Thursday, April 22, 2010


Legislators will try to regulate the Constitution out of existence.  They can only succeed if you allow them by your Vote in November.  The ambition is to take all guns away from civilian citizens.  It only took one incident & two weeks to strip Australians of their gun heritage.  The George Soros backed IANSA and leftists, marxists, communists and the National Socialist Democrat Party and its fellow travelers aren't going to give up easily.  While we have brave soldiers being killed overseas trying to bring freedom to strange lands, here we have strangers trying to take freedoms away. 
Remember in November.  Vote against returning any incumbent to Sacramento that supports trampling on your 2nd Amendment Rights.  Recall how the police and national guard, like SS storm troopers, during the Katrina chaos tried to confiscate every weapon in New Orleans.  Those who ignore the Constitution during a crisis will always jack-boot on American's Heritage in the name of "domestic order."  Statistics and facts, they ignore.  Be careful of clapping about California 'anti-gang' legislation and its gun-provisions.  Once government begins to establish "special classes" of people for "special treatment" you'll soon find yourself "designated for special treatment."  If you could ask all the Jews, Ukranians, Poles, Homosexuals, Gypsies and dissidents who 'like sheep' where herded into box cars or the victims of Pol Pot, Stalin, and on and on, I'm sure you know the answer to the question, "How could you have defended yourself?"  If they knew they were heading to a certain death, would they not have fought?  They didn't have a chance to decide.  They were already disarmed.  When will the electorate stand up and vote out the appeasers and 'do-gooders' who'd otherwise find you an "enemy of the state" can also email, and probably find yourself on a future "special treatment list."  -- view the videos on my blog entry ~~ rfh
----- Original Message -----
From: jjcammarano To: Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 Subject: [sdrra] FULL ALERT - CA - STOP LONG GUN REGISTRATION

Folks, From the NRA. Making those calls makes a difference! "Get the News to Protect Your Freedom" at <> To join this alert list, send an email to <> Thank You! Jim - San Diego Rifle and Revolver Association Help NRA Defeat Long Gun Registration and Other Anti-Gun Bills Please Contact the Members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee!

xOn Tuesday, April 20, the Assembly Public Safety passed Assembly Bill 1934 <\ 20100406_amended_asm_v98.html> . The bill now joins Assembly Bill 1810 <\ 20100405_amended_asm_v98.html> and Assembly Bill 2223 <\ 20100218_introduced.html> in the Assembly Appropriations Committee where they await consideration. No date has been scheduled. AB1934 is a blatant attack on the self-defense rights of law-abiding Californians. Simply put, this legislation would outlaw the open carrying of a handgun for self-defense.

AB1810 would establish a registration system, similar to the one currently in place for handguns, for all newly-acquired long guns.

Under AB1810, the make, model and serial number of the firearm as well as the identifying information of the purchaser would be recorded and kept on file by the California Attorney General's office.

If AB1810 were enacted, violent criminals would continue doing what they do now - obtain firearms through illegal means. This bill would not decrease crime but will rather have disastrous effects on the already financially unstable Golden State. AB1810 would impose additional burdens on California's taxpayers to maintain the registration system as well as on the state's licensed firearms dealers, small businesses who already deal with extensive business requirements.

One simply needs to look at Canada, a nation with draconian firearms registration, to see the results - billions in cumulative administrative costs, annual cost overruns, no clear substantiation of public safety benefits, unjust prosecution, and a bureaucratic complexity that daunts those willing to comply. Ironically, California is considering a new registration scheme as Canada is considering doing away with its system.

AB2223 would outlaw the use of lead shot when shooting or hunting in state-run wildlife management areas. There is no scientific evidence justifying this proposed ban. It is intended only to discourage hunting in California and that is why the Humane Society of the United States is in full support.

AB1934, AB1810, and AB2223 are very serious threats to the rights of California's law-abiding gun owners and must be defeated.

Please contact the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and strongly voice your opposition to AB1934, AB1810, and AB2223. Contact information can be found below.

Assembly Appropriations Committee:

Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes - Chair (D-39)

(916) 319-2039 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Connie Conway - Vice Chair (R-34)

(916) 319-2034 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-13)

(916) 319-2013 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Steven Bradford (D-51)

(916) 319-2051 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Charles M. Calderon (D-58)

(916) 319-2058 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Joe Coto (D-23)

(916) 319-2023 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Mike Davis (D-48)

(916) 319-2048 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Kevin de Leon (D-45)

(916) 319-2045 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Isadore Hall III (D-52)

(916) 319-2052 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Diane L. Harkey (R-73)

(916) 319-2073 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Jeff Miller (R-71)

(916) 319-2071 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Jim Nielsen (R-2)

(916) 319-2002 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Chris Norby (R-72)

(916) 319-2072 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Nancy Skinner (D-14)

(916) 319-2014 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Jose Solorio (D-69)

(916) 319-2069 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Tom Torlakson (D-11)

(916) 319-2011 <\ ee&>

Assemblymember Alberto Torrico (D-20)

(916) 319-2020 <\ ee&>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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