Tuesday, November 24, 2009

o'gun ban czar - 2nd Amendment: "Uh oh, here comes Koh." (NAGR Th.25Jun09)

From: Dudley Brown - National Association for Gun Rights  Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 Subject: Uh oh, here comes Koh.
June 25, 2009 -- Who is Harold Koh?

"Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark."
-- Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-1988)
 more American Values quotes: http://harrold.org/quotes

With 65 votes yesterday -- including those of 8 Republicans -- Harry Reid successfully ushered yet another one of Obama's radical anti-gun zealot nominees.. 

I'm talking about Harold Koh, former Clinton flunky and current nominee to one of the State Department's highest positions -- the senior legal advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

So just who is this guy?  And why should you care?

In his infamous essay/lecture "A World Drowning in Guns," Koh summarily declared: "There are more guns than any sane civilization would ever need."1

To solve "this huge and growing global problem" of guns, Koh proposes an assortment of measures the United States must take to "establish a global system of effective controls on small arms and light weapons" -- a "global regulatory process" or even "global regime" to combat what he calls "grotesque gun oversupplies."2

Relying on faulty logic, Koh smugly proclaims: "The very promiscuous presence of guns chokes civil society.  Guns kill civil societyThe pervasive presence of guns perpetuates a culture of societal violence."3

The various strategies he proposes to curtail the "gun problem" may interest you.

First, he says, our government needs to create a "law-declaring forum that can operate at a global level to declare an international norm against the illicit sale, transfer, and use of small arms and light weapons."4

The absence of a definition for "illicit" notwithstanding, what could be next?

Oh, you guessed it:  We need to "bring home" those "norms" and "internalize" them into the "domestic statutes, executive practice, and judicial systems of those participating nations" -- that is, subvert the national sovereignty of each country that came together to globalize gun control, and put international law in its place.5

(It just keeps getting better, doesn't it?)

After asserting the necessity for a "marking and tracing regime" to track every gun made and sold in America, Koh then beckons the state to "establish a national firearms control system and a register of manufacturers, traders, importers, and exporters."6

(Gee, where have we heard that before?)

But that's not all.  Listen to this:
One particularly intriguing idea is the idea of promoting production of smart or 'perishable ammunition,' e.g., AK-47 bullets that would degrade and become unusable over time. Ironically, by focusing exclusively on controlling the delivery mechanism -- the guns themselves -- the small arms activists [read: gun grabbers] may have overlooked a surer longer-term solution to the international firearms problem.7

The guy sounds like he's ordering a pizza, describing a sunset, or expounding on a piece of music...

But he's talking about seizing your rights!  And that "intrigues" him!

Just to remind you, this is the guy whom Obama wants to advise Hillary Clinton in her role as Secretary of State.  Can you imagine a more heinous partnership in crime?

Click here to find your Senators and their phone numbers.

Alternatively, call (202) 224-3121 to access the Senate switchboard.

In liberty, Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights

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I don't expect everyone to donate every time I ask, but every bit counts. Thank you!

1.  Koh, Harold. "A World Drowning in Guns." Fordham Law Review 71 (2003): 2334.
2.  ibid: 2341, 2345, 2352, 2343.
3.  ibid: 2340.
4.  ibid: 2342
5.  ibid: 2342-3.
6.  ibid: 2352, 2355.
7.  ibid: 2359.

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