Monday, April 16, 2012

o'Marxist - Osawatomie speech "Capitalism doesn't work!"

Is Obama a commie, Marxist, socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-American Values ...just plain stupid ...or all of the above? -- rfh
From: kd Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 Subject:  Osawatomie
Obama says Capitalism and Individualism in America doesn't work and never worked.  Do you believe this?
     We've seen how that kind of economic plan plays out.  As President Obama said yesterday [December 6, 2001] : "It doesn't work.  It has never worked.  It didn't work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression ... And it didn't work when we tried it during the last decade." -- Obama, December 6, 2011 "Osawatomie Speech"
     In his speech yesterday [December 6, 2001], Obama revealed his socialist proclivities by running for President against the values of America and its people.  He appeals to the mediocrity of the collective, where nobody excels and all are dependent on government to tell them what to think, what they may purchase and how to act.     Being able to run for re-election on failed policies is not an easy task.  So you play the American people for suckers, using class hatred and promises of "free" money gleaned from others, supplemented by borrowed bucks we will all have to pay back.     Barack Obama is the only American President in my memory that appeals to the mentality of the mindless mob.  To our collectivist President, your only personal responsibility is subservience to the state.  You envy anyone who might have achieved more material gain without thinking about the work and creativity they put into achieving it.  You don't aspire yourself.     This is the system that is driving the most socialist nations in Europe into bankruptcy.  And like all good socialists who have run out of other people's money in their own nations, they are demanding that more diligent and responsible nations like Germany bail them out.   They believe they have a license to steal from others.     But to the hoards of mindless Americans who comprise Obama's core constituency, what hasn't worked in Europe will work in America, at least for the short term. And to people like this, short term gain from the labor of others is fine.  That's what Obama is counting on to win his second term.     It's a call for collectivism where the majority get by in a nation robbed of creativity and individual initiative while the ruling class surrounding Obama feed off $100 per pound Japanese designer beef and go on fancy vacations.  It's the lifestyle of the old Soviet Union, with a government elite becoming the new ruling class.  Hail Obama.

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