Thursday, August 16, 2012

Who Are We? (video 18m54s, GBTV 15Aug12) I'm glad to be a GBTV member.

     It's not everyday that you see a swarm of exotic animals, including monkeys and baby crocodiles amid the backdrop of the Oval Office.  But then, The Glenn Beck Program is not your typical show.  It was a sight for the ages as crates of wild (and, not so wild) creatures made their way into Beck's Dallas studio, all of which were used during Wednesday evening's broadcast to illustrate a very important point — no, not about endangered wildlife as it relates to "climate change" — about the President of the United States.
     While humorously delivered, Beck's point was to expose the blatant hypocrisy of the Left for asserting that Americans would not vote for Mitt Romney because they are purportedly "distrustful" of a Mormon, yet heartily applaud the diverse and open-minded America that would "elected a guy who ate Lassie;" who kept birds of paradise, crocodiles, monkeys and worshipped the monkey-God, "Hanuman;" whose name is reminiscent of two of the most reviled figures in history (Barack Hussein Obama); and whose parents and mentors were all devout (and documented) Marxists and Communists.  Meanwhile, Obama's half-brother lives in a mud hut and his half-sister is an "illegal alien" who lives in poverty in Boston.
     Again, Beck was not disparaging the president's underprivileged relatives, nor was he mocking Obama's "exotic" upbringing.  Rather, Beck celebrated the fact that in America, anything is possible for anyone — in fact, that is what makes America a beacon of opportunity for so many.
     What Beck does question, however, is the fact that Americans wouldn't bat an eye at electing president someone who holds a most unconventional background, yet would somehow "fear" Mitt Romney simply because the former Massachusetts governor is a Mormon.
     It is a good question, and perhaps one of the most powerful monologues Beck has delivered to date. Be sure to watch the entire clip above.
Crocodiles and Monkeys and Birds, Oh My: Why Are These Exotic Animals Swarming Becks Studio?

Crocodiles and Monkeys and Birds, Oh My: Why Are These Exotic Animals Swarming Becks Studio?
Crocodiles and Monkeys and Birds, Oh My: Why Are These Exotic Animals Swarming Becks Studio?
Crocodiles and Monkeys and Birds, Oh My: Why Are These Exotic Animals Swarming Becks Studio?
Crocodiles and Monkeys and Birds, Oh My: Why Are These Exotic Animals Swarming Becks Studio?

Crocodiles and Monkeys and Birds, Oh My: Why Are These Exotic Animals Swarming Becks Studio?
Yes….it's going to be an interesting ride.
"Elections Are Not Won by Who Voted, They are Lost by Who Did Not" ~ rfh
"Arm your self with the ballot, while you still have arms." -- rfh

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