Saturday, December 31, 2011

debt - Jubilee: (video 27m29s,, Fr.2Dec11)

article/video source:
short URL:

Russia Television:

    New jobs numbers are out but don't be fooled by the drop in unemployment to 8.6 percent.  More than half of that is people leaving the labor force entirely.  Discouraged workers.  People who have given up looking.  This is the U3 number.  Still, unemployment has not  been this high for this long since monthly unemployment records began in 1948.
     Meanwhile, the MF Global plot thickens.  Now that the firm has collapsed regulators are considering new rules restricting the use of customer money for brokerages.  Now, the regulator, the commodities futures trading commission (CFTC( wanted to finish the new rules earlier this year but was delayed.  Why?  Heavy lobbying from MF Global chief executive Jon Corzine!
     So, with all of the problems in the world today, how do people begin to think about, let alone implement solutions that can improve their lives and those of others in society?   Economists like Steve Keen support debt jubilees, others like Lew Rockwell and Ron Paul support sound money as the solution, but what about something more radical?  What about getting grid of money, profit and competition all together?
     Well, Peter Joseph, author of the Zeitgeist series, believes that society can evolve to do just that.  He joins us during the show to talk about the role of debt, the monetary system, and social norms that encourage what he views as inefficient and destructive behavior that does more harm for society than good.

Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 - Candidates' Immigration Positions Chart/Grades (

Click here to view NumbersUSA's grid of potential candidates in the 2012 presidential election.  You can click on each candidate to view more information about his/her grades and view contact info so you can encourage your preferred candidate to improve his/her immigration stances. (printer friendly version:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

o'debt - Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion? Gov't Gone Wild! (video 3m17s)

Interest Payments Alone by 2021: 1.1 Trillion Annually. 
By 2046: Every single dime of taxes goes to interest! -- Vote'm all out!!! -- rfh
From: drude Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 Subject: A MUST see short video!
Certainly should be interesting in 2046 if not sooner.
Nothing political here............just flat out scary!
view video at:

Uploaded by on Mar 10, 2011
Our country is on the verge of financial Armageddon!  Please forward this to everyone you know.  This is the second video produced by Blaise Ingoglia.  Visit for more.
Just informational - perhaps thought pervoking.  Not necessarily anything to do with my opinion, just info. Delete or fwd - your choice, of course.

2012 - Ron Paul: Foreign Policy & Israel (video 6m57s)

"'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent Alliances, with any portion of the foreign world." -- George Washington (b.1732-d.1799), 1st president of the United States: 1789-1797
From: kd Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 Subject: Ron Paul and Israel
For those of you that may think Ron Paul is anti Israel....KD
Uploaded to Youtube by on Dec 8, 2011
Jack Hunter sits down with Congressman Paul to discuss why the U.S. government should respect Israel's sovereignty.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, - May 2011 before the U.S. Congress
Uploaded to Youtube by 
Benjamin Netanyahu agrees with Ron Paul that Israel can take care of herself.
     "My friends, you don't need to do nation building in Israel. We're already built. You don't need to export democracy to Israel. We've already got it. You don't need to send American troops to defend Israel. We defend ourselves."
     Mainstream media would like all of us to believe that Ron Paul's views on foreign policy are out of touch with reality, that he is crazy and his ideas dangerous.  The truth is... Ron Paul's foreign policy views are very much in line with the rest of the world.  Take a look at the video and judge for yourself... Ron Paul and Benjamin Netanyahu agree - Israel can defend itself!

"For liberals, it's ever and always our fault.  According to this worldview, if we didn't support Israel, if we weren't involved in the Middle East, if we'd hadn't toppled the Taliban regime and Saddam's thugocracy, today, al-Qa'ida suicide bombers would be waving little American flags while bin Laden sang 'Yankee Doodle Dandy'." -- Don Feder, Citizen"

o'congress - Eat the Rich Mentality (video 6m25s)

     I am going to vote against the reelection of any incumbent, regardless of party ...and especially the o'tax'n spend Marxist.  If a major financial failure were to happen anywhere in the world, it's entirely possible that a rapid collapse of civilization, as we know it, could happen.  We, you and I, can not afford to have an o'bamanomics government that is totally fiscally insane. -- rfh
     P.S. Note too that about 40% of Congress are millionaires.  Why isn't the 'Occupy Wall Street' loons not surrounding the White House and the Capitol?  From CNN, 4Nov11: "You've heard the saying: "The rich get richer?"  Perhaps nowhere in America is that better illustrated than the U.S. Congress.  Capitol Hill's newspaper, Roll Call, crunched the numbers and found that the net worth of all members of Congress rose an astounding 25% over the past couple of years.  Roll Call found that 40% of Congress  – 219 members- are millionares.  That's an average net worth of 3.8 million dollars per lawmaker." ( Does the remark: "Let them eat cake." sound familiar? ["Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"] - rfh )
From: thy Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 Subject:  U Gotta Watch This...
check this out -- interesting!!!!  Wait until you have 6 minutes to concentrate.  Then watch this. 
If this doesn't say it all, I don't know what would.  For those that may even think about buying the notion that we can just take a little more from the "rich" to solve our economic problems, watch this.  The next time you hear someone buying into the liberal philosophy of simply raising taxes on the "rich," consider showing them the following video.  There is a massive  misunderstanding on a whole host of things, but most especially on how fat the golden goose is and what happens when you run it out of money and/or our country.  Someone better use the video below and educate the public quickly. 
 Click HERE:
video source:

Uploaded by on Apr 12, 2011
We have a spending problem in America. This video clarifies the magnitude of just how much we spend, IN JUST ONE YEAR!!

o'ship of fools - rights & lists by polls

From: thy Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Subject: Qoute of the century, maybe even the millenium...

Following Obama's poll ratings is a fascinating pastime.  It's interesting to note that when he goes on vacation to Hawaii, his poll ratings improve ...almost skyrocket.  Maybe he should simply stay away from Washington D.C. on vacation for the rest of his term then he could retire as the most popular president. -- rfh

Obama Polls:

Monday, December 26, 2011

Marine Hero: Sergeant "Reckless" - a Horse! (video 3m37s)

From: drude Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Subject: A true Hero "Reckless" a Horse!
This video was "lost footage" of a real American Hero in Korea.  A horse named Reckless, the most amazing animal story I have ever heard.  It's real footage and I think you will love this and want to pass it along.  Words cannot describe this.  Watch and see if you agree!  It's priceless!  This is a very heart warming horse story that should be told.  Reckless was a pack horse during the Korean war, and she carried recoilless rifles, ammunition and supplies to Marines.  Nothing too unusual about that, lots of animals got pressed into doing pack chores in many wars.  But this horse did something more - during the battle for a location called Outpost Vegas, this mare made 50 trips up and down the hill, on the way up she carried ammunition, and on the way down she carried wounded soldiers; What was so amazing?  Well she made every one of those trips through enemy fire and without anyone leading her.  Here's the story of what she did: HERE
Reckless - Fox5 San Diego 11-10-09
1DeleteReckless - Fox5 San
11-10-09 by sgtreckless2010
Reckless, Pride Of The Marines
2DeleteNow playingReckless,
Pride Of The Marines
by oktahahorses
    Sgt Reckless - Korean War Horse Hero
    DeleteNow playing Sgt Reckless 
    Korean War Horse Hero
    by sgtreckless2010
    Inside Information EP 26 "Reckless"
    4DeleteNow playingInside Information
    EP 26 "Reckless"
    by HorseRacingTV

    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    o'rules'n regulations - Nanny State: "Choices" Points are well taken.... I hate the pig-tail (video 5m13s)

    "Under my administration, energy costs will necessarily skyrocket." - the o'cap'n tax regulator
    From: drude Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 Subject: Check out I AGREE with him! His points are well taken.... I hate the pig-tail light bulbs- but they do save money and energy:
    Listen to the brilliant Democrat Administration answers:
    o'der leader - Executive Order Fascism: Enabling Acts (Notverordnungen)

         ... "In any case, Hitler called the cabinet together only very rarely after the first months of 1933 - the last cabinet meeting happened in 1937.  He preferred to "govern" via decrees and personal orders." [...executive orders...] ( reference: ) -- rfh

         o'der leader copied the governance of Hitler's 'enabling Act of March 23, 1933.'   His brazen pronouncement:  "Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done,"  made on 11Oct11] to a "Jobs Council" meeting. 

    2012 - o'humpty dumpty & Corzine: 'both wrong' or 'Another Crook in the o'woodpile' (+'toon)

    "How do you "lose" over one billion dollars?  Ask Obama." -- rfh
    From: thy Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 Subject: Trust Obama, Biden and Corzine!
    Uploaded to Youtube by on Dec 12, 2011
    "No wonder the stimulus didn't work.  
    Download the RNC briefing book, "My Wall Street Guy: Barack Obama & Jon Corzine" at: "

    o'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    o'Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    All the king's horses and all the king's men
    Couldn't put o'Humpty together again.
    Uploaded to Youtube by on Jul 4, 2009
    Cartoon by Ub Iwerks 

    Wednesday, December 21, 2011

    Big Brother - TSA "Army" (Charleston Post Courier, Th.22Dec11)

    Now, overhaul TSA 'army'
    Charleston Post Courier, Th.22Dec11
    "The TSA now has more employees than the federal departments of Labor, Energy, Education, Housing and Urban Development, and State, combined.   .. Meanwhile, unlikely terror suspects such as elderly women still find themselves facing intrusive searches by TSA employees. Recently in Norfolk, Va., TSA workers barred a 17-year-old girl from boarding a flight with a purse that featured a stitched design of a handgun.  They contended -- seriously -- that it violated the prohibition against "replica weapons." ... Read the full article at »

    o'The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent's Crown Jewels (by John Pilger, Global Research, 20Oct11)

    From: kd Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Subject: John Pilger: Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent's Crown Jewels
    This is an interesting piece.  If obama really gave a darn for the United States it would make sense but since he does not it makes you wonder.  Remember he has a different agenda and spreading out the services, spending more blood and treasure does make sense.  And of course he has familial ties to Africa..KD

    Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent's Crown Jewels
    By John Pilger
    Global Research, October 20, 2011
         On 14 October, President Barack Obama announced he was sending United States special forces troops to Uganda to join the civil war there. In the next few months, US combat troops will be sent to South Sudan, Congo and Central African Republic. They will only "engage" for "self-defence", says Obama, satirically. With Libya secured, an American invasion of the African continent is under way.
         Obama's decision is described in the press as "highly unusual" and "surprising", even "weird". It is none of these things. It is the logic of American foreign policy since 1945. Take Vietnam. The priority was to halt the influence of China, an imperial rival, and "protect" Indonesia, which President Nixon called "the region's richest hoard of natural resources ...the greatest prize". Vietnam merely got in the way; and the slaughter of more than three million Vietnamese and the devastation and poisoning of their land was the price of America achieving its goal. Like all America's subsequent invasions, a trail of blood from Latin America to Afghanistan and Iraq, the rationale was usually "self defence" or "humanitarian", words long emptied of their dictionary meaning.
         In Africa, says Obama, the "humanitarian mission" is to assist the government of Uganda defeat the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), which "has murdered, raped and kidnapped tens of thousands of men, women and children in central Africa". This is an accurate description of the LRA, evoking multiple atrocities administered by the United States, such as the bloodbath in the 1960s following the CIA-arranged murder of Patrice Lumumba, the Congolese independence leader and first legally elected prime minister, and the CIA coup that installed Mobutu Sese Seko, regarded as Africa's most venal tyrant.
         Obama's other justification also invites satire. This is the "national security of the United States". The LRA has been doing its nasty work for 24 years, of minimal interest to the United States. Today, it has fewer than 400 fighters and has never been weaker. However, US "national security" usually means buying a corrupt and thuggish regime that has something Washington wants. Uganda's "president-for-life" Yoweri Museveni already receives the larger part of $45 million in US military "aid" – including Obama's favourite drones. This is his bribe to fight a proxy war against America's latest phantom Islamic enemy, the rag-tag al Shabaab group based in Somalia. The RTA will play a public relations role, distracting western journalists with its perennial horror stories.
         However, the main reason the US is invading Africa is no different from that which ignited the Vietnam war. It is China. In the world of self-serving, institutionalised paranoia that justifies what General David Petraeus, the former US commander and now CIA director, implies is a state of perpetual war, China is replacing al-Qaeda as the official American "threat". When I interviewed Bryan Whitman, an assistant secretary of defence at the Pentagon last year, I asked him to describe the current danger to America. Struggling visibly, he repeated, "Asymmetric threats ... asymmetric threats". These justify the money-laundering state-sponsored arms conglomerates and the biggest military and war budget in history.  With Osama bin Laden airbrushed, China takes the mantle.
         Africa is China's success story. Where the Americans bring drones and destabilisation, the Chinese bring roads, bridges and dams. What they want is resources, especially fossil fuels. With Africa's greatest oil reserves, Libya under Muammar Gaddafi was one of China's most important sources of fuel. When the civil war broke out and NATO backed the "rebels" with a fabricated story about Gaddafi planning "genocide" in Benghazi, China evacuated its 30,000 workers in Libya. The subsequent UN security council resolution that allowed the west's "humanitarian intervention" was explained succinctly in a proposal to the French government by the "rebel" National Transitional Council, disclosed last month in the newspaper Liberation, in which France was offered 35 per cent of Libya's gross national oil production "in exchange" (the term used) for "total and permanent" French support for the NTC. Running up the Stars and Stripes in "liberated" Tripoli last month, US ambassador Gene Cretz blurted out: "We know that oil is the jewel in the crown of Libyan natural resources!"
    The de facto conquest of Libya by the US and its imperial partners heralds a modern version of the "scramble for Africa" at the end of the 19th century.
         Like the "victory" in Iraq, journalists have played a critical role in dividing Libyans into worthy and unworthy victims. A recent Guardian front page carried a photograph of a terrified "pro-Gaddafi" fighter and his wild-eyed captors who, says the caption, "celebrate". According to General Petraeus, there is now a war "of perception ... conducted continuously through the news media".
         For more than a decade the US has tried to establish a command on the continent of Africa, AFRICOM, but has been rebuffed by governments, fearful of the regional tensions this would cause. Libya, and now Uganda, South Sudan and Congo, provide the main chance. As WikiLeaks cables and the US National Strategy for Counter-terrorism reveal, American plans for Africa are part of a global design in which 60,000 special forces, including death squads, already operate in 75 countries, soon to be 120. As Dick Cheney pointed out in his 1990s "defence strategy" plan, America simply wishes to rule the world.
         That this is now the gift of Barack Obama, the "Son of Africa", is supremely ironic. Or is it? As Frantz Fanon explained in Black Skin, White Masks, what matters is not so much the colour of your skin as the power you serve and the millions you betray.

    For more information on John Pilger, visit his website at -- Please support Global ResearchGlobal Research relies on the financial support of its readers. our endorsement is greatly appreciated.  Subscribe to the Global Research e-newsletter -- Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization.  The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s).  The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in this article.  To become a Member of Global Research -- The CRG grants permission to cross-post original Global Research articles on community internet sites as long as the text & title are not modified.   The source and the author's copyright must be displayed.  For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: -- contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.  We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues.  The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes.  If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.  For media inquiries: © Copyright John Pilger, Global Research, 2011 -- The url address of this article is: © Copyright 2005-2007 Web site engine by Polygraphx Multimedia © Copyright 2005-2007 GLOBAL RESEARCH | v | Montreal | Canada

    We Still Have the Power to Save This Country and Our Rights As Citizens

    Opinions From Tea Party's Secret Blogger
    Warning - This blog posting has not been corrected or spell checked. It is raw Freedom of Speech.
    We Still Have The Power

    The States Have the Constitutional Power to Pass Legislation Prescribing Presidential Ballot Access Requirements Including Determining Whether a Candidate Meets the Eligibility Requirements of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5
         I am so excited about the blog.  It's wonderful.  It's great.  It brings hope.  Why you ask?
         First I have to tell you this put a huge ole smile on my face and joy in my heart and I bet you're asking why?
         1. What is says is Obama doesn't stand a chance against the law suits that can be brought against him in each State.  It describes what and how we came from using the term Natural Born Citizen to Citizen and what the Constitution and Courts have upheld in regards to those terms.
         2. It means that the rules that apply to the President and Vice President also apply to the House of Representatives and Senate.
         3. It means that the States all have the right to pass laws requiring long form birth certificate proof of citizenship for those offices.
         4. It also clarifies the intentions of the Constitution to what a Citizen is and that illegal aliens that come here and have their babies, those babies are not automatically Citizens and are not automatically eligible to our rights and privileges as the Feds would have us believe.
         5. It means that if your City, and Counties or what name you use for your local governing bodies, have stipulations in their requirements for people running for your Mayor, City Council, Sheriff, School Board members, County boards etc. any office that is held by an elected or appointed position, that they are to be citizens of the United States are all subject to question. :)
         At least that's what I get out of it.....I'm not a constitutional wiz or a lawyer, but to me that's what if means.
         Then guys and gals we have to go to work big time.  Time is running out.  Join the Tea Party to learn how to become an activist.  We should be ready to fight.  If we come together and work as one group.
         It doesn't matter if we all don't agree on every single issue.
         The most important thing we have to agree on is to

    Ode to the Welfare State (Daily News [NYC], Fr.4Nov1949)

    Once upon a time, folks spoke the plain truth...unlike today's political hacks & bought'n paid for rag sheets media! -- rfh
    From: bb Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 Subject: YOU"LL LIKE THIS ONE
    cite: New York "Daily News", Friday, November 4,1949.
    image source

    Ode to the Welfare state -- Democrat Dialog (1949)


    Father, must I go to work?

    No, my lucky son.

    We're living now on Easy Street

    On dough from Washington
    We've left it up to Uncle Sam

    so don't get exercised.

    Nobody has to give a damn

    We've all been subsidized.
    But if Sam treats us all so well

    And feeds us milk and honey,

    Please, daddy, tell me what the hell

    He's going to use for money.
    Don't worry, bub, there's not a hitch

    In this here noble plan

    He simply soaks the filthy rich

    And helps the common man.
    But, father, won't there come a time

    When they run out of cash

    And we have left them not a dime

    When things will go to smash?
    My faith in you is shrinking, son,

    You nosy little brat;

    You do too damn much thinking, son,

    To be a Democrat.
    print text source

    Biden Likes Taliban? (NewsMax, 19Dec11)

    This guy is next in line? - rfh
    From:  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Subject: Biden Likes Taliban?
    Vice President Joe Biden said today that the Taliban is not an enemy of the United States -- in what some have characterized as the latest in a long string of VP gaffes.
         "The Taliban, per se, is not our enemy," Biden told Newsweek, for an article published today.  "There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests.
         "If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government, which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys from being able to do damage to us, then that becomes a problem for us."
         But President Barack Obama has said that the Taliban was complicit in protecting Osama bin Laden while the United States spent most of the past 10 years looking for him, according to his May 2 statement posted on the White House website.
         "We've disrupted terrorist attacks and strengthened our homeland defense.  In Afghanistan, we removed the Taliban government, which had given bin Laden and al-Qaida safe haven and support," the president said in his address to the nation following the killing of the al-Qaida leader. 
         "And around the globe, we worked with our friends and allies to capture or kill scores of al-Qaida terrorists, including several who were a part of the 9/11 plot," the president added.
         Biden went on to tell Newsweek that the United States should continue to put pressure on al-Qaida to diminish its presence, while helping Afghanistan's government reach a position to negotiate with the Taliban — but not be overthrown by it.
         "And at the same time, try to get the Taliban to move in the direction to see to it that they, through reconciliation, commit not to be engaged with al-Qaida or any other organization that they would harbor to do damage to us and our allies," Biden said.

         article source: © Newsmax. All rights reserved. Read more on Biden: Taliban Is Not Enemy of US

    Sunday, December 18, 2011

    o'kill switch - Can't believe I agree with! Internet Censorship

    Left wingnuts or not...for once, I'm in agreement!  o'kill switch's idea to turn off the Internet is downright dangerous!  Shades of Iran, China, Thailand, Burma, etc. -- rfh
    related, Unintended Consequences:
    From: Daniel Mintz, Political Action Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 Subject: The end of the Internet?

    Today the House version of the Internet Censorship Act is being marked up in the House Judiciary Committee. 
    The pressure we've put on Congress to say NO to Internet censorship is working. The House is now considering lots of amendments to improve the legislation. Thanks to our efforts and the work of a broad coalition of organizations, the Senate now won't consider its version until next year.
    Rep. John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, needs to vote NO on this legislation. He was an early supporter of the bill, and continues to back it. But the more calls he receives today from the progressive community, the more likely we will be to change his position.
    Call Rep. Conyers today and tell him to reject Internet censorship: (202) 225-5126
    Then, please report your call by clicking here:

    Click here to sign your name:

    "The government must not be allowed to censor the Internet at the request of powerful lobbyists. Say NO to Internet censorship."

    Sign the Petition!
         As soon as this week, Congress will start debating whether to give the government the power to turn off parts of the Internet. If that sounds like a terrible recipe for abuse of power, that's because it is.
    If enacted, a new law would make it so a simple allegation of copyright infringement—with no review process—could lead to the shutdown of sites from YouTube to Wikipedia to Any website, foreign or U.S.-based, could be wiped out on suspicion and made unavailable to everyone in the world.
    For example, if you (or Justin Bieber) wanted to post a video to YouTube of yourself singing a Beatles song, a record company could force the Department of Justice to shut down YouTube. Really.2
    But as you may have guessed, Congress didn't come up with this tragically terrible idea on their own. Lobbyists representing Comcast, Pfizer, record and movie companies, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce3 have been pushing Democrats and Republicans to pass bills to allow this new kind of Internet censorship. And they're close to getting their way.
    But a small number of Democrats are standing strong and saying "No" to these powerful special interest groups. They need our help.
    Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon is one of our champions. He has promised to start a historic filibuster of the Internet Censorship Act where he'll read the names of every person that signs a petition against Internet censorship.4 It's the perfect opportunity for 5 million Internet-connected progressives to visibly add their voice to a Senate debate. The more of us that sign, the stronger this effort to block this terrible law will be.
    We know that the Internet's openness, freedom, and lack of censorship are what make it a bastion of infinite possibility, continued innovation, and job creation. Innovative companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Mozilla, and Yahoo have spoken out against this law, saying: 
    We should not jeopardize a foundational structure that has worked for content owners and Internet companies alike and provides certainty to innovators with new ideas for how people create, find, discuss, and share information lawfully online.5
    Internet venture capitalists say that the legislation is "ripe for abuse,"6 and leading law professors reject it because it will "allow the government to block Internet access to websites."7
    We condemn censorship overseas when it happens in China or Iran. But today, we need to stand up for freedom of speech on the Internet here at home.
    Thanks for all you do. – Daniel, Garlin, Elena, Stefanie, and the rest of the team
    P.S. You can watch the markup live at
    1. "House Version of Rogue Websites Bill Adds DMCA Bypass, Penalties for DNS Workarounds," Public Knowledge, October 26, 2011
    2. "Why Is Justin Bieber So Hackin Mad?", November 2, 2011
    3. "Five things to know about SOPA," The Washington Post, November 16, 2011
    4. "Wyden to read petition names during copyright filibuster," The Hill, November 21, 2011
    5. "SOPA opposition from tech heavyweights Google, Facebook," CBS News, November 17, 2011
    6. "The PROTECT IP Act Will Slow Startup Innovation," Union Square Ventures, June 23, 2011
    7. "Law Professors' Letter on SOPA," Electronic Frontier Foundation, November 15, 2011
    Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

    PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    Friday, December 16, 2011

    NewsBusted video (2m43s)

    video source:

    Topics in today's show:
    --Time Magazine named Occupy Wall Street the biggest story of the year
    --The UN may impose an import tax to pay for its climate change fund
    --George Soros made millions by purchasing $2 billion worth of bonds from Jon Corzine's bankrupt MF Global
    --The White House is planning to release a report on homegrown terror threats
    --Sales at McDonald's have increased more than 7% since last year
    --Congress is looking into corruption charges against Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.
    --A dog from Virginia that went missing eight years ago just turned up in California
    --The Saudi government suggests that allowing women to drive will lead to pre-marital sex
    Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
    email? Visit ‪‬ to sign up for free!
    Starring: Jodi Miller
    Production: Dialog New Media
    Feeling generous? Text 'NewsBusters' to 85944 to make a $10 contribution to keep 'Busted going strong. NewsBusted is a comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. If you like the show, be sure to tell your friends and family! Feel free to post your comments on this video, we love them. We also love seeing how many people won't read this disclaimer and realize the laughtrack is a joke itself. Think you're funny? Send your (short) jokes to newsbusted at If we use them, we'll pay you USD $50 for each one.

    o'puppetmaster - Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

    From: TeaParty Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 Subject: Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists
    SOROS: Secret Funding!
    Occupy's 'Nerve Center'
         The so-called leaderless Occupy movement has just been caught red-handed operating what appears to be a nerve center staffed by professional agitators deeply tied to groups funded by billionaire activist George Soros.
      The groups, most prominent among them being the Tides Center, have been involved with Occupy since the anti-Wall Street movement's inception.
         The radical connections have been largely missed by the general public. CNN, the only news media outlet to receive exclusive access to Occupy's alleged headquarters, did not fully identify the activists found running it.
         Last week, CNN ran a piece titled "Exclusive: Inside the offices of Occupy Wall Street."
         The article and accompanying video purport to depict "a few dozen Occupy Wall Street organizers" who "show up to work every day at an office building in the heart of Manhattan's Financial District."
         CNN surmised "the office space appears to be the movement's nerve center," a notion denied by Occupy leaders interviewed by the news network.
         Continued the piece: "But the volunteers who plan future actions, network with other Occupy protests and deal with logistical issues insisted the location is not Occupy Wall Street's headquarters."
         The news network maintained it visited Occupy's nerve center. CNN reported the Occupy office boasts a finance committee that manages expenses and donations; a communications group that disseminates information agreed upon by consensus and a housing group to make sleeping arrangements for protesters.
         CNN quoted activist Han Shan, identifying him only as "a member of Occupy Wall Street's press relations and direct-action working groups."
         "This is just an office space that a handful of people have tried to make a resource for the Occupy Wall Street movement," Shan stated.
         "Everybody is looking around trying to figure out where the heck the headquarters is, and the truth of the matter is this movement is bigger than any piece of geography, than any piece of real estate, than any square block."
         Shan's radical resume goes far beyond Occupy. He is the former program director for the Tides Center-funded Ruckus Society and an activist with the Tides-funded Adbusters.
         Shan was listed as the contact person for protests outside the 2000 Democratic National Convention. Those protests were sponsored by both Adbusters and Ruckus.
         Shan previously pulled off a stunt at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, where he reportedly climbed to the top of the building and unfurled a 600-square-foot cartoon that depicted the earth falling through a broken shopping bag. The action was aimed at getting mall visitors to ditch their purchases, go home and observe Thanksgiving Friday as "Buy Nothing Day."
         Since 1992, "Buy Nothing Day" has been sponsored annually by the Vancouver-based Media Foundation, which publishes Adbusters.
         Adbusters magazine is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The Adbusters website serves as a central hub for Occupy's planning.
         Working with the Ruckus Society, Shan was a leader of the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle that turned violent. Ruckus helped to spark those riots.
         Ruckus is directly tied to Occupy. WND previously reported how official direct-action training resources for recent Occupy events include several manuals from the Ruckus Society, which trains radical activists in "direct action" techniques.
         Ruckus was also listed as a "friend and partner" of the Occupy Days of Action held last month.
         Ruckus is funded by the Tides Center, which has been involved in Occupy since the movement's onset.
         Another grantee of Tides is the Adbusters magazine. MoveOn org, which has joined Occupy, is funded by Tides.
         Tides functions as a money tunnel where major leftist donors provide large sums that are channeled to hundreds of radical groups. One prominent Tides donor is Soros.
         Besides accepting major donations from Tides, Ruckus is also funded directly by Soros' own Open Society Institute.
         Meanwhile, another Occupy staffer loosely identified by CNN is Haywood Carey, who is labeled simply as an Occupy "activist."
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    Thursday, December 15, 2011

    o'unemployed - statistics not o'lies

    • 146 million Americans are living in poverty, are broke or are low income.  (CNN Th.15Dec11)
    • The federal government's unemployment figure is a distorted and understated 8.6% in that it ignores nearly 6 million unemployed no longer job seeking. (
    • 600,000 +/- seasonal jobs will rejoin the 'unemployed' after the New Year.
    • Some economic pundits place the true unemployment figure between 12% up to 20%!  (FNC We.14Dec11)
    There are pockets of U.S. unemployed estimated to exceed 32%!
    Highest unemployment rates August 2011 (source)
    El Centro, Calif. 32.4 (28.9 per
    Yuma, Ariz. 29.4
    Merced, Calif. 17.5
    Yuba City, Calif. 17.0
    Stockton, Calif. 16.1
    Modesto, Calif. 16.0
    Fresno, Calif. 15.8
    Visalia-Porterville, Calif. 15.7
    Hanford-Corcoran, Calif. 15.3

    Palm Coast, Fla. 14.9
    Don't be misled by neo-Marxist "redistribution of wealth socialism."
    Remember on November 6, 2012 when you vote. -- rfh

    "Elections Are Not Won by Who Voted, They are Lost by Who Did Not" ~ rfh

    related: Find Jobs Links at

    o'crony - Keynesianism: Crossroads GPS video "Typical" (35s)

    video source:

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         This week Crossroads GPS launches a new nationwide television ad challenging President Obama’s latest attempt to reboot his three-year old program of hyperactive government intervention and job-killing tax increases.  The new ad, called “Typical,” exposes the grubby reality behind Obama’s high-flown rhetoric, and begins to clarify the crucial policy choices Americans face: between President Obama’s expensive, ineffective agenda and a realistic path toward economic and fiscal recovery.
         Last week, President Obama delivered a speech in Kansas which ignored the economic and fiscal wreckage caused by three years of skyrocketing, debt-financed spending and massive government growth.  In fact, Obama made no mention of the Depression-level chronic unemployment that is wiping out the future aspirations of millions of college graduates, minorities and working families.  Instead, Obama used the occasion to present a fresh rationale for doubling down on the very same agenda that has helped prolong and deepen the economic suffering of millions of Americans.
         Obama’s speech presented America with his vision of a class-based America in which a muscular federal government uses its powers of regulation and taxation to allocate capital, control economic behavior, level outcomes, and battle economic oligarchs who prey on the lower classes.  On the surface, this vision is tuned to resonate with Americans who are in economic distress, who feel powerless in the grip of global financial and economic forces that seem to impact their lives.  Recent polling and focus group research by Crossroads GPS has found that many Americans have become deeply pessimistic about the country’s direction, and are losing faith in the possibility of personal economic advancement that is the essence of the “American Dream.”
         However, Barack Obama’s vision of a powerful, interventionist government has an ugly side: when government allocates economic power through “productive investments” (to use Obama’s words), cronies rush to the trough to access the newfound power and funding through favoritism.  Money is siphoned off to benefit popular and well-connected industries, and regulatory schemes are bent to advantage favored groups or causes.  Instead of a free enterprise system whereby economic growth and reward are allocated on the basis of efficiency, productivity and appeal to consumers, Obama’s government-centered model invariably assigns resources and advantages on the basis of favors and connections that are only available through Washington, DC.
         Today’s new nationwide ad by Crossroads GPS is aimed at exposing this ugly underbelly of Obama’s vision, illustrated by the archetypal case of Solyndra – a solar energy company whose financier bundled political contributions for President Obama, which invested heavily in lobbying, which generated meetings with high-level White House officials, which secured a $535 million loan for the company (backed by taxpayers despite widely aired concerns about the company’s financial viability), whose executives received fat bonuses, and whose predictable failure cost both taxpayer resources and jobs.
         Last week, President Obama correctly observed that America is engaged in a “raging debate over the best way to restore growth and prosperity; balance and fairness.”  For the past three years, Obama has stubbornly insisted that more government – more spending, taxation and regulation – is the “best way” to heal America’s economic malaise.  For most conservatives, the “best way” is to keep more productive capital in the hands of small businesses and entrepreneurs, and pare back the Obama Administration’s regulatory chokehold on innovation, energy development and consumer choice.
         As Obama tries to whip up optimism about the government’s ability to manage the economy and guarantee fairness, the Solyndra scandal provides a powerful cautionary tale about big-government hubris and the cronyism it invariably invites.  Effective messaging on Solyndra should focus on the White House’s direct engagement in consummating a sweetheart financial deal involving a political contributor; on Solyndra’s utterly predictable collapse and cost to taxpayers; on how the company wasted money on things like extravagant conference rooms; and on how President Obama has consistently dodged responsibility and failed to demand accountability for such wasteful cronyism.
         The focus on President Obama’s Crony Keynesianism doesn’t stop with Solyndra, however.  While conservatives have found great grist for the mill in African ant studies and experiments on monkeys funded by the $830 billion stimulus, huge tranches of stimulus funds were shipped to states to prop up unionized government jobs – benefiting the well-heeled public sector unions that back Obama’s agenda.  The President’s politically-driven decision to put 20,000 Keystone XL jobs on ice until after 2012 is another example of how lobbying and special interest access have become the coins of the realm in Obama’s government-centered economy.
         Solyndra and other examples of cronyism reveal the inherent folly of President Obama’s vision of a vastly larger, financially voracious government as a guarantor of economic prosperity and fairness.  They help explain why conservatives (and most Americans, in fact) are suspicious of a government that amasses too much power and money for itself, even when motivated by good intentions.  The Solyndra scandal also paints a far more complex portrait of President Obama’s modus operandi than the one he claims for himself: instead of being a neutral agent of change, it turns out that Obama is governing much like a typical Washington politician: doling out government largesse to political benefactors and exercising regulatory power to advantage favored constituencies.
         The months ahead may well yield the most intense debate in our nation’s history on the “best way to restore growth and prosperity” after the last several years of debt, downgrades and decline.  If Americans are to make the right policy choices that will heal the economic and fiscal damage and return us to a path of robust, broad-based economic growth, conservatives need to spotlight issues like Solyndra that remind us why free people – small businesses, entrepreneurs, risk-takers and smart consumers – have always been America’s engine of economic growth and shared prosperity, not self-aggrandizing politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, DC.
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