Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ted Kennedy: 'A coward beside heroes'

From: baja Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009

 Ted Kennedy: 'A coward beside heroes'
by Ellis Washington, posted: August 29, 2009 © 2009 WND 

Such desecration of hallowed ground.  A weed beside the rose.  Assured, not he with them would die, Yet, worthy, thought he, with them to lie, A coward beside heroes. ~ Anonymous

At the time of this writing, the cortege of limousines is traveling from the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport to the JFK library in Boston behind the hearse bearing the remains of Sen. Ted Kennedy who died of brain cancer Aug. 25. Nevertheless, during this solemn occasion I do not join the legions of sycophantic TV hosts of the government-controlled media and their guests to laud this man, for I find absolutely nothing praiseworthy in him.

Ted Kennedy began his political career 47 years ago. I was just 14 months old. I understand that Kennedy actually began his career on the same day that liberal doyen Eleanor Roosevelt died. How fitting is it that the two patron saints of liberalism had their careers begin and end on that same fateful day of Nov. 7, 1962. JFK had a similar coincidence occur at his death on Nov. 22, 1963.

Two thousand years ago, at the trial of Jesus, Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate asked the Socratic question: "What is truth?" I echo Pilate's query in the context of Kennedy: Was Sen. Ted Kennedy a man of truth?
For 47 years, Sen. Kennedy made his bones on one singular premise ? Take money from people who earned it and give it to those who didn't earn it. That has been the modus operandi not only of Kennedy, but the entire Liberal-Progressive Axis of the Democratic/Republican Party going back over 100 years. For example, the first progressive national leader was President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09) who in a speech titled "The New Nationalism," used the curious phrase "human welfare" and further said, "Personal property is subject to the general right of the community to regulate its use to whatever degree the public welfare may require it."
Later President Woodrow Wilson (1913-21), another unabashed progressive, said that "a true leader" uses the masses like "tools" and that "men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader."

These overtly fascist conceptions of power demonstrated 100 years ago were the seeds of the modern-day liberalism of FDR, LBJ, Ted Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Furthermore, these Machiavellian ideas are a gross perversion of the U.S. Constitution and the original intent of the Founding Fathers to any person who has learned to think logically and understand history and law from an intellectual as opposed to a socialist point of view.

In the comments section of a Washington Times article, "Senate's liberal lion falls to cancer at 77," by Stephen Dinan, there were these interesting lines that summed up the true legacy of Ted Kennedy and the behind-the-scenes machinations of the old patriarch, Joseph Kennedy ("Mr. Fix"):

A memorial to Edward "Ted" M. Kennedy, who enlisted for a two-year term in the army in 1950. To Ted Kennedy, whose father used personal influence to get Ted an assignment as a guard to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe (SHAPE) in Paris; which kept him out of the Korean War, in which thousands of brave American young men were dying.

Yet this fraudulent soldier of the Korean War was not alone among the Kennedy clan for dubious service in the war. There was the PT-109 incident where the boat JFK captained during World War II was sliced in half by a Japanese destroyer, killing two of his crew members on Aug. 2, 1943. Even JFK privately called that event "a botched military operation." Not to be outdone by his younger brother, Joe Jr. volunteered for a dangerous mission to bomb German V-Rocket factories in France (Operation Aphrodite), which tragically backfired when his plane mysteriously exploded in mid-air on Aug. 12, 1944 - some say due to stray jamming or electrical frequencies Joe Jr. was warned of the day before his fateful flight.

No problem. Mr. Fix, Joe Kennedy, used his military connections to make sure that his son, JFK received the Marine Navy Corps Medal for valor. It's all part of the Kennedy mythology - the family fortune built in the old days on bootlegging, selling short in the stock market during the Great Depression, Joe Kennedy's support of Hitler, JFK and RFK wiretapping MLK, the murder of Marilyn Monroe and Mary Jo Kopechne, welfare, abortion, amnesty, socialist health care, Camelot and all the rest of the Kennedy propaganda so shamefully displayed since Ted's death.

In another Washington Times article, a wonderfully insightful comment about the death of Ted Kennedy was made by one of the readers, with larger implications to the impotent and irrelevant Republican Party:   All I see here is the ease with which Sen. Kennedy was able to seduce the Republicans into compromising their principles so as to enact into law many of his - one reason that the Republicans lost their congressional majority in 2006 and lost yet again in 2008. Makes me wonder if George Wallace was right when he remarked that, "There's not a dime's bit of difference between the two political parties."

Indeed, George Wallace was right, which is why the GOP will join the Democrats to give Ted Kennedy a burial fit for a war hero like Gen. George Patton and a requiem mass fit for a Christian saint like Mother Teresa.

What a galling spectacle indeed!

The final outrage is that these legions of bona fide brave American soldiers who fought so valiantly to keep the totalitarian menace of Nazism from Europe and Communism from Korea and Vietnam, their bones will never rest in the sacred ground at Arlington Cemetery. Yet Sen. Ted Kennedy, the fraudulent, cowardly Korean War vet who for 47 years as the senator from Massachusetts made an art form out of stealing money from those who earned it and giving it to his partners in crime who didn't earn it just to buy votes and amass power, will this day have his bloated carcass rest among true men of valor.

On this solemn occasion, I praise not Sen. Kennedy, nor the Kennedy legacy, but I praise the real war heroes at Arlington and at cemeteries throughout America and Europe. May they all have eternal rest in heaven.
To Sen. Ted Kennedy, this is your legacy:

Such desecration of hallowed ground.

A weed beside the rose.
Assured, not he with them would die,
Yet, worthy, thought he, with them to lie,
A coward beside heroes.

Ellis Washington, authorized biographer for the conservative intellectual Dr. Michael Savage (see www.MichaelSavage.com), is former editor of the Michigan Law Review and law clerk at The Rutherford Institute. He is a graduate of John Marshall Law School and a lecturer and freelance writer on constitutional law, legal history, political philosophy and critical race theory. He has written over a dozen law review articles and several books, including "The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law" (2002). See his law review article "Reply to Judge Richard Posner." Washington's latest book is "The Nuremberg Trials: Last Tragedy of the Holocaust."

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