Sunday, July 03, 2011

o'mam - 1500 B.C.: Israel/Jerusalem in September (AP) [war?, preparedness]

"Mr. President: Support a return to the borders of 1500 B.C. not 1967." -- rfh
From: ConservativeActionAlerts  Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011  Subject: AP: Palestinians to seize Jerusalem in September, with U.N. permission
AP:  Palestinians will seize East Jerusalem in September, with U.N. permission 
     The Associated Press just reported "The West Bank Palestinian leadership formally decided Monday to press ahead with efforts in September to win U.N. recognition of a state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem."  Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with members of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (the same P.L.O. historically linked with violent  terrorists of Hamas) and decided they will unilaterally seek United Nations permission to seize Israeli land without negotiation or consideration of Israeli sovereignty.  
     "Leading members of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas'  Fatah movement met Sunday and later said in a statement that the goal is to bring a state of Palestine into the family of nations of the world....Only the U.N. Security Council can add a nation to the world body, and the U.S. government has repeatedly expressed its opposition to the move, signaling it will veto such a resolution," said one AP reporter.
     However, President Obama has recently signaled the opposite, that the U.S. may not veto such a land-grab, as Abbas said last week on Lebanese TV, quote:   "President Obama says he wants to see an independent Palestinian state by September."  No wonder Abbas met with PLO leaders and decided to seize the moment, and East Jerusalem with it.
     "Palestinian officials hope U.N. recognition would force Israel to make concessions when negotiations resume...The statement did not say what form of U.N. recognition the Palestinians are seeking or what steps they might take after such a nod from the world body," said AP.
     [Chaps comment:  They will declare independence and cause a war.  Abbas and the PLO do not want concessions "during negotiations."  They plan to declare independence and fight for their newly claimed land, with U.N. and Obama's approval.  There is war coming in September. If Israel refuses to comply, Obama will not veto, the U.N. will grant land, and Muslims will attack Israeli territory to seize East Jerusalem and the 1967 borders.]
     President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority said on Lebanese TV last week, quote:   "President Obama says he wants to see an independent Palestinian state by September."   
     This confirms the likelihood Obama will direct America's U.N. representatives to NOT VETO the upcoming U.N. vote to seize Israeli land and establish an independent Palestine state, without any concern or negotiation for Israeli sovereignty.   
     Haaretz newspaper in Israel confirmed a unilateral vote will be forced upon Israel by the U.N. this September.  "Israel's new ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor urged Jewish American leaders on Monday to form a clear and operational plan ahead of the United Nations vote in September regarding unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state," the report said.    
     If Obama does not veto this, it would immediately cause a violent war against Israel.  Prosor also said that "regardless of the outcome of the UN vote, a Palestinian state will not be created and added that the UN is not authorized to dictate borders between countries." He stressed that "a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state will bring about another cycle of violence that will only lead to a dead end."  
     Obama could stop the coming war, simply by vetoing any U.N. resolution.  "I don't know if the US has another option, but if it does, we will not go to the UN," Abbas told Lebanese TV.  [In other words, Obama holds power to stop their unilateral demands, but he won't.]
     Abbas, who claims 116 of the 195 member states of the UN General Assembly are willing to recognize a Palestinian state, has stressed that his government would go through with the declaration if negotiations with Israel remain deadlocked.  Israel hopes for 30 nations against, but America is the only among them who could veto the U.N. land grab.  

     "Unilateral moves are not constructive," Prosor said after his first day on the job, emphasizing that there was still time to act before the vote.
     Haaretz newspaper in Israel reports President Obama has privately given a 30-day ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to either forfeit their land and revert to Obama's 1967 border plan, or face punishment by the United Nations.  A U.N. vote to recognize Palestine (and seize Israeli land) is scheduled for September, which could be vetoed by the United States, but Obama's recent actions cast doubt upon whether the U.S. will veto any U.N. land-grab.  
     "An Israeli source who spoke recently with senior officials in Washington said the Americans were very frustrated with Netanyahu's behavior, feeling that he was impeding America's efforts to keep the Palestinians from unilaterally seeking UN recognition of a state in September," reported Haaretez.  "Netanyahu's personal envoy, Isaac Molho, spent last week in Washington...The Americans told Molho that to block European initiatives...they must have something concrete to offer, like Netanyahu's agreement to negotiate on the basis of Obama's speech."  [So if Netanyahu doesn't comply, America won't block European initiatives.]
     In other words, Obama issued an implied threat to destroy Israel, by endorsing the U.N. plan to seize her land, unless Netanyahu commits national suicide by returning to the 1967 borders (just nine miles wide in spots) which are militarily indefensible. 
     "We're about to crash into the wall. We're galloping at full speed toward a situation where Israel will cease to exist as a Jewish state," said Israeli President Shimon Perez.  "Whoever accepts the basic principle of the 1967 lines will receive international support from the world," Peres said. "Whoever rejects it will lose the world."  Perez is liberal, and encourages Netanyahu to sell Israeli land for peace.
      Netanyahu voiced his "vehement objection to starting peace talks on the basis of the 1967 lines, which he called 'indefensible' in both the Knesset and the U.S. Congress," said Haaretz.   Netanyahu is conservative, but without American help he stands alone in trying to preserve, not only Israel's current borders, but their right to exist.
     Bottom line:  Without the USA's veto of the U.N. plan, Israel will soon cease to exist as a nation. Both Perez and Netanyahu agree Israel will soon cease to exist, but one says "compromise" and the other says "no compromise."  We must demand Congress defend Israel, since Obama won't.  Please sign our petition today...
     Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) led 45 Members of Congress with Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) this week by introducing H.Res 271 supporting Israel's right to defend its own borders, against attack by Hamas terroists, Iranian nuclear ambitions, and the Obama Administration.
     The resolution reads in part:  "Expressing support for the State of Israel's right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time to protect against such an immediate and existential threat to the State of Israel."
     To help this H.Res 271, I just created a new petition you can sign, asking YOUR Congressman to co-sponsor this critical pro-Israeli self-defense initiative.  Our petition REJECTS President Obama's plan to return Israel's borders to the 1967 borders, REJECTS Obama's plan to divide Israel's land in a two-state solution, REJECTS Obama's plan to bring a curse upon America for violating Joel 3:2 and dividing the land of Israel in a phony "land for peace" deception, and REJECTS anybody's call to take away Israel control of the holy city of Jerusalem. 
     Why should we, as Christians, stand with Israel?  Watch the 2 minute video answer I just gave at the national press club...

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt speaks at a press conference held on May 23, 2011 at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. in support of Israel and in response to the President's recent remarks. More details are available at
Uploaded onto Youtube by  on May 23, 2011
Your donations helped run this ad ran in the Wall Street Journal and Jerusalem Post:  

"I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land."  Joel 3:2
God Bless you, in Jesus' name, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt
For interviews or speaking invitations, select here. 

P.S. Thank you for standing with Israel and with with me.  I appreciate your love for God and God's chosen people, who are under attack from all sides in these last daysSELECT HERE TO SIGN new PETITION DEFENDING ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO PROTECT HER OWN BORDERS, NOT DIVIDE HER GOD-GIVEN LAND, AND REJECT PRESIDENT OBAMA'S CALL FOR RETURN TO 1967 BORDERS.  (WE WILL AUTO-FAX CONGRESS!)  Prefer to donate by mail?  Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, CoS, CO 80970. -- Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who was vindicated by Congress after being honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying "in Jesus name" in uniform, are his own personal views, not the views of any political party, government, or organization.

bcc'd "red diaper babies" & RINOs

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