Sunday, August 30, 2009

o'bamacide health care bills and America's Holocaust

Equating abortion with genocide is well founded.

Many are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Sanger’s “Negro Project,” "the eugenic plan to limit — or exterminate — the black race and others “unfit to reproduce." [ apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation [in camps] to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." [ force if necessary.] "..during 1933 in Sanger’s The Birth Control Review (immediate predecessor to the Planned Parenthood Review) an article by Ernst Rudin (1874-1952) was published entitled, "Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need." Rudin was Adolph Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization and a founder of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene. (Various references in Grand Illusions) History documents that Sanger supported the Nazi Party philosophies." [ Planned Parenthood's Nazi roots ] ; and -eugenical race-purification by prevention of births to parents from 'inferior' blood stocks ('birth control societies'). "Before the Auschwitz death camp became a household word, these British-American-European groups called openly for the elimination of the 'unfit' by means including force and violence." **

abortion murders by Tiller estimates (at appr'x $5000 per) 60,000 of which 10,000 were late term/full term = $30,000,000.00
"... my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews." (Hitler, 1922)
"The first thing I'd do, as president, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." (Obama, 2007)
"I could smell the babies burning." (Tiller's crematorium staff, 1993)

[ Negroes, Jews, the unfit & unwanted...beware ] To those and their ilk who attempt to stigmatize Pro-Life advocates and like-minded others as 'anti-choice' extremists [they shun 'pro-life' and 'human-rights' choosing instead to hide behind euphemisms like 'selective termination' and ' reproductive health ' ],  it is equally appropriate to brand them as 'Pro-Death' not 'Pro-Choice' when describing their kind.

"[Avoiding the "A.." Word] Linguistic Contortions (Timothy Lamer, World, 26May01)
toon of o'who?'s national socialist death plan

Please, Consider and Remember When You Vote in 2010 & 2012:

Outside the arenas of law, medicine, religion and politics, throughout all of civilization, there are certain 'Universal Truths'. Virulent responses by abortion apologists generating controversy over sites such as the The Army of God or the ' Nuremberg Files' (alt) (mirror) & hysterical ranting against religious pro-life positions typify Pro-Death's neo-socialist propaganda rhetoric, and "quisling-like" intolerance and rabid fear of truth. [see the ACLU/PP v. ACLA anti-free speech lawsuit + a Pro-Life View of same.] It is the norm for abortion-related violence to be ignored or down-played by main stream media. All-the-while, abortion-mill$, their doctor$, nurse$ & staff, medical supplier$, hospital$ serving them, and other provider$ of selective death silently avoid publicity. Reminiscent of the secrecy surrounding Nazi Death Camps (WARNING exteme images) during the World War II era, they fear the stench of death that surrounds their barbarious acts will target and expose the true nature of their organized fleecing practice$ to public scrutiny.

Historically,  killing children has been one of the most heinous crimes imaginable, behaviour more animalistic than human.   It is ironic that many ethnicracial, & religious groups [exception] who in times recent,marked for death, suffered unspeakable terrors, harbour 'Dr. Mengeles' among themselves, support or vote for prostituted politicians, government sponsored & tax paid abortion mills, or lobby for laws that they or their forebearers fell victim to during World War II when it was called 'Crimes Against Humanity', as in that war, our Civil War, Negro Slavery, or genocide as in Armenia 1915Communist Tyranny (test your knowledge), the Nanjing Massacre or simply Mass Genocide.   May it be said to those peoples:  Please, think before propagandizing in media, using your money (or tax funds) publicizing, joining or financing pro-death advocacy organizations, buying or promoting products from or using any services of abortion related or profiteering companies.   And, to churches and religous groups, if you truely sanctify life, cleanse yourselves, find and dis-associate from those whose activities further desensitizes us individually and as a nation.   Afraid of public advocacy?   Privately in the voting booth you have a strong weaponVote for Pro-Life candidates.

You may not agree that what is 'creeping and crawling' into our society in the guise of  'gun-control means crime-control', or that Orwellian like 'Big Brother' intrusions into the sanctity of our homes and family,  and 'cradle-to-grave' neo-socialism indicate that our country is in decline.  Regardless;  the growing numbers of murdered shown on must be disturbing,  even to 'Pro-Deathactivists.   You might find disconcerting or out of place, some of the music or sounds that play during the loading of this page.  During another holocaust , in the not to distant past, people entered into evil places, often greeted by music at the entrances.  Normality, selective death as routine, is what abortionists want you to accept, just as those past criminal killers did who organized daily routines which led to certain death in those Nazi camps.  Abortionists hide their true purpose behind false rhetoric and euphamisms such as "reproductive health" and "reproductive freedom."   These hollow mantras are to decieve and beguile.  To conceal and hide from examination the baby killers' real motive$.

Today's purveyors of death, exchange life for money, their apologists, the profiteer$-in-death, their lobbyists and political lackey bootlicker$ show not the least pretense of having any 'cause' being devoid of any value for life having a purpose in which they consider to be a venial sin at most, greed.  All of the Democratic candidates for the Presidential election in 2007/2008 were advocates of "baby killing" as were all in 2004.  They promoted abortion to "Anglo" English speaking audiences while at the same time they omitted references to abortion in materials dessiminated among the Spanish-American community.  Yet another example of the "Big Lie" pro-death propaganda techniques used by politician$ funded by abortion mill apologists$.   Please read my commentary of July 4, 2003 in which the goals of this site are explained further.  Save a baby, Vote Life.

Some of the 'forgottenWWII millions shown or pictured among the links at may have been of your own.  Whenever you vote, hopefully information on this page will go with you as you cast your ballots, that you will remember both the past and the present day holocausts so you will vote for candidates who will help save our children from the hidden shameful and unspeakable horrors being suffered at this very moment by so many many innocents in America's Death Camps during their terror filled, angonizingly slow, painful, cruel and tortured deaths in the hands of evilmoney grubbingghouls wielding instruments of death even now while you are reading this.

This page is not to offend rather to inform those who use misnomers such as 'Pro-Choice' or 'reproductive rights' to avoid (e.g. Senator Barbara Boxer, California: Boxer-1-2) any reference to abortion and partial-birth, or its horrific methods being linked to systematic 'murder' or 'killing'.   In the past,  many so-called fallen 'great civilizations' were tied together with a common thread of idyllic 'life,  liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' goals which somehow reversed in importance leading to failed national mores predictably spiraling them rapidly downward into nothing more than footnotes on old, musty and oft' forgotten pages of revised history.
-- Robert Harrold, posted on "America's Holocaust"

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