Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dems May Sneak ObamaCare Through Congress This Week

From: GOPUSA Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 Subject: Dems May Sneak ObamaCare Through Congress This Week
  Nancy Pelosi's House Democrats, along with a handful of Republicans-in-Name-Only, are holding secret closed-door meetings in a last ditch effort to ram ObamaCare down the throats of the American people before they leave town.

     You read that right... before they leave town for their summer vacation.

     And what about the news reports that say ObamaCare is stalled... that there will be no legislation coming out of Congress in the foreseeable future? You really didn't believe that the politicians in Washington had given up... did you?

     According to a late-breaking news report released by the Associated Press on Tuesday:

"A bipartisan group of senators is closing in on a health care compromise... as lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol labor to deliver sweeping health legislation to President Barack Obama."

     And, according to an article published on The Washington Examiner's website on Tuesday:

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still claims that she has the votes to approve the new legislation and that a floor vote could come by Friday...."

     In addition, The New York Times claims House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is looking at keeping the House in session to pass whatever health care bill comes down the pike:

"The House Democratic leader... said it was conceivable the House might stay in session a few days longer and vote on Aug. 3 or 4."

     Anthony G. Martin, in an article published by The Washington Examiner, gives perhaps the best description on what is going on right now:

"It doesn't take an enormous amount of digging to see what's going on here. The self-styled 'rulers' who now run Washington seem intent on ramming through legislation that no one has read and that even Barack Obama had great difficulty explaining... The ultra-liberal Democratic leadership, along with the 'blue dog Dems' and the RINOS (Republicans in Name Only') would like nothing better than to foist upon an unsuspecting public a multi-trillion-dollar healthcare fiasco, complete with rationing, just so they can fulfill some sort of ideological obligation in their demented, brainwashed minds that 'government must take care of ALL of the needs of the people."

     It's as if we're fighting the Amnesty battle all over again. The American people, in resounding numbers, are saying "no" to ObamaCare and politicians in Washington are, for some inane reason, trying to sneak it past us anyway.

     And that's not acceptable.

     Let's tell these politicians in Washington that when it comes to ObamaCare, the American people don't want any so-called "compromises" made behind closed doors in the dark of night.

     Let's make sure they get the message this time around... "no" means "no."

Tell them that when the American people say "no" to ObamaCare, the American people mean "no." Tell them it does not mean, "let's try sneak it through when the American people aren't looking."

Tell them that ObamaCare is deceitful and treacherous, a recipe for rationing and reduced quality of care. Tell them that the American people want choice when it comes to health care, not government bureaucrats making decisions for people and their families. 

Damn The Transparency... Full-Speed Ahead.

     Make no mistake, the powers-that-be in Washington did not want you to know what is in this horrendous Obamanation that they are calling "health care reform."

     In fact, some Democrats - led by Speaker Pelosi -- are trying to suppress the truth about ObamaCare ... prevent We the People from knowing the facts about this legislation.

     According to Roll Call:

"Democrats are preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that is critical of the majority's health care reform plan, blocking the mailing by alleging that it is inaccurate."

"House Republicans are crying foul and claiming that the Democrats are using their majority to prevent GOP Members from communicating with their constituents.

"'Hiding the truth about wildly unpopular policies is a Democrat specialty,' said one GOP aide. 'I'd like to see the flow chart on how Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi plans on implementing the open and transparent government she keeps promising everyone.'"

     Last month, five governors made the "mistake" of using the word "rationing" in discussing proposed health care legislation making its way through Congress.

     Response from the Administration was quick. Don't use that term. We don't want the American people to think about having to cut back on procedures now available to them.

     But despite these efforts, the truth is getting out. People are coming to know that ObamaCare is rationed care... long waiting lines for government-approved treatments dictated by bureaucrats in Washington.

     If you think your family's health care decisions should be made between you and your doctor rather than a morass of bureaucrats, we must kill ObamaCare once and for all.

     If we let them sneak it past us, there will be no going back.

And What Is The Truth About ObamaCare? 
     Even the title of the legislation is deceptive: "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" (H.R. 3200).

     But, truth be told, it has nothing to do with making health care affordable.

     According to Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ), a leader in the fight against Obama's government-run health care experiment:

"Passage of the Democrats' Affordable Health Choice Act of 2009 will guarantee one thing - choice in health care will cease to exist. Don't be fooled. If enacted, this legislation will restrict the health care options you have today. If there are any changes whatsoever made to your plan, the government will say no."

     In other words, the bill effectively makes private health insurance illegal.

     On page 16 of the House bill, a provision entitled "Protecting The Choice to Keep Current Coverage" reads:

"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law."

     Investor's Business Daily clarified for all of us just what that provision truly means:

"So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised -- with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers."

     Here's Congressman Shadegg again, summing up the provision:

"If you have coverage now and your insurer wants to change your plan in any way, for example, to give you a premium discount for not smoking or quitting smoking, too bad. If an insurer makes such a change, the policy can no longer be sold. If this bill becomes law, choices will go away. So much for the President's claim, that if you like it, you can keep it."

     Sure, if you already have private insurance, you can keep it... as long as the company that employs you doesn't fold... or cancels the health insurance it offers in favor of the government plan... or as long as your private plan doesn't change... or as long as you don't change jobs.

     That's just about everybody.

     But wait a minute... we're not done yet.

     Leaving no stone unturned, the House legislation has a special surprise for the literal handful of people that may miraculously escape the above provisions.

     A few paragraphs later, the House bill states:

"The Commissioner shall establish a grace period whereby, for plan years beginning after the end of the 5-year period beginning with Y1, an employment-based health plan in operation as of the day before the first day of Y1 must meet the same requirements as apply to a qualified health benefits plan under section 101, including the essential benefit package requirement under section 121."

     In plain English... if you somehow manage to keep your private plan - if any private plans even exist in five years - the government is going to start calling the shots... your private plan will essentially be "private" in name only.

     President Obama looked the American people in the eye and claimed: "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

     But the sad truth is that everyone will eventually be forced on to a government-run plan in which taxpayers will be paying more for less care.

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What Else Would The Future Hold Under ObamaCare?

     If you want to get an idea of how ObamaCare will affect you and your family, look no further than Canada.

     Oh, the Canadian system is great - as long as you don't get sick. The sicker you get, the worse treatment you receive.

     And if your illness is life-threatening and requires immediate attention, you might as well start pricing cemetery lots.

     Did you hear the Canadian woman on Mike Huckabee's show talking about her excruciatingly painful back condition? She needed surgery, and she couldn't even get an appointment with a surgeon. Estimated waiting period - 3 years.

     One doctor told her that she was too young to qualify for the operation - that she hadn't suffered enough.

     When it got to the point where she was using a walker and wearing diapers, she scraped up enough money to travel to wicked, capitalistic America and got her back fixed skillfully and quickly.

     And you've probably seen the television ad featuring the Canadian woman who had a malignant brain tumor and was told she couldn't be treated for six months. In six months she would have been dead. She came to the United States and survived.

     By the way, after four decades, is the Canadian system chugging along like The Little Engine That Could?

     Claude Castonguay - the former health minister and chief champion of public health insurance in Canada - recently chaired a committee that reviewed the system in Quebec.

     Guess what. He reported that the system is in "crisis" - the same word Obama has used to characterize our health care system.

     Here's what Castonguay's committee concluded. (And we're not making this up):

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of money into it.... We are proposing to give a greater role to the private sector so that people can exercise choice."

     In other words, they've been down that same dark road Obama wants us to travel, and now they're on their way back.

Coverage For Illegal Aliens Too? 

     Did you know that Congressman Dean Heller proposed an amendment that would have prevented 12-20 million illegal aliens from receiving benefits under ObamaCare?

     But liberals shot down the amendment.

     Here's how Columnist Michelle Malkin described the situation in a recent column:

"Big Nanny Democrats want to ration health care for everyone in America - except those who break our immigration laws. Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee defeated an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from using the so-called 'public health insurance option.' Every Democrat on the panel voted against the measure."

     That's right. Our so-called elected leaders in Congress, who claim to want to "bend the cost curve" on rising health care costs, want to give taxpayer-funded health care to 12-20 million illegal aliens.

     Apparently Senator Max Baucus, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, was either naive or lying when he said: "We're not going to cover undocumented aliens, undocumented workers. That's too politically explosive."

     You better believe it's explosive.

     A recent Rasmussen poll found that a whopping 80 percent of Americans oppose covering illegal aliens.

     And here's the kicker: When Obama and his radicals talk about the 46 million uninsured, the Census Bureau tells us that 15 percent to 22 percent of those 46 million are illegal aliens.

     ObamaCare must be defeated... and it must be defeated now.
Yours In Freedom, Jeff Mazzella, President, Center for Individual Freedom
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703-535-5836 & Fax:703-535-5838

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