Thursday, January 13, 2011

o'who? - Birther Setback?

 From: ConservativeActionAlerts  Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 Subject: Birther Setback?
Let's get to the point straight-up. Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie is, as he claims to be, a close personal friend of Barack Hussein Obama. His words. Neil Abercrombie is also reported by as being a "fellow traveler" (i.e., member) of the Marxist Democratic Socialist of America. And, of course, so was Mr. Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. According to Governor Abercrombie, he remembered Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. as a child with his parents in Hawaii.

The new Governor of Hawaii, Abercrombie, told the media that: ""What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons. Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.'" Notice that Abercrombie did not say that he saw either the Obamas, or their son, only that he was in Hawaii when Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., was born... somewhere.

However, he did say that he remembers seeing Obama, as a child with his parents, at social events. How would he know? There's a problem with Mr. Abercrombie's timeline. Barack Obama, Sr., who was already living in Kenya, went to the United States in 1962 to complete his education at Harvard. He graduated from Harvard in 1963 and returned to Kenya. So, unless Governor Abercrombie was in two places at the same time, in different parts of the globe, he... well... never saw the Obama family at social functions.

Even though the social progressives accept Neil Abercrombie as a member of the socialist party, the Abercrombie campaign website denies his membership, even though his wife has been listed as a speaker at Democratic Socialist functions. It should be noted that Mr. Abercrombie has said that he was closely linked to Barack Obama for years---but probably not before Mr. Obama gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

Acknowledging that Barack Obama, Jr. has not produced a long-form, doctor-witnessed, birth certificate, Neil Abercrombie recently said that he intends to produce and release Mr. Obama's long-form, hospital issued, birth certificate from Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. Governor Abercrombie added that he is upset, because several States are enacting legislation that will force Presidential candidates to document that they were born in the United States before their names can be placed on the ballot for the office of President of the United States.  If this document does not exist, as Barack Obama's spending of a reported $2 million to obfuscate the efforts of many to get it seems to indicate, it begs the question: what is Governor Abercrombie going to produce?  And, will the ink be dry when he does?

Quite frankly, Governor Abercrombie is not a credible politician, given his past . His most important task, he told TSM, an internet news website, is the discrediting of anti-Obama "birthers." It is a "TOP PRIORITY" for this socialist. Mr. Abercrombie, a native of Buffalo, New York, arrived in Hawaii in 1959, to study sociology at the University of Hawaii. As a teaching assistant, he claims to have met, and befriended, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. If I suggested to you that, in 1961, I met a young actor named Ronald Reagan, and we occasionally met in Hollywood for lunch, what would your reaction be? Most people would think, "how nice." Few would challenge it, since who but a liar would make such an outlandish claim? (In fact, I met, first, Governor, and, then, President Reagan a number of times, however, not in 1961 My point? Anyone can say anything. But the reality of life is, if you tell a lie enough times, it is ultimately perceived to be the truth. And, when it is, the truth becomes fiction. We need to keep fiction from becoming the truth about the real birthplace of Barack Hussein Obama... and we want to make it impossible for a manufactured, phony, long form birth certificate to be touted, and accepted, as a factual document of birth. The reality is, instead of hiding the truth for three years, Barack Hussein Obama, like every other candidate who has ever run for President, should have produced the documentation that verifies that he was eligible to seek the office of President---instead of spending a reported $2 million to hide every piece of evidence about his past that would have unraveled the truth.  In light of what is taking place in Hawaii, one must ask the question: is Governor Abercrombie a credible politician, or is he simply a "party politician," doing the bidding of his "close, personal friend of many years?" After all, as the Governor said, discrediting the anti-Obama "birthers" is a "TOP PRIORITY" for his administration.

Remember: there is a reason why Barack Hussein Obama has spent a reported $2 million to hide his past and to conceal the history of his identity. All that the American people want is the TRUTH, not $2 million in rhetoric, "spin," and legal "mumbo-jumbo."   In fact, at the very least, the American people have a right to demand the truth, as the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees us --- We, The People --- the right to address our grievances to the government of the United States.  Thus far, the government has violated the Constitution by refusing to listen to that grievance... and require that Barack Hussein Obama produce the documentation that the United States Constitution requires of him.

Sadly, the federal court system continues to shield the truth. The lawsuits filed by a myriad of plaintiffs, including those that USJF is currently representing, demanding that the government listen to our grievance in a court of law, have run into "judicial roadblocks" in every case. The United States Justice Foundation has filed legal brief after legal brief, funded suit after suit (8, so far, including the 2 that we currently provide legal representation in), yet the federal government continues to stonewall us.

Please.  Please.  Please help us to get to the bottom of this issue.  It is very possible that Mr. Obama is ILLEGALLY sitting as the "President" of the United States.
Thank you for your CRITICAL RESPONSE TODAY TO HELP USJF to get to the real truth about Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as the Commander-in-Chief.
Gary G. Kreep, Esq., Executive Director, United States Justice Foundation

P. S.   Nothing is quite as important. Without his original birth certificate, the available evidence shows that Barack Obama cannot legally be in the position that he is in. That means that everything that he has signed in the past two years is NULL AND VOID! Please assist us with a most generous donation today. Our legal staff is over-taxed in fighting this eligibility issue. Please remember that all contributions to USJF are tax-deductible.

Don't pass up this possibly last chance to help. Since Governor Abercrombie wants to turn a press conference into a media circus, to create the illusion that he is producing Mr. Obama's actual, 1961, long-form, hospital-issued, doctor-signed, birth certificate which Barack Hussein Obama has reportedly spent $2 million dollars burying, the United States Justice Foundation will take the challenge.  We don't have the deep pockets of the State of Hawaii, or the White House, so we will need to use the national media to run ads to lay out what we know about the Obama birth question, and to demand that Governor Abercrombie fulfill his promise.  This is your fight.  We win it, or we lose it, now.  We need your financial support to finish this battle.  PLEASE DONATE what you can, now, so that in the David and Goliath battle that we are engaged in, we have more than a slingshot and 5 stones.  Please click here, and DONATE your best gift possible, to help us to derail Governor Abercrombie's efforts to convince other States that they don't have to ask Presidential candidates to produce documentation to prove that they are eligible to run.

To donate by check, make payable to: United States Justice Foundation, Dept Code 5352, 932 D Street Suite 1, Ramona, CA 92065
The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted. Conservative Action Alerts, 264 Little Creek - Lancaster, PA 17601 US

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