Sunday, December 20, 2009

o'enemy of the state - Is President Obama a “foreign and domestic enemy” of America and its citizens?

reposted from

by Mark Epstein, 15Aug09

The Domestic Attack

The accusation that the Obama administration is “tone deaf” to American angst over health care reform is gaining more credence with each passing day. As President Obama continues talking instead of listening, as well as alienating the very industry whose support of reform is a necessity (and certain reforms are necessary, including tort reform), the president is spending too much time on the attack and, in so doing, provides his detractors with even more fodder. What is exacerbating the reported American anger toward the administration is that the president and his administration are making allegations without a shred of substantive evidence. In other words, people are put off by the obvious Chicago-style thuggery in the White House spin on the health care debate. The Obama administration is missing a golden opportunity to “hear” the America it claims to represent, instead of furthering the widely-held belief that Obama only represents radical leftists and their agenda for the country.

Simultaneously, we see President Obama behaving in the same manner as Iran’s president when it comes to the issue of the Fourth Estate’s First Amendment rights. Moreover, contravening Obama’s assertions to the contrary concerning the “Fairness Doctrine,” his appointment of Mark Lloyd as the Federal Communication Commission’s “Chief Diversity Officer” is a clear message to conservatives to beware, since Lloyd “laid out a ‘battle plan’ for liberal activists to target conservative talk radio stations in 2007.” When viewed in light of Obama’s comments, Pelosi’s accusations, the White House press secretary’s disinformation campaign attacking Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, the mainstream media’s reaction, other individuals holding the administration’s and congress’ feet to the fire on the issue of Obamacare, the use of swastikas by liberals, and the police interviewing a political dissenter there is certainly more evidence giving credence to conservative fears than there is any basis for accusing insurance companies and other health care industry players of conspiring to block health care reform.

If we add the General Electric-owned MSNBC’s vilification of Americans into the equation — the very Americans responsible for providing GE $1 billion in stimulus money — and the White House email controversy, Americans have every right to worry that the current administration is out to stifle constitutionally-guaranteed dissent in its efforts to ram through a socialistic agenda. And then there’s the obvious disparity between the words and behavior of Obama’s supporters, Senator Reid, and Speaker Pelosi insisting that liberal dissent is permissible (even encouraged), but those who find fault with Obama’s agenda are “un-American,” “evil doers,” and “Nazis.” Although much could be written in addressing the left’s illogic, use of ad hominems, and pejoratives directed toward the majority of Americans (in lieu of substantive debate of the health care issue), it’s the overall behavior that speaks volumes and is worthy of close examination for similarities with historically totalitarian regimes.

Included in the concerns that Obama is behaving like a constitutionally-defined “domestic enemy” is the president’s inability to answer specific questions addressing the funding for health reform, while simultaneously giving tacit approval to the Orwellian mass emailings from the White House to Americans who’ve never contacted 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and whose private email addresses should not be found anywhere within the Executive Branch. There are legitimate concerns that the “snitch address,”, is one of the methods the administration is using to pit Americans against one another, as well as to spy on Americans opposed to the administration’s agenda. As noted on several occasions at the raucous Town Hall meetings, Americans are upset over a number of issues, not just health care. Thus, Axelrod’s unsolicited email only fans the flames of distrust, which causes fear in many. A fear that Americans should not be experiencing. Instead, a healthy constitutional republic is one in which the government fears the people and the people’s representatives would never dream of conducting “back room” business or attempting to ram through a piece of legislation that only a minority of Americans fully support. The Obama administration’s arrogant behavior belies its stated transparency and willingness to represent the people. In essence, Obama and the Democrats are at war with the majority of Americans on a number of “fronts” and it is reasonable to ask if current White House policy is deliberately designed to undermine our constitutional republic.

Big Brother Is Watching
Big Brother
A Speaker GIF Image.

The Foreign Attack

Since the beginning of the 20th Century, America has not engaged in any major conflict without allied participation. Moreover, since the conclusion of World War II, our country has maintained strategic alliances to thwart expansion of countries whose ideologies are contrary to democracy, that espouse terrorism, or murder their own citizens when they disagree with the country’s leadership.

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, then candidate Obama repeatedly refered to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a “cycle of violence.” Subsequent to his election, the Obama administration has renounced terminology that refers to our current wars as those that are combating terrorism and the totalitarian internal suppression of its people found within terroristic regimes. Additionally, the president has directed our Armed Forces to Mirandize enemy combatants, close the facility at Guantanomo Bay, Cuba, appeared to genuflect before the corrupt leader of Saudi Arabia, engaged the Iranians as though they were not enemies of world peace (despite Iran’s known involvement in destabilizing Iraq, exporting terrorism, and threatening to anniahlate our only ally in the Middle East), and the president has publicly renounced Christianity as the moral framework the Founding Fathers envisioned as the restraining borders to our republic running amok. Yet, despite inveighing against the previous administration’s policies in conducting the war on terrorism, the president continues them unabated and directs an expansion of the war in Afghanistan. Once again, the president’s behavior does not match his words, except in the case of our ally Israel, the Middle East’s and Southwest Asia’s only democracy.

Though the anti-Semitic behavior of the left is inexplicable from a rational and historically-informed standpoint, the president’s inability to distinguish between a terrorist that kills innocents and a democracy’s military protecting its citizens is cause for trepidation within our own borders. Moreover, the current domestic scene in which the left attempts to suppress free speech and terrorizes its own citizens with Orwellian emails underscores a like-minded approach reserved for dictatorships.

The administration’s approach to internal dissent coupled with a foreign policy embracing the leadership tactics of the terroristic and oppressive regimes of our sworn enemies (i.e., the “Death to America” crowd) is alarming. If we are to objectively analyze the totality of Obama’s actions, then we cannot disassociate the president’s foreign and domestic policies revealing his behavior toward the American people and our enemies — including continuing to lump in close to 12 million illegal non-Americans in his “46 million uninsured Americans” figure. Moreover, we cannot ignore the “top cover” the mainstream media provides the president, as it invents distractions to avoid real discussion of substantive issues germane to the overall debate of Obama’s domestic and foreign agendas.

To begin the analysis of Obama as a constitutionally-defined “foreign enemy” of the United States, we can ask a few simple questions. If your health care plan doesn’t include providing illegal aliens health coverage, then why does the number of uninsured still include them? Since we know that not all illegal aliens are Mexicans working in various low-paying jobs Americans supposedly do not want, then how will the plan distinguish between a Mexican residing in the US illegally from a terrorist who merely used a student visa to gain access to American soil? If the Taliban are not terrorists, then why are we prosecuting a war in Afghanistan? What’s the threat to our country? How can you reasonablly equate Palestinian terrorists who vow another country’s total destruction and the genocide of its people with the only democracy in the Middle East? Why do your public policies and public actions (behavior) embrace totalitarian regimes and why does your administration’s policies toward dissenters to Obamacare resemble the behavior of said totalitarian regimes?

Although the evidence may still be inconclusive as to whether the president is a “foreign enemy” of the United States, it is time to begin asking the question — without any reference to a birth certificate.

     The author, Mark Epstein, is an Orthodox Christian, single-parent (including a daughter with Rett Syndrome), veteran, retired Soldier, and biker who occasionally writes a post about religion, politics, sex, and anything else controversial. This blog is the author’s sometimes cheeky, sometimes serious, way of looking at the folly of the political left, the political right, and anyone else who enjoys making a complete fool of themselves as they seek to deny other Americans their constitutional rights.
     Unlike many so-called conservatives who think compromise with the enemies of our Constitutional Republic is acceptable, the author finds the power-mad, immoral, nanny-stater leftists (and their gutless ‘centrist’ pals) an affront to the Founding Fathers and founding principles of the United States. The only thing worse is a tax-and-spend RINO or Neo-Con.
     Although a libertarian at heart on many issues, abortion is not only morally reprehensible, it conflicts with fundamental tenets of all three of the Western Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and our country’s founding documents.
     Having “been there, done that” under four Commanders in Chief, been a witness to the life lost through political and moral compromise, and seen the results of leftist politics in various countries, the author recognizes that ideas have consequences.

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