Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lou Dobbs of CNN under attack re Obama's birth certificate by & o'bamastapo (silence free speech & the 1st Amendment)

From: Justin Ruben, Civic Action  Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:46 AM Subject: Obama's birth certificate

Why is CNN promoting right-wing paranoid conspiracy theories about President Obama's birth certificate?

The fringe ideas of the so-called "birthers" have been thoroughly debunked.1 But CNN host Lou Dobbs perpetuates these myths by constantly talking about them on his shows and asserting that Obama still needs to "produce a birth certificate."

This is not responsible journalism. Our friends at Media Matters have launched a campaign calling on CNN to address its Lou Dobbs problem—but a lot of us are going to have to speak out in order to get CNN's attention. Clicking here will add your name to their petition:

The petition reads: 

Dobbs' relentless promotion of outlandish conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama's birth certificate seriously damages CNN's credibility. It is time for "The Most Trusted Name in News" to prove it deserves viewers' trust. We the undersigned demand CNN address its Lou Dobbs problem in a credible manner. 

Numerous reporters, including CNN's own hosts, have debunked the idea that Obama wasn't really born in the U.S.2

Nevertheless, Dobbs has repeatedly claimed on both his television and radio shows that the birth certificate the president posted online more than a year ago has "some issues"3—and lashed out at "lily-livered lefties" who criticized him.

CNN's reputation is on the line. Their president, Jon Klein, has admitted that anyone who "is not convinced doesn't really have a legitimate beef"—but he has refused to correct the situation.4

CNN needs to hear that allowing Dobbs' to promote "birther" conspiracy theories is simply irresponsible. Please sign the petition by clicking here:

Thank you for your help in holding CNN accountable.

–Justin, Eli, Lenore, Michael and the rest of the team


1, 2. "As Dobbs digs in, CNN rebuts, ridicules, distances itself from birth certificate claims." Media Matters for America, July 22, 2009.

"Born in the USA." November 1, 2009.

3. "Dobbs repeatedly makes Obama birth certificate claims his CNN colleagues call 'total bull'." Media Matters for America, July 17, 2009.

4. "Dobbs 2, CNN 0: CNN president Klein reportedly calls Dobbs' birther coverage 'legitimate'." Media Matters for America, July 25, 2009.

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This is a message from Civic Action.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry but this push for the release of President Obama's "vault" certificate has been going on for over a year. My question is this--is President Obama Ronald Regan or Bernie Madoff? Many lives were devastated by Madoff because authorities wouldn't listen to whistleblowers. Hawaii's Health Director just said they had President Obama's "vault" birth certificate, so it would be simple for him to release it. The fact that he isn't just compounds the suspicion that he is hiding something. In today's world, we can't take anything or anyone at face value.


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