Tuesday, April 17, 2012

o'inequality - Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

Warning: The description of this heinous evil crime is disturbing.  To disturbing to post on my blog. -- rfh
From: lc Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 Subject: Where's Al Sharpton, BO and Jesse Jackson?
Documentary: The murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom
reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Channon_Christian_and_Christopher_Newsom
video source: http://youtu.be/CqS6OFuUXe8

Uploaded by  on Oct 5, 2009
    The January 2007 carjacking, torture, rape and slayings of Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, have left an impact on the lives of the victims' families.
     But these crimes also have changed the Knoxville community. People have become more vigilant about their safety, more wary of unfamiliar places and more protective of their families.
     The slayings of Christian and Newsom represent the typical "not in my town" crime. As a result, Knoxvillians have rallied together to show support for the families and, in that way, heal themselves.
     Video produced by: Erin Chapin, Talid Magdy, Jigsha Desai, Lauren Spuhler
     The online team at knoxnews.com has produced a video documentary exploring the impact on our community. Also, read the ongoing coverage on the murders and ensuing trials at: http://www.knoxnews.com/news/news/local/channon-christian-christopher-newsom-murders/
Where's Al Sharpton, "O" and Jesse Jackson?  Are they providing counsel and help to the families of the victims?
     Of course not - the victims were white.
     Why hasn't this received National coverage by the news media like the Duke 'rape' case?
     Oh, that's right - the victims were white.
     Why hasn't the NAACP, ACLU, New York Times etc., called for an investigation?
     Must be cause the victims were white.
     Why hasn't the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?
     Oh, that's right - the victims were white.
     So, if a white radio shock jock uses the phrase 'Nappy headed Ho', it gets 2 weeks of constant news coverage.

     If two white people are tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black people, it barely gets a blip in the news.

If Obama had a son, which one would he look like?


  1. Nothing infuriates me as much as everything about one of the cruelest, most diabolical crimes to ever happen in this country. The "controllers" claim that mutilation didn't occur. That's NOT true. I heard the testimony of the Medical Examiner. She said that these black bastards cut off the penis of Chris, after they raped him prison style for about an hour while they forced Channon to watch. They also cut a breast off Channon and forced some household cleaner down her throat and over her genitals and anus to destroy the DNA after the rape, beating and torture. Both were tortured, beaten, and mutilated, including Channon's mouth, which was torn from the trauma of oral sex gang raping. According to the Medical Examiner, besides being beaten around the head, she was also beaten or kicked repeatedly on the genital area, after repeated raping, including with objects, and was ripped and torn over that area, with deep thrombosis, including the anal area, where she was also raped, sodomy style. She was also burned. The Medical Examiner of her body also said she died (suffocated) slowly after she was tightly (stuffed!)in the garbage can...with a smaller sack tied over her head, and five large garbage sacks over her entire body. These Monsters obviously had a hard time stuffing her body into the garbage can, since one of her elbows was sticking out of the can when they found her. It bears repeating that the Medical Examiner said Channon slowly suffocated in the garbage can and died with her eyes open. They tortured her for four days before she died. Chris only lived over approximately an hour after they gang raped him prison-style in front of Channon. They then cut off his penis and walked him barefooted to the railroad tracks where they shot him several times, with the last shot to the back of the head, with the bullet lodging in the base of the brain, which is the shot that killed him. Then they lit him on fire.

    Yet THIS ISN'T A HATE CRIME??!!! I feel like vomiting every time I think about this, and can't in my wildest nightmares imagine what the parents have, and still are enduring! If this would have occurred a 100 years ago, there would have been vigilante justice if they weren't ALL hung immediately after the trial. But we're living in WHIMP LAND U.S. of Izzy Ra Hell now.

  2. it was snowball, right major?


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