Tuesday, June 08, 2010

illegals & 2nd Amendment - part 1 of 4: "Thank God for Arizona. Check out these pictures."

"Contrariwise", continued Tweedledee, "If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."
-- Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] (1832-1898)
English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer.

After reading the original email, posted in part 4 below, which contains photos of a weapons seizure in Mexico, concerns that I think should be considered by right thinking folks came to mind especially considering the email's introductory comment.  After the next few paragraphs, consider the relationship between some historical quotes from the WWII era and contemporary U.S. quotes,  and their possible application upon you and yours ...given the current administration's new world and non-traditional view of Traditional American Values and our Constitution.

The original email below correctly implies that weapons south of America's border pose potential danger to the U.S. but maybe not in the context that the pictures alone imply not-with-standing the para-military implications of the seizure.

Illegal aliens in the U.S. now comprise a major percentage of criminal activities inside the U.S. and no doubt have ties to their southern counterparts.  Some former Presidents (including Reagan) who supported amnesty for illegals (read criminals) accomplished nothing other than encouraging a flood of more criminals to enter the U.S.  

Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower took aggressive and positive action to alleviate similar problems during their tenures in office.   o'amnesty, if he had a smidgen of  our Founding Fathers's fortitude and that of some of his predecessors, like Hover, Truman, and Eisenhower, could put the problem to bed; however, he and his 'street organizers' and union flunkies and puppet masters are following a totally different strategy.  His, and their plan, to garner votes for 2012 and beyond by granting amnesty to criminals certainly is a good example of 'transparency in government' ...as blatent as it can be.

Rahm Emanuel, his advisor, and Hillary Clinton have used a quote similar to, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste.  ..it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."  Without a doubt, ignoring the illegal aliens part of the question, photos of a similar nature will be trotted out before the public accompanied by an orchestrated chorus of 'scary' rhetoric from his 'fellow travelers' about the need to further regulate and control firearms.

"I haven't seen any proof, neither has the Mexican or U.S. government given out reliable statistics as to what percentage of Mexican seized armament was 'legally' purchased in the U.S.  The few reports that I have read indicate that large percentage ...the bulk of the weapons seized have been stolen/bribed/bought from Mexican government military & police sources and that many are smuggled in from south of Mexico and from other non-U.S. sources. 

'Anti-gun' zealots would have the American voter believe otherwise.  Photos such as the weapons caches below, dramatic as they may be, don't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth!  The 'show'n tell' outbound inspections of vehicles leaving the U.S. (easier now that we're fenced in) isn't producing any startling statistics that would indicate anything other than criminals steal and smuggle as they always have and are not routinely purchasing from legitimate dealers or from law abiding citizens. 

o'gunban, if he has his way, would regulate the 2nd Amendment in to nothingness opening the door for every criminal, be they Mexican drug gangs, 'black panther' wanna be's, ordinary thugs, and those in our country who swear their allegiance to Mecca to have free rein to ravage honest, law abiding citizens like you and me. 

The old adage, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." could become a reality in America as a direct result of o'who?'s agenda to "transform America" .. "We are not a Christian nation." .. a "new international order" as is being pushed by the 'National Socialist (arbeiter) Democrat Party.'  Consider that Mexico, which has stringent anti-gun gun laws obviously has a failed policy.  Consider too, that violent crime rates tend to be less in countries that have liberal gun laws for their citizens.  That is not to say that gun crime would disappear if all citizens were armed; however, o'feet-of-clay and his minions like wise have a failed agenda 'to disarm' America.  If anything, 'the blind are leading the blind' when anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment zealots stand upon and use obviously failed examples like Mexico as a false argument to restrict your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  If we allow o'empty-suit to have his way, then, like England and Australia, violent crime rates will soar here and the honest citizenry will be forced to hide behind darkened curtains in fear of 'the outlaws' ...and 'The State.'"

"The: Mayor of New Orleans ordered all firearms to be confiscated from all the citizenry in NOLA during the Katrina disaster.  It was the largest seizure of weapons from American Citizens since the British seized all weapons in the Boston area during 1775!"

I list a lot of quotes below.  They are listed without addressing the usual 'regulated militia' diversions thrown up in the face of any individual rights supporter when confronted by those who are rabid in their attacks on our 2nd Amendment.    It is not the volume of quotes that is important but the weight of intolerance that they represent.    Please read them before continuing with the original message at the bottom with its photos of a recent Mexican weapons seizure.  Simply viewing the photos without some pre-conditioning would allow some readers to succumb to a false assumption that America must respond to a 'new crisis' in arms trafficking.  Simply posing a question, or making a statement like the email's opening comment, does not imply its own answer which the photos could do.

President Hoover's opine on what I would call 'management by crisis' or more appropriately "fear mongering" is appropriate:

"Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency.'  It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini.  In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback.  And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps.  This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains."  -- Herbert Hoover (1874-1964), 31st US President of our Republic

Considering those presently in authority, it is appropriate to consider a quotation from a Sydney J. Harris, most apt for our current political predicament epitomized by 'the one' and his plan to implement the "International Small Arms Treaty", part of the 'new international order' -- "Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own."

Does this sound familiar to you?  "National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order."  -- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) German Nazi Dictator

Be prepared for o'puppet's predictable 'crisis' response to come in the guise of 'peace and security' for the American people ...translation:  "You lose.  We're taking your guns!"

The long list of quotes which follow will hopefully refresh your recollection on how incessant and unrelenting is the drum beat of the anti-gun hysteria heard from the never ending agenda of leftist zealots who are quick to forget, when it is convenient, of what former Representative Bob Dornan so aptly reminds us, ".. and by the way, Mr. Speaker, the Second Amendment is not for killing little ducks and leaving Huey and Dewey and Louie without an aunt and uncle.  It's for hunting politicians, like in Grozny, and in the colonies in 1776, or when they take your independence away."
-- Robert Dornan US Congressman (CA-R) January 25, 1994,
responding to Bill Clinton's "State of the Union" speech

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