Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tell Congress to Take a Dose of Their Own Medicine

From: piloto Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 Subject: Good Enough for Congress

On Fri, 7/24/09, Center for Health Transformation wrote:

Together we can tell Congress that any government-run healthcare plan good enough for the American people must be good enough for our civic leaders.

Please, Sign our petition at

Keep the momentum going and forward this information to family, friends and colleagues.

Petition: Good Enough for Congress

If They Vote for Government-Run Healthcare, They Enroll in Government-Run Healthcare

As health legislation continues to be debated, one has to ask whether members of Congress writing such legislation would actually enroll themselves in a new government-run healthcare option. Current draft healthcare legislation exempts members of Congress from the public plan option, allowing them to keep their existing plans.

Sign our petition

A government-sponsored public plan option continues to be the most contentious issue in the current health reform debate. Proponents of the option believe it provides an alternative. It lets Americans choose between a government-run option and private insurers, while at the same time applying competitive pressure to the rest of the insurance industry. Opponents say the introduction of a public plan would lead to the federal takeover of the country’s healthcare system, thereby restricting patient choice, reducing quality and increasing the power of the federal government.

As health legislation continues to be debated, one has to ask whether members of Congress writing such legislation would actually enroll themselves in a new government-run healthcare option. Current draft healthcare legislation exempts members of Congress from the public plan option, allowing them to keep their existing plans.

Congressman John Fleming (LA-04) is asking this very question noting that public servants should be accountable and responsible for what they are advocating. He has created a resolution calling on members of Congress who support a public option to enroll themselves and encourage their colleagues to do the same. We support his resolution and broaden it to include congressional staff as well.

Watch Congressman Fleming discuss government-run healthcare >>
Latest poll shows America opposes government-run healthcare >>


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