When Senator Jim DeMint said; "If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him," he was right. But it ain't Waterloo yet... not until the socialist Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda is broken. And Harry Reid and Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi know it too. They don't want the Obama agenda broken. They don't want it defeated. And they know that if you keep fighting Obama on so-called "health care reform" - as DeMint said - "it will break him."
That's why Reid had the nerve to tell reporters on Thursday that the Senate will not try to pass so-called health care legislation before they go on a short vacation in August.
Reid and Pelosi and Obama will do anything right now to make you stop... they need a breather... and they think you're foolish enough to give it to them.
But why should you? These people have not changed... they haven't been humbled... they haven't been transformed or subdued.
Make no mistake, when they believe the time is right... and don't believe it will be next month... they'll do it in a matter of days if they see the opportunity to strike... they'll be back to their old tricks and since they failed when they tried to ram so-called "health care reform" down our throats this time around, they'll simply try to sneak it by us under the cover of darkness.
It could be a day... it could be a month... they'll do it the very second they believe you've gone to sleep... when they think you aren't looking... just as they did with their so-called stimulus package... just as they did with their corporate takeovers.
Well... we've got a message for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama.
We don't want your Retreat... We want your Defeat... No Quarter... No Mercy... No Surrender.
We don't want your so-called health care legislation delayed... we want it gone. And we're simply not going to be content winning a round in this fight. We're going for the knock-out punch.
We're not about to let you regroup just so you can come back and hit us again. We're not going to give you a single solitary inch or let you take a breath. We're going to press you... we're going to press our advantage... right here and right now.
Starting today, you will come to know that your attempts to transform America into a socialist country are over. The madness ends... now.
Today is the day you start losing and the American people start winning.
ObamaCare: Is It The American Dream Or An American Nightmare?
In his Wednesday evening press conference, Barack Obama actually had the nerve to blame Republicans for blocking his bizarre health proposals.
Can you imagine that? Democrats have majorities in the House and Senate, but Obama blames the GOP. Disingenuous? Or just plain dishonest - take your pick.
Obama's health agenda is in trouble because the American people - that's you - think it's too expensive, too restrictive, too much about politics... and too little about improving people's health and extending their lives.
The head of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas W. Elmendorf, rained heavily on Obama's parade. He said the proposal legislation would not reduce costs... and that it would sharply increase costs.
The secret is out: the sham health care proposals Barack Obama and his congressional cronies are peddling will bankrupt our nation, force you into an inferior government-run health plan, and endanger your family's lives and health.
Remember what Obama said in assuring you about your private health insurance and physician choices under ObamaCare? "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."
When Obama said that, his nose presumably grew faster than Pinocchio's.
Obama has the disturbing habit of feigning ignorance. And true to form, he did it when confronted with the scary words on page 16 of the proposed so-called health care legislation: "Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day of Y [Year 1]."
That congressional gobbledygook basically means you'll lose your private insurance - forever - if you change jobs... or your insurer modifies the plan... or if your employer tries either to change insurers or stop offering coverage altogether.
Of course, it also means it would be prohibitive for new private insurers to enter the game. And it means the private insurers now in business can never grow. It means the private insurers will simply fade into history.
So, if you now have a plan that's the equivalent of sailing first-class, the government will use its power to shove you and your family down below deck into steerage - where you can join the teeming masses stuck with the so-called "public option."
Here's a quick description of what health care would be like under that public option: imagine if obtaining essential medical treatment was like going down to the DMV, getting in an endless line, and waiting there... essentially forever. That's "change" nobody can believe in.
ObamaCare will turn the American Dream into the American Nightmare. We can't let it happen.
Send faxes to Barack Hussein Obama and each and every leader of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Tell them the proposed health care legislation now boiling like a witch's brew in Congress is a monument to deceit and political cynicism, a recipe for rationing, human suffering, and medical mediocrity. Tell them that the American people want freedom of choice. Tell them that a government-run system will bankrupt our nation and harm its people. And finally, tell them that the American people do not want ObamaCare delayed. We want ObamaCare killed and buried so deep that it can never again rear its ugly head.
Health Care "Reform" ... or Something Much More Ominous?
Do any of the leftist scams masquerading as health care proposals really have anything to do with improving health care? No more than the government takeover of the banks... and AIG... and General Motors had to do with improving banking, insurance, and the automotive industry
As Mark Levin told his fellow radio-talk show host Sean Hannity; Obama is seeking "a massive transfer of liberty and property from the American people to the government."
Former Texas Congressman Dick Armey told Fox News that the Democrats' health care proposals are not about better care... not about greater access to care... and not about lower health care costs. Instead, Armey said the liberals are involved in a power grab, seeking control over one-sixth of our country's economy.
What on earth is Obama really up to? Is he merely trying to tear down our America... and build a new one more to the liking of the radical left?
Apparently, he was dead serious when he bad-mouthed the United States all over the world. And seizing health care is only the next step in his relentless march to socialism.
Perhaps the key question is: Do they - Obama and his fellow Marxists - really want to destroy private insurance and private health care in America?
If you believe the answer to that is no, please read the following from the proposed health care legislation: "The [Health] Commissioner shall establish a grace period whereby, for plan years beginning after the end of the 5-year period beginning with Y1, an employment-based health plan in operation as of the day before the first day of Y1 must meet the same requirements as apply to a qualified health benefits plan under section 101, including the essential benefit package requirement under section 121."
Translating this into English, it means all private health plans in America must be comparable to the government's public option. Most experts believe that, after a few years, private insurance would have gone the way of buckboards, spittoons, and corsets.
After five years, your private insurance plan - if it still exists - would be indistinguishable from the public option.
Frankly, it's now or never for us to stand up to the leftists, academic pinheads, and self-important "czars" who are playing Russian Roulette with our economy, our freedom, and our health.
Send your faxes to Barack Hussein Obama and each and every leader of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Tell them the proposed health care legislation now boiling like a witch's brew in Congress is a monument to deceit and political cynicism, a recipe for rationing, human suffering, and medical mediocrity. Tell them that the American people want freedom of choice. Tell them that a government-run system will bankrupt our nation and harm its people. And finally, tell them that the American people do not want ObamaCare delayed. We want ObamaCare killed and buried so deep that it can never again rear its ugly head.
Obama's Real Goal: A Socialistic Single-Payer System...
It's now clear that all the rhetoric about "public options" and the like is obviously a smokescreen for Barack Obama's real goal: to establish a European and Canadian socialist "single-payer" system.
That's where the single-payer is supposedly the government, but is actually the taxpayer - that's, you. But even though you're the one who pays, the government takes control over every detail of the care you get - and more often, don't get.
Every time you take a Tylenol or get a wart excised, some far-away bureaucrat will have determined whether you really have a headache... or if the growth is unsightly enough to justify removal.
George Will brilliantly analyzed Obama's real intentions in a Washington Post Op Ed: "The puzzle is: Why does the president, who says that were America 'starting from scratch' he would favor a "single-payer" - government-run - system, insist that health-care reform include a government insurance plan that competes with private insurers? The simplest answer is that such a plan will lead to a single-payer system. "Conservatives say that a government program will have the intended consequence of crowding private insurers out of the market, encouraging employers to stop providing coverage and luring employees from private insurance to the cheaper government option."
How would that affect the overwhelming majority of people who are happy with their private insurance plans?
Will notes: "The Lewin Group estimates that 70 percent of the 172 million persons privately covered might be drawn, or pushed, to the government plan. A significant portion of the children who have enrolled in the State Children's Health Insurance Program since eligibility requirements were relaxed in February had private insurance. "
The raw, unchecked power of government - the kind that allows it to fire CEOs of private companies and dictate compensation - would remove any trace of a level playing field... and drive your insurance company out of business.
Once again, George Will hits the nail on the head: "Government is incapable of behaving like market-disciplined private insurers. Competition from the public option must be unfair because government does not need to make a profit and has enormous pricing and negotiating powers."
It's absolutely critical to stop Big Government's relentless - and mindless - effort to bulldoze a health system that has served our nation so well.
Obama's Fanatical Effort to Canadianize Our Health System...
Of course, we've been told for years that the best single-payer system in our hemisphere is Canada's. And many believed it until we started hearing the horror stories. Invariably, these stories deal with people, often women, who were not near enough to death - or unbearable agony - to qualify for care in Canada.
Many of the Canadian we see telling their stories wouldn't be alive if they hadn't been able to pay for needed care across the border... in the United States.
Why does Canada, like its counterparts in Europe, ration care? They do so for the same reason ObamaCare will practice rationing: not enough doctors, not enough hospitals, and not enough money to service the hordes seeking care from good old Uncle Sam.
The bad news is that this health care would not really be government-provided... you'd pay for it with your hard-earned tax dollars. The really bad news is that it probably wouldn't be available when you needed it the most anyway.
Listen to Dr. David Gratzer, a Canadian-trained physician now practicing in the United States: "I trained in emergency rooms that were chronically, dangerously overcrowded... all across Canada. I met a middle-aged man with sleep problems who was booked for an appointment with a specialist . . . three years later; a man with pain following a simple hernia repair who was referred to a pain clinic . . . with a two-year wait list; a woman with breast cancer who was asked to wait four more months . . . before starting the lifesaving radiation therapy." Gratzer continues: "According to the government's own statistics, some 1.2 million Canadians could not get a family doctor. In some rural areas, town councils resorted to lotteries: the winners would get appointments with the only general practitioners around."
Make no mistake about it: the chaotic situation Gratzer describes in Canada is exactly the one that awaits you and your family if Obama and his political soul mates have their way.
It's up to use to stop them.
Floyd Brown, ExposeObama.com
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