Monday, March 22, 2010

An Open Letter to Congress & the WH

Originally addressed to Congressman Stupak of Michigan on Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Members of the House and Senate represent not only their own districts or states but by their votes bind all of America to laws, rules, and regulations.

Many of us, and I do mean a lot of folks that I know, were counting on you and your fellow Pro-Life Congressional Members to stand by your principles and not cave in to the House leadership and the W.H. pro-death abortion lobby. Regretfully, many friends, including voters in your state have lost faith in whatever Congress says. Your vote spoke volumes about why America has lost confidence in her elected representatives. It is sad that so many Congressional lemmings were so easily herded like sheep to the 'Slaughter' house.

When ever you next see a candy apple, if it is 'candy apple red' remember that color is often the color of babies after they are killed by abortionists before they are discarded. How such fundamental beliefs in the sanctity of life can be so easily 'thrown out with the trash' so-to-speak is beyond comprehension.

"Remember in November" is the phrase I'm hearing and seeing more and more. I for one will remember in November when I vote against my encumbent representative Filner (D-CA 51st) and Senator Boxer (D-CA) as I am sure that folks who remain true to their convictions will vote the same, against the 'Socialist Democrat Party' across America come November. Nor will they vote for Senator Feinstein (D-CA) for Governorship or Senate re-election. I 'hope' Obama
will be
voted out in 2012, a
'change' to 'transform' America

Never before in my life did I ever believe American Values where so fragile. After WWII, I attended school in Europe with ex-Nazi yungen, refugees from Hungary and Eastern Europe. I have visited death camps. I've met them and heard stories from those who lived under the jack-boots of Nazism, Fascism, Socialism and Communism. I met folks who fought in the Underground against Nazi's in Denmark and Holland. I've lived by and talked with Communists in Europe, listened to their philosophies, and wondered at their naivety. I've worked with former OSS members. Family members fought against tyrannical governments in the Pacific Theater and Europe. From all of their experiences, I never before could conceive of such ideologies being voted in to American law ...or so I thought.

Jewish Congressmen and Senators should especially be fearful of the dangers of 'death mills' and should not sell out their own people like a WWII Soros. should all Negro members of Congress whose own race has been decimated by more than 25% since Roe v Wade in '73. For every baby killed by an abortionist, some guilt will lay at your door. Just as it has for all the judges, legislators, workers, military, doctors, and indifferent people and sympathizers who must carry the burden of their sins committed under Nazi, Fascist and Communist regimes.

After the next 'crisis solution' - to give amnesty to illegal aliens - , I suppose that the 'International Small Arms Treaty' will enter our lexicon and we will be moved to 'abolish' the 2nd Amendment under o'who?'s concept of a 'living Constitution.' Will these be the next boot-steps toward a Fascist or Socialist State?

In the past, I proudly swore loyalty oaths disavowing Communism and Nazism in our government. I for one will be voting against all encumbents of the Socialist Democrat Party and their 'fellow travelers.' I hope others fear as I do for our Country, Constitution and the Traditional American Values that Congress now mocks.

Meanwhile, America is Rising. I for one, will Remember in November.
Is there not a Senator

Joseph McCarthy among you?

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