Tuesday, July 28, 2009

3 messages-in-one: Tell Congress: REJECT Socialized Health Care! (It's easy ..just pick up the phone!)

related:  Harrold's blog at http://harrolds.blogspot.com  (I've left the originators' adverts in place. They deserve support, at least by our contacting our representatives..quickly!  I have.) 
MESSAGE # 1 of 3:
From: bp Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Subject: House Health Care Bill exposed
Here in black and white is proof the bill is incredibly wrong.   [Read the list.]  We are being railroaded by gangster politics and politicians.
[1018 pages published so far...before they slip in last minute changes! ..in the middle of the night.]
Here is the entire text of the bill:  http://rightsoup.com/house-health-care-bill/
You might get angry and  want to take action against this when you check these pages. 
Here's my personal favorite: Pg 53- Severability "If any provision of the Act, or any application of such provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of the provisions of this Act and the application of the provision to any other person or circumstance shall not be affected."

That means this bill is more powerful than the constitution!   Are you still listening?

Pg 22 of the Health Care Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self-insure!!
Pg 30 Sec 123- THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get.
Pg 42 - The "Health Choices Commissioner" will choose your HC Benefits for you. You have no choice!
Pg 50 Section 152- HC will be provided to ALL non-US citizens, illegal or otherwise.
Pg 58 - Govt will have real-time access to individual's finances & a National ID Healthcard will be issued!
Pg 59 lines 21-24- Govt will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer
PG 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community organizations (ACORN).
Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Govt is creating an HC Exchange to bring private HC plans under Govt control.
Pg 84 Sec 203 - Govt mandates ALL benefit packages for private HC plans in the Exchange
Pg 85 Line 7 - Specs for Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt will ration your Healthcare!
Pg 95 Lines 8-18 The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals. for Govt HC plan.
Pg 85 Line 7 - Specs of Benefit Levels For Plans. #AARP members- Your Health care WILL be rationed
pg 124 lines 24-25 No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monopoly.
pg 127 Lines 1-16- RE: Doctors- The Govt will tell YOU what you can make.
Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST auto-enroll employees into public option plan. NO CHOICE
Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay for HC for part time employees AND their families.
Pg 150 Lines 9-13- Biz w payroll between 251k & 400k who doesn't provide pub. opt pays 2-6% tax on all payroll
Pg 170 Lines 1-3 Any NONRESIDENT Alien is EXEMPT from individual taxes. (Americans will pay)
Pg 195 -Officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans financial/personal records
Pg 203 Line 14-15- "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax." Yes, it actualy says that.
Pg 239 Line 14-24-Govt will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor will be affected. Expendable.
Pg 241 Line 6-8- Doctors, doesn't matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same.
Pg 253 Line 10-18 Govt sets value of Dr's time, professional judgment, etc. Literally sets the value of humans.
Pg 317 L 13-20- PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Govt tells Drs. what/how much they can own.
Pg 425 Lines 4-12 Govt mandates "Advanced Care Planning Consultations." The Federal Government will require EVERYONE who is on Social Security to undergo a counseling session every 5 years with the objective being that they will explain to them just how to end their own life earlier.
Pg 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3: Govt provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in death.
Pg 427 Lines 15-24: Govt mandates program for orders for end of life. The Govt has a say in how your life ends.
Pg 429 Lines 10-12: "advanced care consultation" may include an ORDER for end of life plans. AN ORDER from the Government.
Pg 429 Lines 13-25 - The govt will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.
Pg 430 Lines 11-15- The Govt will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.
Pg 472 Lines 14-17: PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORG. monthly payment to a community-based org. Like ACORN?
Pg 489 Sec 1308: The Govt will cover Marriage & Family therapy. Which means they will insert Govt into your marriage.
Pg 494-498: Govt will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, rationing those services."
-- added by rfh
U.S. SENATORS' toll free numbers: 877-851-6437 & 866-220-0044 or (toll) 202-225-3121
U.S. HOUSE of Representatives: 202-224-3121
PRESIDENT of the United States: 202-456-1111 & 202-456-1414

Message # 2 of 3:
Original Message From: GOPUSA  Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Subject: Tell Congress: REJECT Socialized Health Care!
To All Concerned Americans: The radically liberal administration of Barack Hussein Obama -- with the help of his partners-in-crime Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid -- is trying to FORCE Americans to accept socialized health care like Canada and Europe...

But we have a chance TODAY to stop them!

Dr. McKalip, the President of the Florida Neurosurgical Society, has summed up the liberal Democrats' plan very clearly:
The Majority in Congress and the President are promising to change the "status quo" by pushing a government-run-medicine plan (HR 3200).  The plan would create rationing through government committees, FORCE all Americans to buy over-priced, politically created health insurance, create an economically unsustainable government-run insurance plan, and impose economy-crushing taxes.  In fact, the President would break yet another promise by imposing a 2.5% income tax on each person who refused to buy government improved insurance. Further, after 2013 people would be FORCED to stay in their current plan for LIFE or buy only a government-approved plan since no further enrollment will be allowed in non-approved insurance. Insurance companies would profit endlessly from the free business of the mandate.  As medical care demands increased and artificially high profit margins became unacceptably low (for them) they would join the bailout game.  In other words, there would be absolutely no change to the status quo -- just an expansion of more people into the currently bad system with the added feature of state-sanctioned rationing of medical care.
More than 88 million Americans could LOSE their private, employer-based coverage, according to a new analysis of "The American Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" released this week by The Heritage Foundation.

While Obama, Pelosi and Reid insist that "if you like your health insurance coverage, you'll get to keep it," it's now very clear: once again, THEY'RE LYING.

If the public plan is implemented as detailed in this bill, people with private insurance will be moved on a public plan, regardless of what they want, because their employers will make that decision because of the financial incentives in the bill.

That's not all: Yearly premiums for Americans with private coverage could jump as much as $460 per person as a result of more cost-shifting, which would stem from the public plan.  Even doctors stand to lose thousands of dollars of income under the legislation.  Annual physician net income is estimated to drop by 6.3 percent or $13.4 billion (coming in at an average $18,900 per physician) when compared with current trends.

Throughout the last presidential campaign, Barack Obama repeatedly promised the American people: "If you're a family that's making $250,000 a year or less you will see no increase in your taxes.  Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your personal gains tax, not any of your taxes."

He lied. Just 15 days into office, President Obama signed a bill expanding the children's health insurance program that was paid for with a 156% tax hike on tobacco.  Since slightly more than half of today's smokers (53%) earn less than $36,000 per year, Obama's first effort at expanding government's role in health care also became his first broken promise.

But that first Medicaid expansion was NOTHING compared to the estimated $1.3 trillion health care plan Congress is considering now.  And how is Obama planning to pay for it? Tax hikes -- including employer health care mandates, which are really just a TAX on low-income workers, since employers will have to lower pay and cut jobs because of the tax penalties on them.

Is THIS "change we can believe in"??? NO -- and that means WE have to take action NOW!

Barack Obama is insisting that "we have to do something NOW" about our "health care crisis" in America, to "stem the rising costs of health care."  But isn't that what he said about his so-called "stimulus" package -- the one that is now costing in the TRILLIONS of dollars, and isn't helping anything -- in fact, is making our economy WORSE?

FoxNews reported that the Congressional Budget Office has projected that the House legislation will cost $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion over 10 years, depending on the plan adopted.  The price tag sent shock waves through Washington and beyond -- as it SHOULD.

But the CBO can only project out 10 years by law.  Other projections based on CBO's numbers and extending into the future show the bill could EXPLODE the deficit once the benefits are fully implemented.  One estimate by the Republican staff of the House Ways and Means Committee estimated the deficit would increase by $759 billion over the first 10 years the benefits are fully in effect, which is in 2015.  Another projection of long-range costs done by congressional staff shows deficits in the 2020s of $50 billion to $250 billion per year.

On top of that, while Obama and his supporters claim the legislation will be "deficit neutral," one senior administration official acknowledged Tuesday that the pledge does not apply to an estimated $245 billion to increase fees for doctors serving Medicare patients over the next decade.

We can't AFFORD Obama's plan to socialize health care in America!

Obama and the liberal Democrats in Congress are trying to insist that their plans for the government to take over health care in America isn't "socialized medicine" -- but the fact is, socialized medicine exists to the extent that government controls medical resources and socializes the costs. And that's exactly what "Obamacare" will do!

Everyone, even leftists, admit that Obama's plan for "public option" health insurance is simply a giant step towards "single payer" health insurance -- which is short-hand for a health care system, like Canada's, where the government pays all the bills.  As far back as 2003, Obama stated very plainly, "I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer, universal health care plan."

Universal coverage is impossible without coercion; that's why the leading Democratic proposals would FORCE Americans to obtain health insurance, either on their own or through an employer.  And what if you don't WANT to get the level of coverage that government officials mandate?  You pay a fine.  And what if you DON'T pay the fine?  You go to jail.

There's absolutely ZERO evidence that anything beyond a basic health plan actually improves health outcomes, yet the individual and employer mandates that Obama and his cronies are trying to pass gradually make coverage less affordable by outlawing the leaner, less expensive plans.  And you can be sure of this: if Congress enacts these mandates, we can say goodbye to health savings accounts as we know them.

And on top of all of this... the fact remains that we can't AFFORD this plan!  In the face of an estimated $1.85 trillion federal budget deficit for FY2009 and projected trillion dollar annual deficits for the foreseeable future, how can anyone in Congress vote for this health care plan, which will cost at least $1 trillion over the next ten years?  Plus, Congress is facing at least $53 trillion of unfunded liabilities due to its passage of the previous entitlement programs, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the recent addition of prescription drug coverage for Medicare.  How can anyone in Congress vote for a new entitlement program for health care when Congress has not even begun to face up to this unfunded liabilities problem?

Well, they're trying to -- but WE can stop them, with YOUR help!

We CANNOT let the radical liberals in Congress -- and the White House -- force this plan for socialized health care on the American people! That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send a strong message to every single member of Congress, in both Houses, OPPOSING this outrageous plan.

For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Democrats, Republicans, Independents -- EVERYONE in the U.S. House AND the U.S. Senate, DEMANDING that they REJECT this socialized health care plan NOW!

Can it work? Can we stop Congress from forcing this down our throats, even though the GOP is in the minority?

YES -- thanks to "blue dog Democrats," who are more conservative than their "leaders" like Pelosi and Reid.  Already, they've been holding up the bill in committee; now, they're saying that Pelosi might not have the votes she needs in the House!  And on the Senate side, thanks to the overwhelming opposition of the American people to this bill, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, was overheard jokingly telling House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, "let me tell you, praying might be helpful here."

We CAN do this! In 1993, First Lady Hillary Clinton tried to force a less radical form of socialized health care down our throats, thinking that they could do it since the Democrats controlled Congress AND the White House.

What was the result? 1994, and the Republican Revolution. The liberal Democrats are "shooting themselves in the foot" again by trying to pass even more radical socialized health care this time -- but we CAN stop them!

Please, take action right away to STOP this bill dead in its tracks!

For more information, visit www.AmeriPAC.org

Defend America,

Alan Gottlieb, AmeriPAC, President and Founder: www.AmeriPAC.org

America needs health care reform.  But new government programs, mandates, and price controls would deny patients control over their most important and personal medical decisions -- and it's "reform" that we cannot afford.

THIS ATTEMPT BY LIBERALS IS OUTRAGEOUS -- and it MUST be stopped!  Send your faxes right away to make sure these Senators get a STRONG message, to REJECT the socialized plan of "Obamacare" NOW -- Thank you!
-- added by rfh
U.S. SENATORS' toll free numbers: 877-851-6437 & 866-220-0044 or (toll) 202-225-3121
U.S. HOUSE of Representatives: 202-224-3121
PRESIDENT of the United States: 202-456-1111 & 202-456-1414
Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC:
American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC)
PO Box 1682, Dept Code 2783, Bellevue, WA 98009-1682
Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Message # 3 of 3:

(Thank you for your support of Priests for Life. If you already responded to the following appeal online, I appreciate your support. This email is intended for those who did not respond when we sent it last week.)

This is without question among the most urgent messages I've ever sent you.

Unless you want to pay for abortionists to kill the youngest members of our human family, you must take these two actions immediately:

1. Contact your lawmakers in Washington!
-- added by rfh
U.S. SENATORS' toll free numbers: 877-851-6437 & 866-220-0044 or (toll) 202-225-3121
U.S. HOUSE of Representatives: 202-224-3121
PRESIDENT of the United States: 202-456-1111 & 202-456-1414

2. Click here and rush Priests for Life the largest gift you can send today so that we can lead the people of life to DEFEAT the gravest threat to our unborn brothers and sisters since Roe v Wade!

In case you don't know, under the guise of "health care reform" Congress is about to pass a stealth version of the Freedom of Choice Act! And to make matters worse, they will force YOU to pay for the killings that will follow!

Make no mistake. The "health care reform" bills being finalized in Congress will set off a chain reaction that will result in a massive expansion of abortion!

That's because unless Congress explicitly states that abortion is excluded, it will be regarded as "an essential benefit" for Americans. Once that's done, insurance companies would be forced to cover elective abortions which would in turn force local health networks to recruit and hire abortionists.

And to make matters even worse, because these would be federal mandates ...

... state laws that now restrict abortion will probably be overturned!  As I said, this is FOCA in disguise!

Which is why it is so critically important that you:

1. Contact your lawmakers in Washington … RIGHT NOW!
2.  Click here and rush Priests for Life the largest gift you can send today.

Your action is needed because Barack Obama and the Abortion Congress want to ram this through Congress BEFORE the people of life can rise up to stop it.

And they will succeed unless YOU take action.  Don't leave this up to "someone else."

Call your two U.S. Senators and your House Representative and urge them to explicitly exclude abortion funding from health care reform legislation.

I know we can win this fight. We proved that earlier this year when we helped mobilize the people of life to oppose the Freedom of Choice Act.

We won that battle ... and we can win this one, too.

But only if we ACT NOW and make our voices heard in Washington. Time is of the essence!

Obama is putting enormous pressure on Congress to pass his "health care reform" as quickly as possible. He originally wanted it passed before lawmakers left on their August recess. Only fast action by Priests for Life and other pro-life activists kept that from happening.

Stung by that setback, the pro-abortion leaders of Congress are now out there selling the "health care reform" package to voters. But one thing they aren't telling anybody is how this measure will all but mandate abortion-on-demand ... and force you and every other taxpayer to pay for it!

So we've got to sound the alarm far and wide and convince our fellow Americans to DEMAND that Congress keep any "health care reform" bill abortion-neutral!

Priests for Life is sparing no expense to do just that. We are using every means of communication at our disposal to rally pro-life America to action: TV, radio, Internet, parish visits, resources for clergy, newspaper articles, tele-conferences, letter writing campaigns, postcards ... you name it.

To be successful it is critically important that you TAKE THESE THREE ACTION NOW:

1. Contact your two U.S. Senators and Representative. You can either click here to send them an email, or call them, or both.
 You'll need to make three calls: 
-- One to your Representative in the House (switchboard 202-225-3121) and
-- one to each of your two U.S. Senators (switchboard 202-224-3121).
Ask the operator to connect you to the appropriate lawmaker's office.

2. Click here to join our prayer campaign. Let's join prayer power to our lobbying voices, and let us know on this page that you have contacted your lawmakers and that you will say the daily prayer we've prepared. In this way, when I visit our lawmakers in Washington, I will know how many of our Priests for Life family members have already contacted Congress.

3. Click here to rush Priests for Life the largest contribution you can send Priests for Life at this critical time.

Your dollars are desperately needed so that Priests for Life can alert our fellow Americans to the fact that "health care reform" is really "stealth FOCA" ... and then rally them to join us as we fight to DEFEAT every attempt to include abortion in any "health care reform" package.

Again, though, the key is for you TAKE ACTION NOW ... before you move on to your next email. Believe me, there is nothing that is more important for you to do right now than this.

And if I may ask you one more favor. Each year I survey our supporters to learn how we can serve their needs more effectively. After giving your donation, would you take a moment and fill out the short survey I've placed at www.priestsforlife.org/survey. It is very important to me to know what you're thinking about our ministry!

Thank you and God bless.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries

PS. In case you think I'm exaggerating the situation, pro-life Congressman Chris Smith calls Obama's so-called "health care" plan the "greatest threat to the unborn since Roe v. Wade."  He is so concerned, in fact, that he sent a letter to his fellow Congressmen in which he cited quotes from pro-abortion groups that state their goal of using health care reform as a tool to expand access to abortion.  He also quoted Barack Obama from a Q&A session at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Event in July 2007:  "In my mind reproductive care is essential care, basic care so it is at the center, the heart of the [health care] plan that I propose." Now that you know the truth ... TAKE ACTION!

Click here and help Priests for Life STOP this grave threat to the youngest members of our human family!

NOTE: If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Priests for Life and send it to us at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314. If you have any questions, call us toll-free at 888-735-3448. x 232.


-- added by rfh

U.S. SENATORS' toll free numbers: 877-851-6437 & 866-220-0044 or (toll) 202-225-3121
U.S. HOUSE of Representatives: 202-224-3121
PRESIDENT of the United States: 202-456-1111 & 202-456-1414

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