Sunday, October 25, 2009

o'puppet propaganda - While 'fringe media' sleeps Soro's & o'who? undermine 1st Amendment

While the While the White House cabal threatens the 1st Amendment by openly attacking a news organization, Fox, using 'fringe media' and Internet paid messages campaigns, the Republican Party, main stream Conservative Organizations, Religious organizations and regular news media, especially print papers and TV news, like lambs, are being led to the slaughter.

'Puppet master' George Soros' backed o'who? mouthpiece organization,, attacks still another individual news personality while it continues to supplant the 1st Amendment with its own brand of lies and mis-direction.  MoveOn, with its own race baiting, socialist / Marxist / communist agenda uses the very techniques that they ascribe to their enemies.  Typical of Stalinist, Nazi and Facist hate mongering it attempts to stir the populace by throwing its poisonous spittle in every direction hoping it will land on an open wound infecting in the whole body politic.  - rfh

Here is its latest trashing...

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 12:28 PM
Subject: Turn up the heat on Lou Dobbs

Dear MoveOn member,
We're writing today because you recently signed a petition calling on CNN to hold Lou Dobbs accountable for his role in promoting the ridiculous "Birther" conspiracy theory about President Obama's birth certificate. Right now, the pressure on CNN is rising, and we need your help to make sure CNN answers for its Dobbs problem once and for all.
During the past month, our friends at have been running an amazing campaign called "BastaDobbs." They've been calling on CNN to cut ties with Dobbs for his long history of spreading myths about immigrants and Latinos, and his promotion of extremist, xenophobic groups (Basta means "enough" in Spanish).
This week, BastaDobbs supporters staged demonstrations across the country to coincide with the premier of CNN's highly publicized special, "Latino in America." The events drew significant coverage from both local and national media, and we know their message is being heard inside CNN.1,2 Now they need our help to turn up the heat even further. Currently, more than 70,000 people have signed their petition calling for Lou Dobbs to be fired. Can you add your voice, and help them reach their goal of 100,000?
No one knows the impact of Lou Dobbs' problematic rhetoric more than the Latino community. Dobbs perpetuates damaging stereotypes about immigrants—like blaming them for an imaginary leprosy epidemic,3 and wildly exaggerating that "illegal aliens" make up a third of the prison population.4 He also gives ample time to anti-immigrant extremists, even appearing last month as an honored guest at the convention of FAIR, a leading anti-immigrant hate group linked to vigilantes charged with murdering a 9-year old girl and her immigrant father in their home.5,6
At the same time that they broadcast Dobbs' show, CNN is aggressively courting the Latino market. The campaign has been successfully calling out this hypocrisy, and demanding that CNN stop trying to have it both ways. It's a powerful argument, and on top of Dobbs' support for "Birther" conspiracy theorists, it's making it harder than ever for CNN to stand behind Dobbs.
Please join in saying Basta to Lou Dobbs, and ask your friends and family members to do the same.
Thanks for all you do,
–-Justin, Ilyse, Anna, Stephen and the rest of the team
1. CNN Latino special avoids Dobbs, Associated Press, 10-20-09
2. "S.A. groups join 'Basta Dobbs' campaign," San Antonio Express News, 10-21-09
3. Migra Matters, "A Look at Lou Dobbs' Leprosy 'Expert,'"
4. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, "The Illusion of Immigrant Criminality"
5. Rachel Weiner, "Dobbs To Rally Anti-Immigrant Fans On Capitol Hill," 9-1-09
6. David Niewert, "Minuteman 'tactical' leader/murder suspect Shawna Forde was part of the 'respectable' nativist Right too"

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