Friday, November 20, 2009

Please, call or fax today - Senate ObamaCare Cloture Vote On Saturday! (remember in '10)

keywords:  marxism, socialism, facism, communism, liberal progressives, national socialists, big brother, 1984
reposted on Harrold's blot at
Please, call &/or fax your Senators today, Friday, November 20th!
Links to their phone numbers, fax numbers and email are at:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA, 4th term)

D.C. Phone: (202) 224-3841
  (202) 228-3954 
San Francisco Phone: (415) 393-0707
                              Fax: (415) 393-0710

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA, 3rd term)

D.C. Phone: (202) 224-3553
 (202) 224-0454 

San Francisco Phone: (415) 403-0100
                                Fax: (202) 224-0454
Senate ObamaCare Cloture Vote tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 21st!

Kill the BILL Today - Stop ObamaCare In The Senate!

Reid and Senate Democrats announced they will file cloture today on the motion to proceed regarding ObamaCare. He will go to the floor for cloture on the motion to proceed to a House-passed tax bill, to begin the Senate debate on ObamaCare.

This vote will require 60 votes and will likely occur on Saturday.

Several Democrats have said they will not vote for the bill. Remember cloture is a three day process - file on day one, day two is an intervening day and the vote occurs on day three. Reid is using a House-passed tax bill as a "shell" allowing him to offer up the language he released tonight as a substitute amendment if he gets cloture on the motion to proceed.

Reid's Senate version of ObamaCare calls for:

  • Hiding the $1.8 Trillion price tag by not accounting for actual costs(some estimate $2.5 Trillion committed by 2014)
  • Major reductions in Medicare benefits and rationing to seniors.
  • Major Tax Increases on every American to pay for it all.
  • Reid called for increasing the Medicare payroll tax.
  • Kills the 30 year ban on Federally funded abortions
  • Fines, penalties and potential JAIL for those who don't get insurance (except illegals and poverty line folk)
  • Insurance companies rewarded with federal payment increases & offsets
  • Pays-off Planned Parenthood & other campaign contributors
  • Bribes reluctant senators and congressmen with special "pork" provisions
  • medical tracking might be used to ban firearms
  • taxpayer paid elective baby killing abortions
Please, call &/or fax your senators today, Friday, Nov. 20th:
Remember, this bill is the worst of all possible bills.   It's chock full of every far-left special interest socialistic dream imaginable. Here's some of what's in its TWO THOUSAND+ PAGES:
  • The CBO estimates that H.R. 3962, the health bill that the House passed, would cost $1.2 TRILLION over 10 years, including the cost to states for mandated Medicaid expansion ($34 billion), the "Doc Fix" ($245 billion), and authorized discretionary spending for grants, public programs, changes and funding for a variety of agencies that would be responsible for implementing H.R. 3962.
  • The bill protects trial lawyers. The bill gives money (authorized at "such sums") to states that enact "certificate of merit" (a document signed by a medical professional that says there is a probability that the standard of care was violated) and / or a certificate of "early offer" (an early, confidential apology) laws, as long as the states don't limit attorneys' fees or impose caps on damages.
  • The current version will give billions of dollars of taxpayer healthcare benefits to ILLEGAL ALIENS in America. It would allow illegal aliens to use the new healthcare "exchange" and would not require verification to keep illegal aliens out of the other parts of the proposed federal healthcare system. Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus fought back against reports that leaders would add Senate language to block illegal immigrants from participating in the insurance exchange.
  • It will create a nationwide federal government program, the "public option," which will pay for abortion on demand -- with federal funds, of course, because that is what federal agencies spend.

Liberals in the House AND the Senate ignored us when the majority said, "NO BAILOUT." They ignored us when the majority said, "NO FAKE STIMULUS." Now, they're trying to ignore us when the majority demands with a clear voice, "NO GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTH CARE!"

We all remember when President Obama stood in front of a joint session of Congress -- and LIED. He LIED when he said they weren't planning to set up "end-of-life panels" -- his cronies have promoted the idea for a long time now. He LIED when he said his "reforms" wouldn't insure illegal aliens -- it has been clearly shown that there would be NO WAY to prevent this from happening. He LIED when he said that his "government option" health care plan would not force taxpayers to pay for abortions -- the Obama-backed House bill would explicitly authorize the federal government insurance plan to pay for elective abortions and would explicitly authorize taxpayer subsidies for private abortion insurance.

The American people are TIRED of being lied to -- which is why over ONE MILLION of us went to Washington, D.C., to bring the voice of the MAJORITY to the doorstep of Congress. You see, the "sleeping giant" in America has been awoken... and we aren't going back to sleep... not while our own government tries to cram a socialist health care plan down our throats!

We CAN do this! In 1993, First Lady Hillary Clinton tried to force a less radical form of socialized health care down our throats, thinking that they could do it since the Democrats controlled Congress AND the White House.

What was the result? 1994, and the Republican Revolution. The liberal Democrats are "shooting themselves in the foot" again by trying to pass even more radical socialized health care this time -- but we CAN stop them!

Defend America, Alan Gottlieb, AmeriPAC, President and Founder, P.S. According to a survey of 1,000 likely voters released by the group Conservatives for Patients' Rights, 53 percent of those who say they are likely to vote in the November 2010 election oppose the "public option" type of plan just passed by the U.S. House, compared to 39 percent who like the idea.

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