Friday, October 30, 2009

o'who? - ObamaCare - WHY?

From: Socialism Alerts  Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009

O NO ObamaCare!
When I hear or read about Congress' new massive bureaucracy and the tax increases for government run socialized healthcare I shake my head and say
O NO ObamaCare!
I think you do to so I made this sticker to put everywhere on cars, windows, books.

Here are a few of the shocking ObamaCare (OC) health control facts that make me shake my head!

Seniors lose $500 Billion from Medicare - O NO ObamaCare!

Obama Lied Illegals are TAX exempt and get FREE care (Americans pay) - O NO ObamaCare!

You pay TAXES on Employer health care plans - O NO ObamaCare!

Uninsured forced to spend 20% of income to be insured - O NO ObamaCare!

Retired Union Members healthcare benefits get TAXED - O NO ObamaCare!

OC provided to ALL non US citizens, including illegals - O NO ObamaCare!

Illegals are 1/3 of all those covered in the OC plan - O NO ObamaCare!

OC has a $1,000,000,000,000 Trillion Tax Gap - O NO ObamaCare!


OC adds more than $3000/yr of debt to every American - O NO ObamaCare!

NEW TAXES on Americans earning less than $250,000/yr - O NO ObamaCare!

56% Of All Americans oppose ObamaCare - O NO ObamaCare!

Americans PAY an additional estimated $3500/yr for coverage - O NO ObamaCare!

Government administration more costly than private insurance - O NO ObamaCare!

88 million Americans can LOSE private, employer coverage- O NO ObamaCare!

GOVT COMMITTEE decides treatments/benefits you get - O NO ObamaCare!

Mandatory! Governments control of your living wills - O NO ObamaCare!

Health Choices Commissioner will choose your OC Benefits- O NO ObamaCare!

Government sets Doctor's pay rates no specialists - O NO ObamaCare!

Cancer patient care rationing - O NO ObamaCare!

Government mandated Advance Care (Death) Planning - O NO ObamaCare!

Government RESTRICTIONS on Special needs children - O NO ObamaCare!

Congress gets lavish healthcare - O NO ObamaCare!

Congress gets No Coverage Limit care - O NO ObamaCare!

Congress gets No "Pre-Existing Condition" Clause - O NO ObamaCare!

What will STOP "ObamaCare"... is the ObamaCare CHART.

House Minority Leader John Boehner and other Republicans asked the Joint Economic Committee to draw up another chart the ObamaCare Chart.

To the average American, it looks like a maze that they'll have to navigate before receiving medical care. AND IT IS -- the parts in white already exist, and the colored boxes are the new entities, offices, requirements, reports, and subsidies the Democrats' bill would create.

Don't hold your breath. Once again, the Democrats are using their majority power like they're dictators, trying to keep the TRUTH from the American people and their Representatives in Congress. We MUST not let them succeed! That's why we've set up our site to enable you to send "blast faxes" to every single Senator and Representative on Capitol Hill, demanding that they read every line of the ObamaCare bill, look at every single detail exposed by this new chart, and KILL this new attempt at a government takeover of American healthcare!

Please don't delay -- Congress is in session right now, and if we don't stand up and FIGHT against the radical Left, there might be nothing left of the America we know and love for our children! Take action now!

, Alan M. Gottlieb, Chairman, AmeriPAC

P.S. Rep. King has stood strong on the floor of the House in opposing ObamaCare, saying, "You can't understand this health care program if you read the print, but if you look at this chart on your screen, you will pick up the phone, and the American people will be scared enough, I think, to jam the phone lines again in field offices."

THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN! We need to completely overwhelm every single Congressman and Senator's office, DEMANDING that they look at the details of ObamaCare, and KILL THE BILL. But we need YOU to take action NOW to make it happen!

Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC: American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC), PO Box 1682, Dept Code 3156, Bellevue, WA 98009-1682

Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Socialism Alerts: 12500 N.E. Tenth Pl. - Bellevue, WA 98005 US

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