Monday, September 28, 2009

o'messiah - "...mmm ...mmm ...mmm"

kindergarten indoctrination "Hitler Yungend" style
Kindergarten, "Little Hans learns the fairy tales of the new order."



The top-left video was filmed at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ and uploaded to on June 19, 2009.
Lyrics of the songs parroted by the students:

Song 1:

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again

Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama


Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama

Song 2:

Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"

Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!

Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!

Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!

So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick

So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----

Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!

And, from

Children used to sing songs to another leader:

Adolf Hitler is our Saviour, our hero
He is the noblest being in the whole wide world.
For Hitler we live, for Hitler we die.
Our Hitler is our Lord who rules a brave new world.
Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil!

I have never heard children singing the praises of Reagan, or either Bush.  But there were freakish children crawling out of the woodwork to sing about their messiah Obama. This bizarre devotion to a politician is as mystifying as it is terrifying to a student of history.

"..scene in the movie "Cabaret" where this clean young Hitler youth sings "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" and then everyone gets up and begins singing too."  ...dubbed & original

When the State overcomes Family & Traditional Values --

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