Saturday, August 29, 2009

One News Now Sa.29Aug09

Group questions Catholic funeral for Kennedy
A Catholic pro-life leader has some scathing words concerning Senator Ted Kennedy's Catholic funeral.

Healthcare reform bill = loss of privacy
A free market think tank is warning that the House healthcare bill could potentially give thousands of federal employees access to citizens' financial records.

Lesbian custody trial continues
A court custody battle continues between a born-again Christian mother in Virginia and her former lesbian partner in Vermont.

Obama 'stimulus' plays favorites with earmarks
A tax policy expert says President Obama has reneged on his promise to keep his economic "stimulus" plan transparent and free of earmarks.

Malaysia's image takes a beating in caning case
After a series of flip-flops, authorities in Malaysia have decided that a 32-year-old Muslim woman caught drinking beer in violation of Islamic law won't be caned after all.
Hope fades for compromise on health bill
WASHINGTON Signaling a fading chance for compromise, a leading Republican negotiator on U.S. health care legislation on Saturday criticized Democratic legislative proposals as budget busters that would
ObamaCare will put Planned Parenthood inside your child?s school
by Bryan Fischer According to my good friend David Ripley, Executive Director of Idaho Chooses Life, the Pelosi Obama health care plan will establish school based ?health clinics? in or near schools all across the nation.These clinics would

Congressman demands to see constituent's ID at townhall
Elijah Friedeman| Democratic Congressman Jim Moran demanded to see a constituent's ID before answering his question at a townhall.

90,000 swine flu deaths? Not so much.
Elijah Friedeman| The White House released a report stating that 90,000 people could likely die from the swine flu. The Centers for Disease Control begs to differ.

Sen. Orrin Hatch writes song in tribute to Kennedy
Elijah Friedeman| Republican Senator Orrin Hatch has written a song in tribue to the late Ted Kennedy. Watch the video here.

Obama Bearing False Witness Regarding Illegals and Health Care
by Bryan Fischer Gary Bauer points out that, despite repeated assurances from Democrats, illegal aliens will in fact be able to get taxpayer funded health care under the government takeover.When the president held his conference with leftwing clergy

U.N. Recommends Mandatory Sex Education for Kindergarteners
According to a report at FOX News, the United Nations is recommending that children as young as five receive mandatory sexual education which would teach them about topics such as gender violence and masturbation. The U.N.'s Economic, Social and

Home-Schooled Child Ordered Into Government-Run School
The Alliance Defense Fund is reporting a t0 year old home schooled girl in New Hampshire has been ordered into a government run school in Meredith. Although the marital master making recommendations to the court agreed the child is ?well
Environmentalists and their Double Standards
Talks about Environmentalists who say one thing and do another

School based Healthcare
Healthcare for teens in public school

Illegal Aliens and the Healthcare bill
Illegal aliens and healthcare benefits

White House Budget Review
Talks about what was in the Budget Review

Rules For Radicals #2
Taking a look at five of the czars.

New Climate Supercomputer in Britain Turns Out To Be Biggest Polluter?
Bryan Fischer talks about the new supercomputer that predicts climate change

U.S. Now on the Path Toward Fiscal Discipline?
Bryan Fischer talks about the economic report released Tuesday
An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design
One of the most stereotypes of intelligent design (ID) is that it is an evangelical Christian movement intent upon forcing religion into the classroom.

Encounter with a Happy Muslim
Saturday Afternoon Minneapolis AirportI am writing this note from a tiny cubicle that doubles as a pay phone station next to gate C22.
Parenting by Prayer
by Mary Friedeman There are many resources available to the homeschool parent, but our most powerful (and often most neglected) is prayer. In the college post I alluded to yesterday, a primary thrust of the writer?s observations was that, when

Thinking Ahead to College
by Mary Friedeman I would imagine that the majority of those who read this blog have most, if not all, their children still at home. If you?re in the diapers and toddlers stage, college may seem infinitely distant.

Radical Family Life
By Mary Friedeman I had an interesting conversation recently with a longtime friend. She expressed surprise that we hadn?t encountered ADHD in our family, since the incidence of diagnosis is higher among males than females (five of our six)

source: - P. O. Drawer 2440 - Tupelo, MS 38803 - (662) 821-2007

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