Saturday, December 08, 2012

Obie Diehards - Don't Say You Were Not Warned.

~ $6T added to deficit in 1st 4 years, $4.8 Billion borrowed daily, $16.3+Trillion immediate deficit, $122T in unfunded obligations, wants to nationalize savings accounts & cap earnings at 3%, increase immediate debt by another $1.3T+, increase gov't spending, ban guns by treaty, add U.N. taxes in oceans, create fund for people with no savings from those who do, forming 'domestic security force', ... It is "Bread and Circuses" working with RINOS & commiecrats! -- rfh
From: thy Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 Subject: Obie Diehards/Mitt haters --Don't Say You Were Not Warned........
 By Arnold Ahlert
This was my last JWR last column before the election, and my version of a voter's guide. 

[If you] Vote[d] for Obama you're OK with:

  • Major Scandal Number One, aka the ongoing disinformation campaign surrounding the Benghazi scandal, none of which can obscure the reality that four Americans were murdered, and the warriors' code of never leaving our dead and wounded (or those still alive) behind was kicked to the curb. A side note: the man who made the "offensive video" this administration first touted as the cause of the violence remains in jail — without bail.
  • Major Scandal Number Two, a gun-running operation that resulted in the death of border agent Brian Terry, and hundreds of Mexican nationals, including children, whose investigation was stonewalled, first by the Attorney General, who received a contempt of Congress citation as a result, and then by the president, who invoked executive privilege. Once again, a dead American and hundreds of dead "brown people" are kicked to the curb.
  • Major Scandal Number Three, the leaking of top-secret info from the White House that put a Pakistani doctor who helped us locate Bin Laden in jail for 33 years, revealed to Iran that Israel and the US produced the Stuxnet virus used to thwart their nuclear program, disclosed previously unknown details about our drone program, and outed a US-British-Saudi double-agent, who foiled a second underwear bomb plot.
  • Major Scandal Number Four, the string of bankrupt green companies that got billions in Energy Department loans even as they were junk-bond rated. By "sheer coincidence" many of those projects were initiated by people with close ties to the White House, as in campaign bundlers supporters and donors.
Still OK with the president's re-election? Here's a few more things to add to the list, before moving on to the economy.

  • labeling the murder of 13, and the wounding of 29 Americans at Fort Hood, by a Muslim shouting "Allahu Ahkbar," as "workplace violence." That despicable designation of a terrorist attack disgracefully denies Purple Hearts to the dead and wounded, and combat benefits to the survivors and their families.
  • the quiet recision of an order that forced American soldiers to remain unarmed in the presence of their armed Afghan trainees, resulting in more than 50 dead soldiers in "green on blue" violence — this year alone. "Building trust" was the PC-inspired reason for leaving our troops completely vulnerable to their Muslim counterparts.
  • the utter bust of the Arab Spring, and the resulting uptick in anti-American sentiment in the Middle East, the sellout of our Eastern European allies, abandoning a missile shield at the request of Russian thugs, to whom this president promised more "flexibility" should he be re-elected, and the undisguised disdain aimed at Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu, even as the coddling of the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist elements continues.
Now the economy:
  • the slowest recovery on record, which this president likes to blame on his predecessor, even as he conveniently omits the reality that his party has had majority control of the government since 2006.
  • the greatest amount of deficit spending by any administration in the history of the nation, even as unemployment remained above 8 percent for 43 months, still remains higher than when the president took office — and doesn't account for the people who have simply dropped out of the workforce, giving America its lowest labor participation rate in 31 years.
  • the debasement of our currency, courtesy of the stimulus and quantitative easing, and the subsequent poke in the eye given to responsible Americans, who have nowhere to go for a decent return on their hard-earned savings, save a stock market goosed by the aforementioned easing, and beset by electronic, algorithm-based trading that rewards unconscionable risk-taking.
  • the still ongoing pressure of banks by the DOJ to make questionable housing loans, despite the utter havoc they inflicted on the nation the last time.
  • the drop in family median income during the so-called recovery.
  • record-breaking numbers of Americans receiving welfare, food stamps, and Social Security disability payments.
  • and, in what will likely result in a paradigm shift of the American work experience, the gradual movement of full-time employment to part-time employment, courtesy of ObamaCare. That odious piece of legislation contains a provision requiring companies to pay the health insurance of employees who work 30 hours or more. Ipso facto, welcome to the "new normal" of a 25-hour work week.
     Tragically, this is only a partial list of the scandals and failures perpetrated by this administration. Furthermore, it is virtually certain that a substantial number of Americans are completely unaware that most of this has occurred, due to a mainstream media that is utterly corrupt. If not for that corruption, any one of the Four Major Scandals mentioned above would be enough to precipitate a string of high-level resignations at least, and criminal prosecution or presidential impeachment, at most. That many Americans remain largely unaware of one or more of them represents an unprecedented level of media malfeasance. Like it or not, a vote for Obama is an endorsement of that malfeasance.
     Still OK with the incumbent? Just remember two more things: one, as mentioned above, the list compiled here is by no means complete. A complete list would likely result in sensory overload. Second, and perhaps the most critical consideration of all, this list has been compiled by a president and an administrationconstrained by the need to get re-elected. It is truly frightening to consider what this bunch, who have already demonstrated their contempt for the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the Constitution, could do once that constraint is removed.
     Those are the real stakes in this election. Barring any shenanigans, on Wednesday Americans will learn whether we have stepped back from the precipice — or abetted our own disintegration.
     Bottom line: you want to live in third World nation? Vote for Obama — but never, ever say you weren't warned.

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