Thursday, January 24, 2013

o'asleep at the switch - What difference does it make?!

From: Scott Taylor, OPSEC  Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 Subject: What difference does it make?!
Dishonorable Disclosure
What Difference?     What difference does it make?! 
     Yesterday [We.23Jan13], Secretary of State Hillary Clinton answered questions before committees in both the House and Senate regarding the horrific terrorist attack that killed a U.S. Ambassador and heroic SEALs in Libya. 
     The problem is that Secretary Clinton actually answered nothing.  When asked a pointed question about why the administration failed to identify it was a terrorist attack -- and subsequently lied about it -- Clinton shouted: "What difference, at this point, does it make?" 
     Here's the difference it makes -- no one has been held accountable and no one can explain why the American public was deceived for weeks about the cause of the attack!  The Obama Administration still has not told the truth about what happened in Benghazi and Secretary Clinton continues to avoid revealing who knew what, who refused to help, and why the administration repeatedly lied to the American people.
     Secretary Clinton confirmed a disturbing truth: The election is over but the Benghazi cover up continues.  President Obama took credit when our military killed bin Laden and highly classified secrets were leaked, endangering real heroes and their families.  But when terrorists killed The US Ambassador, SEALs, and a diplomat in Libya, this administration failed to tell the truth about what happened.
     OPSEC exists because issues like the Benghazi attacks are critical to the safety and future of our nation.  We must continue to aggressively expose leaks and dangerous practices that unnecessarily and substantially increase the risks to Special Operations and intelligence personnel.
Scott Taylor, Former SEAL, USN, Chairman, OPSEC
PS: Secretary Clinton may ask "What difference does it make?" but OPSEC knows that getting down to the truth on Benghazi makes all the difference.
Paid for by Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc. - Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization.  Please make an immediate contribution of right now and help OPSEC expose the national security failings and leaks that are jeopardizing our Special Operations Forces and making America less secure. Contributions are not tax deductible.

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