Friday, October 30, 2009

o'thief in the night - Senate Hides Obama Anti-Free Enterprise Czar Vote!

From: CDFE  Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009

Senate Hides Obama Anti-Free Enterprise Czar Vote!

Harris Sherman an extreme environmentalist CZAR nominated by Obama was confirmed in a quick vote by the Senate and is being hidden from Americans. Sherman is to be Obama's Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and the Environment.

A CDFE investigation revealed that the Senate public Congressional Record is hiding the vote. For some reason the vote is not being made public and is being hidden even from or by the Associated Press. How many Senators do not even know the vote happened?

Americans had no opportunity to examine the background of Sherman before or after his confirmation hearing. There are reasonable questions and issues that are being ignored as this new CZAR is pushed through the Senate. Obama and the Senate must reconsider the confirmation and STOP Sherman.

Sherman would have total control over 190 million acres of America - the size of Texas - as boss of the National Forests.

The Problem: National Forests aren't Parks, they're productive lands for energy from oil and natural gas, electricity from coal, strategic metals for our military and the machines that do our work, lumber and paper, farming and ranching, road-building material, hunting and fishing and much more.

FAX Obama And All 100 Senators - Tell Them to STOP Sherman!

Sherman is a known enemy of what these federal lands are meant to supply:

National Forests Provide The Raw Materials That Keep Us Alive.

Obama's choice would make him the Czar of Economic Shutdown!

Harris Sherman gave confirmation testimony before the Senate Agriculture Committee on September 30, 2009.

NOW Confirmed ...He Is Being Hidden By The Senate.

He is currently the director of Colorado's Department of Natural Resources. He's powerful. Producers fear him. Why? He's been accused of "using his position to extort or shake down money from oil and gas firms to fund his wildlife studies in return for his office not opposing their permits. In effect, he set up a �pay to play' approval process for oil and gas permits under the Colorado Department of Wildlife." Sherman's office is simply for sale in Colorado if you have the money.

Sherman will be Obama's Rent-A-Czar for our National Forests.

Senator Saxby Chambliss (Georgia) Ranking Republican Member, Senate Agriculture Committee, warned: "Mr. Sherman, I've received letters and emails from Georgians about your appointment, and they raise concerns about your approach to managing federal, state and private lands."

Some of those emails accused Harris Sherman of giving anti-development environmental groups open-door "Greens Only" access to Sherman's office, an access not available to the general public or economic producers.

Is Sherman to be Obama's "Behind the Green Door" Czar for our National Forests?

Some of those emails accused Sherman of falsification of public comment documents with the help of green groups to stop economic projects by making it look like the public objected to economic development when the majority actually approved.

Is Sherman to be Obama's "We Lie and Cheat for the Greens" Czar for our National Forests?

Some of those emails accused Harris Sherman of working to tear out roads in government lands to eliminate all economic development and visitor use, as recommended in the "Clinton-Babbitt Roadless Rule" written by environmental groups in the 1990s.

Is Sherman to be Obama's "Lock 'Em Out and Shut 'Em Down" Czar for our National Forests?

Together, those emails accused Harris Sherman of being a multi-pronged threat:

  • Obama's Czar for "No more American oil" Unless you pay to play.
  • Obama's Czar for "No more American natural gas" Unless you pay to play.
  • Obama's Czar for "No more American coal" Unless you pay to play.
  • Obama's Czar for "No more American mining" Unless you pay to play.
  • Obama's Czar for "No more American paper" Unless you pay to play.
  • Obama's Czar for "No more American lumber" Unless you pay to play.
  • Obama's Czar for "No more American ranching" Unless you pay to play.
Obama's choice would make Sherman Czar of Economic Shutdown in our National Forests causing shortages of oil, natural gas, electricity from coal, strategic metals for our military, lumber, paper, farming ranching, road-building material, hunting, fishing and increasing the cost of living in America. Our United States Senators know about these allegations of scandal and are doing nothing.
  • No vetting.
  • No investigation.
  • No questioning - beyond Senator Chambliss' polite warning.
  • No Public notice and a Hidden Senate Vote.
We need a storm of faxes to get Obama and the Senate's attention and stop this nomination! It's time for some brave Senators to call for reconsideration of the confirmation of Harris Sherman to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and the Environment.  It's time for bi-partisan action to reject this nominee! Thank you for considering this message. ,Ron Arnold, Executive Vice-President, Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise,
Paid for by Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deducible.

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