Thursday, February 18, 2010

illegals - 53% of immigrant families are on welfare

From: Jim Robb - Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010
Subject: 53% of immigrant families are on welfare; SIX things you can do about it!

53% of Immigrant Families on Welfare!

I'm sure you were as shocked as I to read the new findings that . . .
. . . 53% of immigrant households with children collected welfare from at least one government program in 2008.
These programs include food stamps, Medicaid, and free school lunches.
And yes, that huge number also includes legal immigrants.
The immigrants America is attracting these days are mostly poor and badly educated.
These are not people doing "jobs Americans won't do." These are people getting benefits Americans often don't qualify for.
1. Is this letter making your blood pressure rise? Mine is! Then every last one of you needs to SIGN THIS PETITION to Pres. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid demanding that they get immigration down immediately! We just can't afford it. Hey, I know we wrote you last week asking for your signature. Did you sign? The numbers show me that most have not. If you're not sure, sign it again--we'll count you only once.
2. Then forward this email to your friends and ask them to sign the petition. Forward this email to everyone on your list. We've GOT to get the word out.
3. Also, click this link to go to a page where you can refer several of your friends and family at a time. What will happen is we will send them an invitation to sign the petition, showing them the complete text, and mentioning you by name. Don't worry. We will not keep bugging them!
Since I've given out my email address to members starting nine months ago, I've received thousands of emails! Many of them are like this simple complaint from Bill:
I live in Dalton, Georgia. We have a real problem with illegals here. They get free food stamps and jobs in the mills.
Bill S. of Georgia
I'm incapable of telling you how many emails you guys have sent about illegal aliens having children in America and those children qualifying immediately for full social benefits. JoAnn's email was sad, and typical:
Mr. Robb, I live on Hilton Head Island, S.C. and in 1990 there were no illegals here. It was only when [outside developers] decided to build here. [The developers] told us that there would be many jobs for the locals. Well that never happened. They brought their own workers from Arizona and now their workers are doing the framing, stucco, painting, plastering, building the roads and sidewalks, driving the trucks. . .
The writing is on the wall. It looks like the start of bankruptcy for Beaufort County to me. Our tax dollars have had to be used to build 20 new schools in the last 19 years. Every time an [uninsured] illegal has a baby in this county it costs taxpayers $54,000, and so many are having babies, almost like a factory. The illegals take advantage of everything. . . I believe the illegals bankrupted California and I believe they are well on the way to bankrupt this country.
JoAnn D. of South Carolina
JoAnn isn't exaggerating. We are importing poor people, then we're subsidizing them. Ready for change? Ready to do something?
4. Did you know that our allies in Congress have actually sponsored bills to fix many of these problems? One bill would end the absurd policy of granting automatic "birthright citizenship" to infants of illegal aliens! Another bill would require all employers to check the legal status of their employees. Two other bills would rid us of the ridiculous practices of "chain migration" (immigration of extended family) and the so-called "visa lottery."
Is your Member of the House of Representative signed on to co-sponsor all these bills. Find out here. Have you looked at your Congressmen's immigration voting records? Local Power is a new place on NumbersUSA that explains the immigration records of your Members of Congress and makes it easy for you to sound off about what you think.
5. Don't just gripe! Who does that help? Instead, go to your NumbersUSA Action Board and hammer your Members of Congress with faxes and phone calls.
6. If you've never had a chance to make a donation to NumbersUSA, this is that time! How much of your income are you paying in taxes? How much of that is wasted on welfare for immigrants?
Donating to NumbersUSA is giving to your future. To the future of your children. It's an act of faith in your country. We are NOT giving up! We WILL NOT be worn down!
53% of immigrant families on the dole is NOT acceptable! We ARE going to REDUCE immigration.
Hey, drop me an email and tell me your stories.
Jim Robb's signature
JIM ROBB, Vice President, Operations, NumbersUSA
Jim Robb, VP Operations
P.S. IMPORTANT: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
Numbers USA, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209

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