Tuesday, July 31, 2012

o'who? - Oblama's SSN (1977-79 CT from 1890 birth!)

"Who is in the White House?  An American, maybe, but not natural born.  Why would he conceal his past in any records that precede his 2008 election?  Why would anyone vote for a Constitutionally ineligible candidate ...unless when they 'pull the lever' that to them our Founding Documents are meaningless.  Why Jews would vote for him is beyond comprehension.  Why any Catholic would vote for him makes no sense.  Why any other Christian would is difficult to understand.  If pro-life, a vote for him is a vote for death.  If you support and defend your right to keep and bear arms, his border fiasco to undermine the 2nd Amendment and smear gun owners & dealers is transparent.  If you believe in your personal and property rights considering all of his czar rulings and U.N. moves, a vote for his 'fundamental transformation' of America is just that.  And the pride of some in his being black is understandable but not if you want to live on the 'government plantation' as will be the case under his latest rules to banks that targets negroes and hispanics.  For those of you in business, a simply look at your situation today compared to times past ...it answers how to vote.  Are you ill or elderly?  His experiment with socialized medicine condemns you to expensive and second rate care far into the future.  Speaking of the future, his ruinous debt burden will be a heavy yoke to bear.  For someone raised by Marxist communist parents, grandparents, mentors, and who sought them out along with anti-American radicals as friends and to be his associates right up to announcing his 2008 run for the White House, he has learned well how to integrate anti-capitalist ideas.  Of course, if you accept the import of, and believe his and his shills & hucksters' "you didn't build it yourself" philosophy then whoever he is ...then he's your man." -- rfh

From: kd Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 Subject: Oblama's SSN
Guess there is always HOPE that the main stream media will CHANGE and print some of of this stuff but don't count on it. -- kd
Obama's Social Security Number challenged...
Jack Cashill is an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Jack Cashill, Ph.D, author,commentatorPurdue. His latest book is the blockbuster "Deconstructing Obama."More ↓

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