encouraged to Rat Out "Anti-Government" Neighbors
Big Brother from 1984 200x300
Orwellian Alert: Floridians Encouraged to Rat Out "Anti-Government" Neighbors
    A new $1 million dollar program led by Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw aimed at "violence prevention" is encouraging Floridians to report their neighbors for making hateful comments about the government, a chilling reminder of how dissent is being characterized as an extremist threat.
     "Bradshaw plans to use the extra $1 million to launch 'prevention intervention' units featuring specially trained deputies, mental health professionals and caseworkers.  The teams will respond to citizen phone calls to a 24-hour hotline with a knock on the door and a referral to services, if needed," reports the Palm Beach Post.
     Bradshaw makes it clear that the kind of behavior which could prompt a visit from the authorities includes anti-government political statements that may be deemed a prelude to violent action.
     "We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he's gonna shoot him," Bradshaw said.  "What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, 'Hey, is everything OK?'"
     "The program will also include 'public service announcements' (PSA) to encourage local citizens to report their neighbors," reports the newspaper.
read more: http://zionica.com/2013/05/06/orwellian-alert-floridians-encouraged-to-rat-out-anti-government-neighbors/
Isaiah 11:9 - ".. for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

Orwellian Alert: Floridians Encouraged to Rat Out "Anti-Government" Neighbors
Screen Shot 2013-05-03 at 9.25.06 AMA new $1 million dollar program led by Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw aimed at "violence prevention" is encouraging Floridians to report their neighbors for making hateful comments about the government, a chilling reminder of how dissent is being characterized as an extremist threat.
"Bradshaw plans to use the extra $1 million to launch "prevention intervention" units featuring specially trained deputies, mental health professionals and caseworkers.  The teams will respond to citizen phone calls to a 24-hour hotline with a knock on the door and a referral to services, if needed," reports the Palm Beach Post.
Bradshaw makes it clear that the kind of behavior which could prompt a visit from the authorities includes anti-government political statements that may be deemed a prelude to violent action.
"We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he's gonna shoot him," Bradshaw said.  "What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, 'Hey, is everything OK?'"The program will also include 'public service announcements' to encourage local citizens to report their neighbors," reports the newspaper.
The program has sparked concerns that the hotline could violate civil liberties or even be exploited to pursue personal vendettas, with Bradshaw acknowledging that, "anyone in a messy divorce or in a dispute with a neighbor could abuse the hotline," and that it will prompt "frivolous complaints."
read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/05/orwellian-alert-floridians-encouraged-to-rat-out-anti-government-neighbors/
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"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?  I answer, If it ever reach us it must spring up among us, it cannot come from abroad.  If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.  As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die of suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, Jan. 1837