Friday, July 24, 2009

o'bamacide: A call to arms and making telephone calls, too

source: ProLifeBlogs and
Pro-Life News

By John Jakubczyk, We. July 22, 2009

So here is the latest on "Obamacare" and the drive by the White House and the Democratic leadership in Congress to force taxpayer funded abortions down the country's throat.

First the efforts by the Pro-life community nationwide to get out the message appear to be working. The telephones lines in congressional offices are being clogged with angry voters who are very upset that abortion has found its way into this bill. This concern only adds to the public's increasing fears that the massive spending will completely overwhelm the system. so my first admonition is to continue to call and ask others to make their concerns known as well.

Second, the fears of certain congressional representatives that this massive spending and takeover by the government of a key component of our economic and social lives has forced the leadership to consider the likelihood that there will not be nay vote taking place before the August recess. This opportunity to have the elected representatives back home to hear the anger of the voters over the irresponsible behavior of the Congress means that we have to make our voices very clear in this regard. For us in Arizona, that means putting pressure on Harry Mitchell in District 5, Ed Pastor in CD4, Giffords in CD8 and Grijalva in CD7. And it would be well advised to contact the other four to show support for their efforts to oppose this massive government takeover.

Over 1000 pages. Who has had time to look at it? Yet they are trying to force it through before the public knows what is happening. Is it a mere coincidence that much of the country is taking time out fore vacations and other family related events?

Is it so very interesting that all of the rhetoric by Obama on how his administration would be transparent and fully informing the public is so much garbage?

Is the fact that he just lied to the pope about wanting top reduce abortions while contemporaneously supporting public funding of abortions for the District of Columbia speak at all to the the hundreds of thousands who were duped into listening to little old priests who were enamored with the history of electing the first black president?

Does it now make perfect sense why Planned Parenthood has been building these massive abortion mills in various states?

No one listened - or should I say not enough voters listened. and now between health care that would require abortion coverage and DC abortion funding, and efforts to eliminate the Hyde Amendment (and do not forget FOCA), we are at a major crossroads. All of us must get involved and do something. Call your representative. Call your neighbor. Explain what is happening. and if they do not like listening, do not stop. Continue to tell the truth about this assault on our liberties and freedoms.

Realize that your action is needed. Your involvement is needed. If you care about the future of this nation, now is the time for all good people to come to he aid of their country.

Cross-posted: Jacubczyk on Life at

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