Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rise of the State - Criticize ObamaCare & Go To Jail?

From: AmeriPAC Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011Subject: Criticize ObamaCare & Go To Jail?
Criticize ObamaCare & Go To Jail?
ALERT: An Obama appointee judge is threatening to jail a group of conservative activists for criticizing ObamaCare!
     Rep. Steve Driehaus was ousted in the 2010 elections and boy did he have an ax to grind. He refused to assume any personal responsibility for why he lost so he decided to file a lawsuit instead.
     Who is the target of the lawsuit? A group of law-abiding, politically active women from the Susan B. Anthony List organization! What was the group's so-called crime?  Exercising their 1st Amendment Rights! They aired an ad criticizing Driehaus' vote for ObamaCare so he decided to drag them to court.
     To make matters worse, Judge Timothy Blackin (an Obama appointee) has REFUSED to dismiss Driehaus' frivolous lawsuit and instead is charging the patriotic group of women with DEFAMATION and possible JAIL TIME!
Are You Outraged Yet?
     I certainly am. That is why I am asking you to fill out the Emergency Political Freedom Poll - right away. Your answers will alert the freedom-grabbers that we will not sit back and do nothing while they snatch away our 1st Amendment Rights. We must tell them that we will NOT SUPPORT any legislation or proposals that kill our right to criticize the government!
     Even though our 1st Amendment Rights are supposed to protect our right to engage in free speech, it looks like the subversive Obama Administration has found a way to weasel around that. The way things are going just criticizing a candidate will result in jail time. Obama wants to create an EAST GERMANY-STYLE dictatorship! One critical comment about the government will get you thrown in jail!
If The Liberals Are Successful We Could All Go To Jail
     Believe me, unless you and I take action, the liberals will fiercely advance their seditious plans. Their goal is pass as many laws as possible to GAG everyone who disagrees with their Socialist agenda.
This is a MASSIVE left-wing conspiracy to SILENCE conservatives!
     Right now, the liberals are holding clandestine meetings to ram a slew of anti-1st Amendment legislation through Congress. They are waiting patiently for the right moment to SNEAK their bills through the legislative process. We must be prepared. We CANNOT let them get away with passing laws the American people DO NOT support!
You Need To Make Your Voice Heard NOW! Or Else The Radicals Will Snatch Away That Right!
We Can Never Take Our 1st Amendment Freedoms For Granted Again!
     Things will only get worse. Obama has DELIBERATELY stuffed our courts full of rabid socialists so he can pass any law he wants! Just look at outrageous ruling against the Susan B. Anthony List. Bob Unruh, of World Net Daily wrote:
      "The judge, who cited Google as a source in one footnote of his ruling, said, 'Upon a careful review of both of the [Congressional Research Service] memoranda cited by the parties, this court fails to identify any affirmative statement that the PPACA [ObamaCare] includes taxpayer funded abortion.'
Therefore, he ruled, a trial must be held to determine whether there was a defamation and whether there was malice in the statements by the SBA List, including those by its president, Marjorie Dannenfelser."
     Please do not assume the slick, dishonest Obama Administration will expose or oppose these treasonous actions against our political freedom. Until ordered to do so by Congress, the White House will ruthlessly advance their anti-1st Amendment agenda.
     Unless you and I act today, there will be no end to the freedom grabbing laws the liberals will pass. I urge you to take a stand against the anti-freedom zealots before it's too late.
     Be sure to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TODAY! Thank you!
Defend America, Alan M. Gottlieb, Chairman, AmeriPAC

P.S. Remember, the anti-freedom zealots have very deep pockets. Your financial contribution will help keep AmeriPAC's efforts moving forward. Our goal is to expand our EMERGENCY POLITICAL FREEDOM POLL to 1 million more patriots by the end of the year to turn them into freedom activists!  If you prefer to send a check, please mail to: American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC), PO Box 1682, Dept Code 3671-pm-rs, Bellevue, WA 98009-1682 -- We can't do this without your support. That's why we've set up our poll so that you can FORCE Washington to "feel the heat" from the MAJORITY of the American people! Take action TODAY -- before Obama and his buddies destroy our country!  Please help us generate OVERWHELMING pressure on Congress to protect our right to oppose the Obama regime. So please fill out your EMERGENCY POLITICAL FREEDOM POLL and if possible, could you please chip in $10...$15...or $50? Whatever you can afford is much appreciated.  Your future. My future. And our children's futures are on the line.  Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multi candidate political action committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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