Thursday, June 02, 2011

o'leak - Security Breech at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

From: ConservativeActionAlerts Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 Subject: Security Breech at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
STOP the Leaks, Mr. Obama!
Leaks within the Obama administration have led to the release of a SEAL Team Six member's name to a California newspaper! 
     Members of the Obama administration and Vice President Joe Biden's loose lips have put a bull's-eye on the backs of our brave soldiers who carried out the operation in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden. 
     "Anything further that comes out could damage their operational security, maybe reveal tricks of the trade or even endanger their families," said Jed Babbin, former Undersecretary of Defense, following media reports that identified the HK416, as the type of gun the SEALs used to kill bin Laden
     "My concern is that there were too many people in too many places talking too much about this operation," Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said during a briefing with Pentagon reporters. "We had reached an agreement that we would not talk about operational details. That lasted about 15 hours." 
     Weeks after the Obama administration leaked vital information about the operation that led to the U.S. locating and killing Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, the media continue to ignore the Administration's culpability.
     The mainstream media's allegiance to President Obama is stifling their objectivity and impartiality in seeking the truth. 
     Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen also rebuked the Obama administration and warned, "We have gotten to the point where we are close to jeopardizing this precious capability that we have. The fight against terrorist extremists isn't over. From my perspective, it's time to stop talking." 
     According to U.S. News and World Report, "The latest straw came when CBS revealed that the members of Special Warfare Development Group, formerly SEAL Team Six, wore helmet cams into bin Laden's compound." 
     Reporters were unable to get CIA and Pentagon officials to reveal details about the Pakistan operation, but in less than 24 hours, Biden confirmed that the U.S. Navy SEALs had conducted the raid on bin Laden's compound
     Biden's verbal gaffes have long been a joke during the Obama presidency. However, putting our elite military and their families in the cross hairs of our enemies is not a joking matter. It is reprehensible! 
     We cannot allow the mainstream media to avert the public's attention away from the White House leakers. Those who put the U.S. armed forces and their families in danger must be called to testify before Congress to explain the reasons behind their actions! CLICK HERE to SEND FAXES to every member of Congress to DEMAND an investigation into the Obama administration's leakers-their identities must be exposed so that we can hold them to account for this security breech. 
     "As Vice President of the United States, as an American, I was in absolute awe of the capacity and dedication of the entire team, both the intelligence community, the CIA, the SEALs. It just was extraordinary," Biden boasted during a dinner at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, D.C. one day after the Pakistan operation. 
     Secretary Gates and Adm. Mullen's criticism of the Administration intensified after U.S. Navy SEALs expressed their concern about the details that were included in the White House leaks. 
     During a town hall meeting at Camp Lejeune, N.C., a Marine asked Gates what was being done to protect the identities and the lives of U.S. soldiers following the Administration's leaks
     Many in the military see the Administration's actions as "an unprecedented breach of confidentiality." 
     We cannot allow the Obama administration's lack of accountability
to threaten the safety and security of our soldiers and their families.
     The Obama administration's leakers have compromised the U.S. armed forces' ability to successfully complete future missions. This is why we are urging Congress to protect and defend U.S. soldiers and Marines by calling for a Congressional investigation into the Administration's leaks. 
     We cannot stand on the sidelines and follow the mainstream media's lead by ignoring this security breech. We OWE it to our soldiers to hold Biden and the undisciplined Obama administration accountable! 
     Our soldiers' safety is in peril and it's our duty to stand up to the Obama administration and hold them accountable for their actions. Your help is desperately needed NOW before the Left-wing media sweep the Obama administration's leaks under the rug. 
     Members of Congress must to hear from you. 
     Sincerely, Tony Adkins, Conservative Action Alerts
P. S. Our duty as American citizens is to stay informed so that we can ensure that members of Congress don't ignore the concerns of U.S. soldiers and military families. Revealing the details of our military and intelligence operations overseas has put all of our soldiers and future operations at risk!

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