Thursday, February 11, 2010

2010 - Candidate for the 51st District of California: Nick Popaditch

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The awe-inspiring story of Nick Popaditch, a 15-year Marine trigger-puller tank commander who won the Silver Star. His tanks surrounded Firdos "Saddam" Square in April 2003 and pulled down the hated statue. An AP photo put Nick on the front pages of newspapers around the world as "The Cigar Marine." Nick was critically wounded in Fallujah one year later by an RPG to the head. This is Nick's harrowing story of combat, courage, and recovery.

Title: Popping Off, Published: Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Description: Why Nick Popaditch is running for Congress
See the video of the below narrative:
Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)

" He still tough. He blows his nose on sandpaper he still hardly -- of self shading the RAZR believes. You know my next -- is the marine who was famously photographed smoking a cigar. After the ball Baghdad five years ago it was awarded a silver star for combat actions is Fallujah where was blinded in one by an -- PG. But now he's running for congress and he's hoping it would seek -- went heavily. Democratic 51 district which is probably someone here at the district -- we're delighted to welcome back. Well critics it was kick ass like I know passing gas -- I'm good thanks forever back always a pleasure now you -- that it took this picture it did you have an act is a picture would pretty much change your life."

" No I did not is a really special day but. I knew it was a special day for the nation especially for the Iraqi People would never -- we really -- anything for me to any cigar companies approach you about being a spokesman. Nobody a lot of people sent me a lot of good cigars in the mail -- what that set to kick out what was that feeling like among the people. Yeah he conceded their faces and that they they they've been honored dictator for all those years and you could see freedom and liberty in their faces you can see how excited they were. That they would that they were just feel it's something they've never known in many of their entire lives and you -- see it it was it was it was amazing it was motivating -- It's a great thing to be a part of."

" Don't want to talk about this upcoming election he -- website there are many important issues facing your district. Operas about what is what would what is where's your district."

" It's a southern border California the California Mexico border the entire length of the entire length of the state with the exception of about a mile or two -- on the coast."

" Okay and what is what in terms of -- what I didn't try to guess what might be the most important line when it got where the -- that you're going to be campaigning on. Limited government strong that's the that's secure border -- I hate all of those not getting -- my. You can see here about it -- way to promote the election when is that campaign really heat up."

" You know I I'm -- I gotta be honest with you I'm I'm I'm not a politician I'm a citizen on the citizen love this country so. As far as I'm concerned I'm in the fight already -- mom represent my country as best I can't right now."

" Now he's you kind of -- it's an uphill battle and it's heavily democratic area me god what are your chances you think. They're good real good applied to lose it excellent and -- do you think your opponents will be intimidated by you at all."

" We'll see we'll see I would think he'd be more intimidated -- have an answer for his record as what you think at -- intimidated more than anything I --"

" I -- you I would scare the crap out of them. I mean I think you could you can hear an intimidating guy I mean honestly can't remember I think we have a picture of what's behind the your -- splits show this. That is if you -- not to if you do it did debates. Without fear I tax -- it what do you have in your in your sock it right there we're showing."

" The arrival record eagle globe and anchor there's very specially my time of the -- is the bedrock of my characters -- well I grew up in the marine corps. So could think anything better to put in there."

" I think that it isn't I think it's an inspired choice and I tell you in a debate you -- win the debate."

" It would just scare the heck out but at what you got a great day -- not lose with a name like that public hello kitty last night."

" Yeah. I've got lots and I can't get elevated at a -- level with no I wouldn't website that people can book you for events. You speaking engagements rallies. You also -- house parties is that real can people who bought into a house party."

" I'm -- I'm game for anything out actually administration to win so wherever anybody wanna hear me wants to hear me talk I will be there."

" I think they get a house party yet."

" I'm glad I followed -- two to one that we know what are some of the things you learned about politics that he didn't know."

" Before. What I think it's Cadillac combat in one thing I always told the new guys going -- for the first time -- you don't have to have done it before to be good at it."

" And I think this is the same thing I don't have to have done -- before the good added it's all about character it's all my character based decision value based decisions."

" Yeah I got I think -- asking a couple questions about the card that's going on just it would just you know -- your brain a little bit. I'm sure the horrible -- or was -- important it is this guy criminal or terrorist."

" Well I think he's -- a little bit of both now one thing I do know is uniform code of military justice is a very old fashioned. I judicial system they will actually take care of them I can guarantee justice will find him that department defense will actually take care this individual."

" You would homer which. Well let me ask you this quickly how much time I criminal trial in New York City seeing that -- taking place or should -- be a military trial."

" Again I'm a big fan military tribunal we've been handle on that handle our enemies of our nation along for a long time in that manner and why we've deviated from -- I think it's just gonna be political spectacle I don't know why you wanna give them another platform."

" To stop their views try and Donna my tribunals and execute 'em."

" Yeah I liked the sound of that. -- we gotta -- always a pleasure having on the show it has as the campaign goes on we'd love to have you back with updates that tell me -- going. And a great job serving your country. And you're not some guy thanks a lot."

1 comment:

  1. Nick Popaditch is an honest, conservative, old-fashioned, pro-American, non-apologizing, combat-decorated US Marine. He believes in a strong military, strong borders, low taxes, and smaller government. He is truly the real deal.

    For more information on his bid for Congress, check Filner has never had a real opponent – now he has one in Nick.

    If you want to learn more about Nick, read his book “Once a Marine” ( It is all about his values and character. It will tell you everything you need to know about this courageous man.


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