Monday, July 23, 2012

o'Voter Fraud Facts

Facts About Voter Fraud

Voter Fraud is a Huge Problem!

  1. 24 million voter registrations in the United States are inaccurate…or fraudulent!
  • 1.8 million dead people are listed as voters!
    • In 2010 Washington, D.C. finally scrubbed their voter lists against a list of deceased individuals - and removed more 98,000 dead voters from the rolls.
  • 2.8 million people have more than one registration!
    • In many cities there are more voters' names than the US Census lists as the total number of residents!
  • 12 million records have bogus – or fraudulent – addresses!
    • 33 states only remove voters who don't vote over two federal elections – that's at least 4 years – and other states are even more lax! Combined with no ID requirements this opens the door to massive voter fraud - just find the names of people who moved (property transfers) and go vote under their name!
       b. Less than half the states require any ID to vote…only 8 require a photo ID…and no state requires proof of citizenship to register!
  • By contrast to vote in even Mexico you first need to submit a photo, signature and thumbprint to get a Voter Card (which has your picture, a hologram, magnetic strip and serial number)…and to actually vote you need to present your card and submit to a thumbprint!
  • Fraudulent Registrations - A major problem is reliance on inefficient paper forms that are often submitted in huge batches, at the last minute, by unregulated third-party groups (like Project Vote!) They overwhelm election officials…and are difficult to validate. This is going on right now!
62% of Americans believe Voter Fraud is somewhat or very common!
Many State & Local Elections are decided by fewer than 1000 votes.
Voter Fraud could easily swing any of these races!
How would you feel if someone voted in your name – or even one of your deceased parent's names?

Recent Examples of Voter Fraud
  • New Hampshire Primary - An investigative team the Conservative Majority Fund supported went to several polling places armed with the names of deceased voters and asked for ballots using the dead people's names. Much to the investigators surprise they were never once required to present an ID, nor were they even asked if they were the person they claimed to be. When the team members asked if they needed to present ID to prove who they were, the poll workers told them it wasn't necessary, that they could just go ahead and vote using the false names. The investigators said, "While we cast no votes and returned the ballots, there was nothing stopping our team, or anyone else, from illegally influencing the outcome of the presidential race."
  • Florida - A television station compiled a list of jury excusals based on not being a citizen and compared it to a list of registered voters. They found 100 people on the voter rolls!  "I vote every year." one woman told NBC - despite the fact that she is not a US citizen
  • South Carolina - The DMV reported that at least 900 deceased voters had voted in recent elections.
  • WisconsinIn the Gov. Scott Walker recall, unions and Democratic groups submitted one million signatures supporting the initiative; however, after analysis, 150k of those signatures were found to be fraudulent
    Project Vote: ACORN's Replacement

    In 1991, Obama became lead organizer of a voter registration drive for Project Vote.  In 1995 he helped them  win a lawsuit implementing the notorious "Motor Voter Law" (the National Voter Registration Act.) Project Vote has been exploiting this law to flood voter rolls with fake names -  even Mary Poppins, Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse – and then obtaining absentee ballots in their names!

    In 2008, the Obama campaign gave Project Vote $832,000 for "get out the vote" activities – and they submitted 1.3 million voter registrations. But 1/3 of them were later proved to be totally fraudulent and 70 of their employees, in 12 states, were convicted of voter fraud!
  • Seattle – registrations for "Stormi Bays" and "Fruto Boy" and addresses traced to homeless shelters.
  • Kansas City – 40% of 35,000 registrations turned out to be bogus
  • Ohio – offered cash & cigarettes for people to fill-out a voter registration card.
RIGHT NOW – Obama's Department of Housing and Urban Development has given Project Vote, the fraud experts!, $725,000 – to conduct Voter Registration Drives!!!
  • They admit they are out registering only poor people - who, not coincidentally are dependent on food stamps and other Obama Big Government handouts. (They've also been convicted of destroying Republican registrations.)
  • So they're using your tax dollars to only register people who are likely to vote for Obama (so they can keep their benefits) – that's bad enoughbut if their past is any indication we believe Project Vote is also going to use your tax dollars to flood election offices with phony registrations again!
From Project Vote's own website

"In 2012 Project Vote's team of experts is working to ensure that voter registration is accessible, effective, and enduring." (Note the absence of the words "accurate" or "legal!")

"In 2012 Project Vote is fighting against the following:"
  • "Photo ID Requirements" (Photo ID's are required to board a plane, check into a hotel, buy groceries – but not to vote????)
  • "Proof of Citizenship" (Unbelievable!!!!!)

"Limitations on Voter Registration Drives Several states are considering bills that would severely limit the number of applications a community-based voter registration drive may obtain at a time, implement restrictive deadlines and excessive fines, and other policies that will make running community-based drives prohibitive." (Could it be that 1/3rd of Project Vote's own 2008 registration proved to be blatantly fraudulent have anything to do with these bills!)

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