Friday, September 25, 2009

Illegal Murderers In LA ELIGIBLE For OBAMACARE

Do Not Call Me A Racist - I Am A Black American

I am a young black American who does not deny that it is a great accomplishment for Barrack Obama to be the first black American to become President. This does not mean that I have to agree with his policies and socialistic ideas. I do not want murderers who cross the border illegally to be ELIGIBLE for OBAMACARE.

When Barrack Hussein Obama was elected President I was really hoping that much of America's conflict about race would lessen. With so many Americans in government who are black, I wanted to believe that people would stop calling conservatives racists all the time. I wanted my son to live in a world free of racism. But regrettably the opposite has been the case.

I am offended by those in government and the liberal media who are just throwing around the term racist and playing the race card. It is just another way to segregate the Black American once again from being a legitimate part of America. Health Care is not about race and those who make it so are fear mongering.

Liberal media socialists are throwing around the term racist. I am conservative, I do not agree with government run health care, I believe in lower taxes, I believe Obama lied about giving health care to illegals, I believe Rep. Joe Wilson was right, I am black and I am not a racist and if you agree with me even if you are not black that does not make you a racist either. To use Obama's race to claim that my policy beliefs are racist is cowardly and condescending.

Liberal Democrats claim that they are for "African Americans" a label created by them to call attention to a man or women's race. Racists always create labels to make sure everyone knows your race is more important than the person you are. In my eyes we are all Americans; that is it!

The ones playing the race card are the Racists. Why is this true? Because Health Care, Taxes and the National Debt are issues to be debated and race has nothing to do with them. Pointing a finger at Americans who disagree with Obama means that three fingers are pointing back at you. Democrats must clean up their act and stop blaming race when they cannot win the hearts and minds of Americans with bad legislation and bad policy ideas.

Even Obama said that those who disagree with him are not racists. Days after former President Jimmy Carter lit up the airwaves by declaring that the opposition to President Obama's policies is heavily influenced by racism, Obama sought to calm the waters.

Obama: Health Care Is Not About Race

Obama acknowledged that some people probably are opposed to him based simply on his skin color. But he added that some people support him solely because he is black, and he said the majority of his opposition comes from people who genuinely disagree with him on the issues.

Now we need to get Obama to condemn those who are still making these false accusations.

Obama: Extremist Democrat Racists Focus On Conflict Not Discussion

Obama said the 24-hour news cycle exacerbates incivility in public discourse by focusing on the most extreme sorts of conflict, but that ultimately the national debate is about policy, not race. "It's an argument that's gone on for the history of this republic, and that is, what's the right role of government? How do we balance freedom with our need to look after one another?" Obama said. "This is not a new argument, and it always invokes passions."

When you talk to people who are Democrats, tell them from me that before they start calling people racist, whether black or white, they need to know their own party's background and stop hiding behind hate tactics. Tell them if they do not agree with someone's ideas and policies they should debate the ideas, not name call. Debate is the American thing to do. Do Not Call Me A Racist. Tell people to listen to Some Black Republicans and get the real story.

Shawn Woodhouse

An angry Obama lied to the nation on National TV about extending his NO Enforcement - Open Border Amnesty Policy to ObamaCare.

Obama said his plan would not apply to illegals and Congressman Joe Wilson's excited voice ran loud and true in unison with millions of Americans watching at home and the clear truth outrage of a patriot not racism.

Now Obama-Pelosi and Reid admit they lied. They now are asking us to believe they will include proof of U.S. citizenship in ObamaCare. If the provision was not in there to begin with and Obama knew it then must have lied or are they just lying now to cover the original lie? Perhaps Obama meant to say that all illegals will get amnesty thereby making everyone sick or healthy who crosses the border eligible for Obamacare. I am not sure there just seems to be too much lying for me to keep up with it all. Just a thought do we have enough Swine Flu vaccine to supply everyone that wants to illegally enter the United States?

Let's just keep it simple. It is not a race thing anyone from any country of any race creed or color can just cross the border and enter a government clinic and can get free health care paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Don't worry about your illegal status will not be questioned ObamaCare because no mandatory proof of U.S. citizenship is required because everyone is legal. What a country! Obama is already letting 3.6 million illegal aliens in the country every year and he plans to make us pay for their health care.

Harry Reid has vowed to pass Amnesty and with open U.S. borders to Mexico and he will allow anyone to enter the country. Senator Schumer is ready to introduce another Amnesty Bill and the illegal immigration issue is now merging with Health Care.

According to The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent research institution that examines the impact of immigration on the United States GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE could benefit 6.6 Million Illegals and cost taxpayers up to $31 Billion.

However 83% of Americans Say Proof of Citizenship Should Be Required to Get Government Health Aid
California is on the verge of bankruptcy and Our Government has yet to stop the invasion of illegal aliens. (There are 10.2 million people in L.A. County) It has nothing to do with illegal aliens, right? 60% of Americans agree that illegal aliens are the cause of this and they do not want them to be ELIGIBLE FOR FREE GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE.

Take a look at that always shining gem of political know-how, the state of California which is looking more like Mexifornia everyday and your state is next. Heather Mac Donald a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research testified in April of 2005 before the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. Heather reported without being refuted or corrected that "In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide in the first half of 2004 (which totaled 1,200 to 1,500) targeted illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) were for illegals. These are facts in the Congressional Records and can be accepted or rejected.

This means that 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens and they will be ELIGIBLE FOR FREE GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE.

But we must make our voices heard and defeat this bill just like all previous Amnesty Bills have been stopped.
Folks AmeriPAC has been setting the record strait. We believe you are entitled to know everything in this bill and how much you stand to lose and how much it will cost you.

Be sure you counter Party Obamites, tell everyone the truth about this bad bill, and make certain your members of Congress know that you're counting on them to act and STOP THIS BILL.

We have a chance TODAY to stop them as well! We can't AFFORD Obama's plan to socialize health care in America!

How can anyone in Congress vote for a new entitlement program for health care when Congress has not even begun to face up to this unfunded liabilities problem?

Well, they're trying to -- but WE can stop them, with YOUR help!

We CANNOT let the radical liberals in Congress -- and the White House -- force this plan for socialized health care on the American people! That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send a strong message to every single member of Congress, in both Houses, OPPOSING this outrageous plan.

For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Democrats, Republicans, Independents -- EVERYONE in the U.S. House AND the U.S. Senate, DEMANDING that they REJECT this socialized health care plan NOW!

Can it work? Can we stop Congress from forcing this down our throats, even though the GOP is in the minority?

YES -- thanks to "blue dog Democrats," who are more conservative than their "leaders" like Pelosi and Reid. Already, they've been holding up the bill in committee.

Please, take action right away to STOP this bill dead in its tracks!

For more information, visit

Defend America, Alan Gottlieb, AmeriPAC, President and Founder

P.S. America needs health care reform. But new government programs, mandates, and price controls would deny patients control over their most important and personal medical decisions -- and it's "reform" that we cannot afford.

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