Thursday, September 13, 2012

2012 - Election Reflection (by Linda Cady)

From: Linda Cady  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Subject: Election Reflection
     I have never written a political letter before, I have always tried to keep my political concerns related solely to the breast cancer arena and what is best for women's health.  But this election is weighing heavy on my heart.
     We are all aware that the November 2012 election is just around the corner.  Many of us have watched the Republican and Democratic Conventions. There are many issues being debated, issues with much needed solutions.  Each of us is well aware that "solutions" will make a lasting impact on our nation in the lives of every person, especially young people and senior citizens.
     As an individual, I am very concerned about healthcare.  I am also concerned about the unemployment rate, which is outrageously high in Imperial County [,Ca].
     I respectfully ask, that you listen closely to each candidate running for the highest office in our land, the President of the Unites States.  But, we can't stop with this one office. Every seat that is up for re-election is important to the well-being of our once great nation, our once golden state and the bountiful Imperial County.
     These issues truly need to be well researched decisions, weighing out each side of the coin and making an informed decision.  It isn't enough to vote by party line anymore.  It is imperative that we educate ourselves to see where a candidate truly stands, who has the best leadership skills and experience and will be capable of making positive things happen in our country. Then, regardless of who wins these elections, we must hold our elected officials accountable for their promises.  When they step out of line, it is our job as a citizen, to let them know we don't approve and we will remember at the next election.  Just as good health and attaining success in life is HARD WORK, so is governing our country and we must be willing to do the hard work of becoming educated to make great things happen for our country.
     Everyday I meet women that have just been given a diagnosis of breast cancer.  I sit down with these women and I tell them, "Let's go over the recommendations made by your doctor.  Let's look at the choices, options that are available for you."  I continue, "This is your breast cancer.   This is your decision.  Your treatment decisions are not solely made by one doctor, it is a collection of options.  You must know and understand your choices so you can make informed decisions.  Decisions that are best for you, because you will live with these choices  - not the doctors, not the nurses, but you."
     This is what I am trying to say, listen to the debates mindfully, and check out the facts. Remember, your vote matters, the same as the next person entering the voting booth. Please consider your choices extremely carefully this election, because as never before, we will live with the choices each of us makes on November 6th for the rest of our lives.
     As I watched the conventions, I became increasingly aware of two very different approaches to the relationship of citizens to government.    The Republican Party said, "The government belongs to us"; while the Democratic Party said "we" belong to the Government."   A very subtle difference in placement of words, but has potential for huge consequences for our future.  It comes down to this - is the US Government accountable to you, the individual; or are you, the individual, accountable to the US Government?   This is your choice, you decide. 

Linda Cady
Brawley, California
September 11, 2012

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