Friday, April 23, 2010

illegals - Victory: Arizona Passes Toughest Immigration Enforcement Law

From: NumbersUSA Newsletter  Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010Newsletter
April 23, 2010
VICTORY! Our Arizona Members Fought For Nation's Toughest Immigration Law

Chris ChmielenskiArizona Gov. Jan Brewer officially signed S.B.1070 into law this afternoon. The bill is the nation's toughest immigration enforcement bill, making it a crime in Arizona to be in the country illegally and cracking down on the hiring of day laborers and the transportation of illegal aliens.

Criticized by many, the bill is a perfect example of the frustration on the state level of the federal government's refusal to secure the borders and enforce the immigration laws already on the books.

A special thanks go out to our 30,066 Arizona activists who have been calling and faxing the Governor's office all week! The bill gained national attention when it received full approval from the state legislature earlier this week, but the pressure of our Arizona activists neutralized the national effort from the pro-amnesty, open-borders supporters.

Pres. Obama has already criticized the Arizona bill, and the Hispanic House Leadership is urging him to block the bill. In the coming weeks, we'll need the entire nation to ensure the law goes into full effect. Keep checking your Action Board for any new faxes and/or phone notes.  Thanks, Chris Chmielenskim,  Website Content Manager

Rasmussen Poll Says 70% of Arizona Residents Support Illegal Immigration Bill
Jan Brewer
Thursday, April 22, 2010
A new Rasmussen poll reveals that 70% of likely voters in Arizona support the new illegal immigration bill passed by the State Legislature. Only 23% oppose the bill. If signed into law, the bill would make it a crime to be in the state of Arizona illegally.
Hispanic House Leaders Urge Pres. Obama to Block Arizona Bill
Luis Gutierrez
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Arizona's tough illegal immigration bill hasn't been signed into law yet by Gov. Jan Brewer, but Hispanic Leaders in the House are urging Pres. Barack Obama to block the bill if she does sign it into law. Led by Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), the group says that the federal government holds the power when it comes to immigration enforcement.
40th Anniversary of 1st Earth Day a Grim Reminder of Immigration's Devastation of a Vision
Roy Beck
By Roy Beck, Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pres. Clinton's Task Force understood it. The Father of Earth Day understood it. You and I understand it. Why does Congress not understand that U.S. environmental sustainability is not possible unless we greatly reduce immigration numbers?
Real Dangers of Overpopulation Witnessed Abroad
Caroline Espinosa
By Caroline Espinosa, Friday, April 23, 2010
Cairo, Egypt is a city of approximately 18 million people within the metropolitan area. That's more than twice the population of New York City. Cairo is also a city of extreme pollution. It is said that living in Cairo is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, as the average resident ingests more than 20 times the acceptable level of air pollution a day. I can easily see how any city in the United States growing too fast is destined to suffer similar environmental concerns.
DISTRIBUTE EARTH DAY REPORT CARDS (who in Congress works against sustainability?)
Roy Beck
By Roy Beck, Thursday, April 22, 2010
Take a look at our special Earth Day Report Cards, with grades for all 535 Members of Congress. On this 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, a lot of politicians will claim to be champions of environmental sustainability. But many of them are actually champions of high immigration which is driving a U.S. population explosion that experts have said makes environmental sustainability impossible to achieve. Come look at those grades . . .
Why I am an Environmentalist — For Immigration Reduction
Philip Cafaro
By Philip Cafaro, Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A philosophy professor with a focus on environmental ethics and policy explains how he found beauty in nature, and then found that immigration-fueled population growth was a major factor behind every major threat to nature.
GREENSPACE VIDEO ON EARTH DAY CRISIS -- When do we stop allowing immigration to destroy a million acres a year?
Roy Beck
By Roy Beck, Monday, April 19, 2010
No, I'm not suggesting that immigrants deliberately or inadvertently destroy more green space than U.S.-born residents. In fact, each immigrant on average destroys a bit less. But the numbers of immigrants (4 times the traditional average) are resulting in the clearing, scraping and developing of nearly a million additional acres of natural habitat and farmland every year. Is this not a crisis demanding urgent attention on this week of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day?
Immigration Headlines at Tax Day Tea Party in Boston and Washington D.C.
Chad MacDonald
By Chad MacDonald, Saturday, April 17, 2010
I received 10 emails from NumbersUSA members who questioned us about going to Tea Party events in Boston and Washington D.C. this week to advocate immigration reductions. We distributed 10,000 fliers (see contents below) on the High Costs of Mass Immigration, and we passed out thousands of Immigration-Reduction Report Cards across the country. While not everybody is a fan of the Tea Party efforts, I believe most of our members get the big picture that 90% of Tea Party supporters oppose illegal immigration and want to stop amnesty.
 Numbers USA, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209

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