Saturday, March 27, 2010

o'humor - I am the tax man. (video)

"It is a precedent fraught with danger for the country, for when Congress once begins to stretch its power beyond the limits of the Constitution, there is no limit to it and no security for the people... ... the Constitution, to be worth anything, must be held sacred and rigidly observed in all its provisions."
-- Colonel David "Davy" Crockett, member of the U.S. Congress 1827-31 & 1832-35

History's immortals sometimes offer a glimpse of their greatness in events other than those that granted them immortality.

The following excerpt from an 1884 biography by Edward S. Ellis, "The Life of Colonel David Crockett," reveals how his own rural electorate taught him the importance of adhering to the Constitution and the perils of ignoring its restrictions. "Tennessee militia colonel David Crockett, perhaps best known for his role in the 1836 defense of the Alamo, also served three terms in the United States Congress between 1827 and 1835. Nationally known during his lifetime as a political representative of the frontier, Crockett apparently came by that reputation honestly, inasmuch as he was not above listening to his constituents. ...he was entirely independent and refused to vote to please any party leader."

At the end of the congressional term, he joined the Texans in the war against Mexico, and in 1836 was one of the roughly 180 men who died defending the Alamo. Tradition and diaries of Mexican Officers has it that Crockett was one of only six survivors after the Mexicans took the fort, and that he and the others were taken out and executed by firing squad.

Are there men and women of such conviction to stand for us in to the future?

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revealed, coincidently after the o'scamcare vote, that o'who?'s deficit budget spending will exceed the White House & the Socialist Democrat Congress estimates by over $1.2+T and will create an additional $10T in National Debt, above our existing debt, by the year 2020.

The national debt was only 40% of GDP in 2008 but may exceed 95% of GDP by 2010! This will be the highest debt-to-GDP ratio since WWII when it was at a war peak of 110%.

The current "unfunded debt" now exceeds $108T and our current deficit spending is nearly $13T. Social Security, this month, reached a point at which spending exceeds income. And, foreigners now own more of U.S. debt than do Americans. (sources: many)

o'scamcare will cost Americans in increased taxes, perhaps rationed care, tax paid elective abortions, end-of-life counseling, and create new monthly deductions for extended care which will range between ~ $140 to ~$240 per month per taxpayer and the Gov't included 'taking control' of college loans all in the same bill! The federal government now controls directly or indirectly over 51% of the nation's business. ... Yet the Socialist Democrat Party and the o'tax'n spend White House found it convenient to exclude themselves from the very coverage that they mandated upon the rest of America.

Additional funding for IRS was required to bolster collections (maybe 15K more IRS enforcers) of the o'scamcare penalty provisions, yet not one new doctor was provided for an additional 30+ million people and potentially an additional 12M+ illegal aliens and 4M+ felons. Which is not to mention it as a ploy to try to include them before the November 2012 elections. Coincidences all?

And he has the audacity to display a salacious grin, feigning hope, while transforming America with 'Social Justice' Marxist change as he bounds 'hither and yon' bankrupting the Country!

Remember in November. -- rfh

video source: (1m46s)

Colonel David Crockett, Representative from Tennessee, "..I would have put my head into the fire before I would have given that vote; and if I ever vote for another unconstitutional law I wish I may be shot."

I doubt any of the lemmings in the left video can exhibit the fortitude and courage of their convictions as did "Davy" Crockett. His place in immortality was by his honor, his word, his faith in the Constitution and to that end by his deeds.

Colonel "Davy" Crockett, Representative from Tennesee's "Not Yours To Give" speech can be read at:

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