Saturday, November 19, 2011

o'der leader - Executive Order Fascism: Enabling Acts (Notverordnungen)

     ... "In any case, Hitler called the cabinet together only very rarely after the first months of 1933 - the last cabinet meeting happened in 1937.  He preferred to "govern" via decrees and personal orders." [...executive orders...] ( reference: ) -- rfh
     o'der leader copied the governance of Hitler's 'enabling Act of March 23, 1933.'   His brazen pronouncement:  "Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done,"  made on 11Oct11] to a "Jobs Council" meeting. 
    Does this sound familiar?
    An enabling act is a piece of legislation by which a legislative body grants an entity which depends on it for authorization or legitimacy the power to take certain actions.  For example, enabling acts often establish government agencies to carry out specific government policies in a modern nation state.  The effects of enabling acts from different times and places vary widely.  The government had success in gathering those majorities by threatening to call for presidential dictatorial decrees (usually called Notverordnungen), ..

Poll: 63 Percent Oppose Obama's Executive Order Fascism
Article by Ben Johnson, November 18, 2011
o'der leader
     Since losing control of Congress in the 2010 midterm elections, President Obama has increasingly turned to executive orders, regulations, and federal fiats to implement his agenda in a program the White House has dubbed "We Can't Wait."   Analysts say Obama hopes the end-run around the legislative branch will allow him to campaign against a "do-nothing Congress" in 2012.  However, a new Rasmussen poll finds a whopping majority of Americans oppose his most recent executive action on health care reform.  Only 27 percent of those surveyed approve of the president's new program to distribute $1 billion in grants to organizations that promise to find new ways to increase employment in the medical industry.  Nearly two-thirds of respondents, 63 percent, say the president should work with Congress on implementing the bill, as the Constitution requires.
     Obama unleashed the grant proposal after Congress refused to pass his "jobs" bill.
     "This will open the inbox for many innovators and organizations that have an idea to bring to the table," said Dr. Donald Berwick, administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. "We're seeking innovators, organizations and leaders that have an idea to bring into further testing."
     Unfortunately, Berwick idealizes the British National Health Service, which is infamous for rationing care to the ill. In 1993, Berwick insisted: "Using unwanted procedures in terminal illness is a form of assault.  In economic terms, it is waste."  More recently, Berwick has declared, "Excellent health care is by definition [wealth] redistribution."  He is joined in the administration by Henry J. Aaron, Obama's nominee for the Social Security Advisory Board, who for nearly 30 years has promoted health care rationing along the British model.  His 2005 book Can We Say No? argues "health care rationing in the United States is advisable, even inescapable."
     The Washington Post reports the nation will face a shortage of 63,000 doctors by 2015.  However, ObamaCare's funding formula will decrease the pool further yet by paying doctors less.  Lower pay translates to fewer doctors, which in turn results in rationing by necessity.  With funding changes under ObamaCare, the Office of the Medicare Actuary forecast that within nine years Medicare will pay doctors less than Medicaid.  Conservative analyst John Goodman explained, "From a financial point of view, the seniors will be perceived as less desirable customers than welfare mothers."
     The program has concrete ideas about how to compensate for the doctor shortage:
     That has left federal agencies looking to alternative ways to deliver care, ones that may rely more on community-based care and less on trips to the doctor's office. Under this new program, organizations may be able to explore how community workers, volunteers, pharmacy techs or clinic managers could play a larger role in the health-care workforce.
     Obama, Berwick, and Aaron are exploring ways the federal government can take over the health care sector and direct Americans to receive their health care from "volunteers" and "community workers" rather than making "trips to the doctor's office." And they are implementing it without bothering Congress in any way.
     Many believe this is no coincidence.  While the Silent Generation (Americans born between 1928 and 1945) was the only demographic to favor John McCain over Barack Obama in 2008, fully 70 percent of unmarried women voted for Obama.
     The frightening part is that less than two-thirds of Americans disapprove, much less two-thirds of Congressmen.

some comments posted on &
Victor Landry says:  Obama is the prototypical liberal who believe the end justifies the means and has utter disdain for the Constitution and rule of law.
One Citizen Of The Republic says: When rulers violate the laws of the land and ignore the will of the people…there will be rebellion, there will be "change" or the people will become slaves.  The question in America today is simple… How long will the American people allow a tyrant to rule, to abuse the taxpayer, to ignore the constitution, to violate the laws of the land, and destroy our economy and future of our children?  HOW LONG?
Mike Stone Sr says:  Congress can and should stop these dictatorial orders, they are guilty as obammi, kick all incumbents of over six years out!
Dannie Long says: Obama denies the constitution every chance he gets and he swore to defend it, what a Liar, treasonist, tax evader with a dead man's S.S. number and 7 fake names, 28 addresses.

About Ben Johnson: Ben Johnson is the editor of several conservative websites.  A seasoned journalist, he has broken a host of news stories of national importance and written sizzling editorials that started the nation talking.  A former talk show host, he has been a guest on The Michael Savage Show, Nothing But Truth with Crane Durham, Crosstalk on VCY America, The G. Gordon Liddy Show, The Bob Dutko Show, and scores of local programs.  The Managing Editor of FrontPage Magazine (2004-2010) and previously its Associate Editor (2003-2004), he is the author of three books.  He maintains his own website,, which you can view here.  You can contact him here.  View all posts by Ben Johnson

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