Sunday, December 28, 2008

America's Holocaust - Universal Truths

Please, Consider and Remember:
Outside the arenas of law, medicine, religion and politics, throughout all of civilization, there are certain 'Universal Truths.' Virulent responses by abortion apologists generating controversy over sites such as the The Army of God or the ' Nuremberg Files' & hysterical ranting against religious pro-life positions typify Pro-Death's neo-socialist propaganda rhetoric, and "quisling-like" intolerance and rabid fear of truth [ see the ACLU/PP v. ACLA anti-free speech lawsuit: + a Pro-Life View of same: ] It is the norm for abortion-related violence to be ignored or down-played by main stream media. All-the-while, abortion-mill$, their doctor$, nurse$ & staff, medical supplier$, hospital$ serving them, and other provider$ of selective death silently avoid publicity. Reminiscent of the secrecy surrounding Death Camps during the Nazi era, they fear the stench of death that surrounds their barbarious acts will target and expose the true nature of their organized fleecing practice$ to public scrutiny.

See and hear 'abortion apologetics' like the FoxNews' commentator, John Gibson, twist the truth and try to further the 'abortion is to be kept hidden' agenda. Watch Gibson blatantly try to skewer, intimidate, and throw innuendos of wrong doing against Neal Horsley, the courageous creator of "The Nuremberg Files." All-the-while, Judge Napolitano, grovels apologetically groping for justification of Gibson's incessant accusing, and vomitting sighs and spewing moans.

See Why the Abortion Industry and the News Industry Hate The video might take a few seconds to load.

Click the triangle to start the Fox News video.


  1. The Book of Exodus clearly indicates that the fetus does not have the same legal status as a person (Chapter 21:22-23). That verse indicates that if a man pushes a pregnant woman and she then miscarries, he is required only to pay a fine. If the fetus were considered a full person, he would be punished more severely as though he had taken a life.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Though I may reference the values of Christianity and other religions' views on abortion, I am not against abortion based upon religion. It is my believe that there are "Universal Truths" and "Universal Rights and Wrongs" that are inherent in societal mores throughout the world ...from aboriginal tribes to sophisticates in more complex societies.

    I am convinced that if most apologists for the monied abortion industry, it propagandists, and lobbying bribers of government were to experience first hand 'baby killing' in its various forms would be sickened.

    Having heard stories of the Holocaust, having grown up in a generation of its survivors, having know 'nazi yungen' and discussed the propaganda they endured, studied about other genocides throughout history (including Christian ones), I've come to believe that, with rare exceptions, abortion is simply tortured murder of innocent lives.

    I call my web site "America's Holocaust." How a majority of American Negroes can support a man who openly advocates the mass-killing of his own people, for me is hard to comprehend.

    However, not-withstanding my more secular disgust of abortion, here are a few religious references from my Pro-Life/Anti-abortion web sie at

    According to the Christian Didache 2:2 (50-120 C.E.)
    "..thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill them when born.."

    Early Church Fathers and Abortion • pre-400 AD

    Abortion and the Early Christian Church

    According to the Holy Bible

    According to Qur'an and Sunnah
    (Muttaqun • The Noble Qur'an • Qur-ân, multilingual)

    What Isn't in School

    Apologetics and the State

    The Bible's Teaching Against Abortion by Fr. Frank A. Pavone

    Historical abortion Beliefs of the Christian Church

    (sources: &

    A more complete Biblical reference is:
    Exodus 21:23: if any man causes a pregnant woman to abort her child, and the child dies, that man will be repaid by God with his own consequences, life for life.

    Matthew 18, whoever offends one of these little ones, they’ll have a millstone hanged about his neck, and be drowned in the depth of the sea.

  3. It would seem that the you are misquoting the Bible. Your beliefs don't mean squat. You are not a woman and you cannot get pregnant.

    Offends the little one? That is not abortion. If you can't cherry pick and quote out of context better than that then you might as well tell the truth.

    You claim that this is a Christian nation founded on Christians values. You are wrong there but let's assume you are right. Clearly the Bible is pro abortion.

    Personally I would rather there be no abortions but I will not inflict my beliefs on women.

    God on abortion and baby killing:
    God will punish women by aborting their fetus through a miscarriage.

    Give them, O LORD–what will You give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

    Hosea 9:14

    God teaches the use of a bizarre ritual using cursed “bitter water” to abort a fetus who was conceived through infidelity.

    Numbers 5:11-21

    God orders Moses to kill every Midianite woman who was no longer a virgin. (many of these women would obviously have been pregnant)

    Numbers 31:15-18

    God promises to destroy the infants of Samaria and rip open the stomachs of pregnant women.

    The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.

    Hosea 13:16

    God allows the pregnant women of Tappuah to be ripped open.

    At that time Menahem, starting out from Tirzah, attacked Tiphsah and everyone in the city and its vicinity, because they refused to open their gates. He sacked Tiphsah and ripped open all the pregnant women.

    2 Kings 15:16

    God commands the killing of infants and nursing babies.

    Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.

    1 Samuel 15:3

    God repays your enemies by destroying their babies.

    Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

    Psalms 137:8-9

    Apparently all life is precious to the god of the Bible, unless it is a fetus conceived out of wedlock or conception happens within an “enemy” nation that does not worship him. The Bible teaches that abortion is acceptable if God performs it or he commands it to be done through contaminated water or by violent force. The Bible doesn’t really specify on the modern surgical method of abortion.


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