Monday, July 20, 2009

Hidden Agenda? Health care reform will subsidize abortion.

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Hidden Agenda? [tax paid & forced abortions]

Published: Mon, 20 Jul 2009

Description: Critics claims health care reform will subsidize abortion

Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)

" Okay. -- other news could the health care reform bills on Capitol Hill wind up making you. Pay for abortions. The administration now says it is open to that idea. But is that really what you want your tax dollars going for. Congressman Joe Pitts says you know he's a Republican from Pennsylvania who is trying to stop that so far with no luck good morning congressman. Good morning you know we've -- this headline at now he can't be. And -- not Peter Orszag. On FOX News Sunday from the administration saying. Can't rule that would put this out like twice already this show saying can't rule out that's still up for debate and it may happen as part of the health care reform. They're gonna start making tax payers pay for abortion --"

" That's right -- and there's hidden abortion mandate in this bill the word abortions not mentioned in the bill but the mechanism based set up. With the help benefits advisory commission. After the bill is passed that commission will define. The minimum benefits that any planned private or public must contain. And they will define abortion and reproductive health care as basic health the president has stated. That this is -- is is intent and from Hillary Clinton on down people have have indicated that is exactly what the commission will do so what."

" Not just talking about people who would come under the new -- public option that the house is proposing we're talking about every plant in America private insurance. Government insurance you name it. Then that they are now potentially gonna be paying for abortions meeting -- for abortions."

" That's correct if you as a private. Person but purchasing private insurance coverage. Elect not to have abortion coverage you will be penalized an additional two and a half percent. Tax on the on this premium if you're an employer. Providing insurance for your employees. And you don't provide that coverage for employees you'll be tax up 8%. Additional tax penalties so they are going to try to. Force this on all. Coverage both private and public and with the public option the facts are clear history is very clear if you don't mention. An explicit prohibition of abortion. Like Medicaid. When it was passed didn't even contain the word abortion -- the administrators and the courts will rule. That you must provide abortion coverage and from 73 to 76 they were. Doing over 300000. Abortions a year. With taxpayer funds."

" Now -- know the response to this by the Democrats who who have come out responses have book. Abortion where do you like it or not is legal in this country. It is a legitimate medical procedure that it that the Supreme Court has upheld. Under certain limited circumstances. And their -- as long as it's legal. The health insurance plans should be covering it. Your response that's --"

" Well first of all their millions and millions of Americans who have a moral objection to being compelled to use their tax. Funds to fund of."

" Worship -- have a there's a million Americans who object to being about these -- tax funds for. Contraception. And and other issues -- and yet they have to do it."

" And and so every year we passed what is called Hyde amendment. And the Hyde amendment prohibits the use of public funds. From being used for paying for Medicaid abortions 69% of Americans when polled object to using their tax funds. Or for promoting abortions now you're going to be penalized if you're a person with a moral objection. To providing. In abortion coverage on your private insurance or paying for them publicly you're gonna be penalized for. And in addition if you're in the provider business that insurance providers are Catholic hospitals or doctors or nurses are on moral objection there's no conscience clause to. Keep you from being compelled to participate in this we passed -- got."

" And I understand -- even more explicit in the Senate where an amendment proposed by Barbara Mikulski has has said. He she's she wants to cover women's health clinics and planned parenthood clinics to provide for adding the service deemed medically necessary or appropriate which she admits would include abortion they tried that. Shoot that down at orange hatch and it's it's failed so I mean I got up quickly -- let me ask is this a done deal you think this is gonna go forward where the American taxpayer going to be funding this and."

" No I'm offering amendments and mark up this week and -- bipartisan support. For my amendment to oppose this I don't think it's a done deal remember 87% of the counties in the United States don't have an abortion clinic in them. And under their mandate for access. They could compel communities that don't have this service to provide it in the Americans. Do not want this to be part health -- abortions on health care health -- saving and nurturing --"

" While congressman Joe -- thank you so much for the update we appreciate it come on back we have news. All right new news."

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