Tuesday, December 27, 2011

o'congress - Eat the Rich Mentality (video 6m25s)

     I am going to vote against the reelection of any incumbent, regardless of party ...and especially the o'tax'n spend Marxist.  If a major financial failure were to happen anywhere in the world, it's entirely possible that a rapid collapse of civilization, as we know it, could happen.  We, you and I, can not afford to have an o'bamanomics government that is totally fiscally insane. -- rfh
     P.S. Note too that about 40% of Congress are millionaires.  Why isn't the 'Occupy Wall Street' loons not surrounding the White House and the Capitol?  From CNN, 4Nov11: "You've heard the saying: "The rich get richer?"  Perhaps nowhere in America is that better illustrated than the U.S. Congress.  Capitol Hill's newspaper, Roll Call, crunched the numbers and found that the net worth of all members of Congress rose an astounding 25% over the past couple of years.  Roll Call found that 40% of Congress  – 219 members- are millionares.  That's an average net worth of 3.8 million dollars per lawmaker." ( Does the remark: "Let them eat cake." sound familiar? ["Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"] - rfh )
From: thy Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 Subject:  U Gotta Watch This...
check this out -- interesting!!!!  Wait until you have 6 minutes to concentrate.  Then watch this. 
If this doesn't say it all, I don't know what would.  For those that may even think about buying the notion that we can just take a little more from the "rich" to solve our economic problems, watch this.  The next time you hear someone buying into the liberal philosophy of simply raising taxes on the "rich," consider showing them the following video.  There is a massive  misunderstanding on a whole host of things, but most especially on how fat the golden goose is and what happens when you run it out of money and/or our country.  Someone better use the video below and educate the public quickly. 
 Click HERE:  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=JY8LKII_MNA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
video source: http://youtu.be/JY8LKII_MNA

Uploaded by on Apr 12, 2011
We have a spending problem in America. This video clarifies the magnitude of just how much we spend, IN JUST ONE YEAR!!

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