Friday, June 24, 2011

2nd Amendment - Agency Gone Wild, US Officers Murdered (NAGR)

From: Dudley Brown, Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 Subject: Agency Gone Wild
     Attorney General Eric Holder and his anti-gun cronies at the Justice Department are starting to realize they may be in some hot water.
     But, as was to be expected, they are going to throw someone else under the bus and hope it all goes away!
     After a revealing week of hearings on the horribly corrupt "Project Fast & Furious" -  the BATFE's attempt to create crime in order to make themselves relevant - the head of the ATF, Kenneth Melson, is getting ready to take the fall by resigning.
     I guess Eric Holder still refuses to take any responsibility and is placing all the blame on his subordinates.
     As you now well know, courageous agents within the ATF have been testifying before Congress that senior leadership at both the ATF and the Justice Department forced gun shops to sell firearms to known smugglers who sold the guns to drug cartels in Mexico.
     This disastrous plan resulted in multiple federal agents being shot and killed with weapons that were allowed to "walk" into Mexico.
     And this happened even after agents working on the case warned their superiors that it would happen.
     The response from ATF/Justice Department leadership?
     That a few "eggs" have to be scrambled to make an omelette.
     Now, in light of all this controversy, the acting director of the ATF is trying to take the fall by resigning.
     But this is where it gets really shady.
     Guess who his replacement is supposed to be?
     A man I've been keeping my eye on for a while - Andrew Traver.
    You see, Andrew Traver has been an enemy of gun owners for quite some time.
     As head of the Chicago division of the ATF he has advocated nearly every gun ban you can think of.
     And even some you haven't.
     To give you an idea, he's been Obama's number one choice to head the agency since last year.
     The simple fact is: "he's worse than the guy he's replacing."
     And what's more is that, because he's been the one Eric Holder wanted for quite some time to step in as the director, it is inconceivable that he was not briefed at some point on Project Fast & Furious.
     They've been talking about Traver taking the helm of the BATFE for at least 6 months (that I know of.)
     Do you think that a guy being groomed for that position wouldn't be briefed on the agency's biggest operation?
     I think you know where this is going!
     While it is certainly clear that ATF leadership needs cleaning out, to replace the current director with one who is admittedly anti-gun and clearly involved in what his boss is already in trouble over!
     Well, that's unacceptable in my book.
     I called my Congressman and told him that replacing one leader who has no respect for my rights with another one doesn't "fix" the problem.
     It's an attempt to pacify the public.
     They know it, but they're hoping you don't.
     Give them a call and tell them you know what the Justice Department is trying to do and you're not falling for it.
     Call your Congressman at (202) 224- 3121 and tell them that the ATF needs a serious overhauling and that the Attorney General needs to be held responsible for this flagrant abuse of the law.
     Make sure they know that your Second Amendment rights are more important than funding some rogue Agency Gone Wild.
     I know I'm going to call everyone I know in politics and make sure this doesn't go unnoticed.
Do the same for me.
   For Freedom, Dudley Brown, Executive Director
P.S. After you've called your Congressman and told them to hold Eric Holder's anti-gun Justice Department accountable, click on this link to send a few bucks to the National Association for Gun Rights.  I have to keep this place growing to fight these gun-grabbers who think we aren't looking.  I have to let them know that yes, we are. And we won't stand for this kind of behavior.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570.  Its web address is -- Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

bcc'd "red diaper babies" & RINOs

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