Tuesday, December 29, 2009

videos - Gun Control, The Emerging Police State, "The Rise of The Robber State" & Civilian Disarmament

Remember as you view the videos or visit the linked articles below that they were written before the "Katrina New Orleans" martial law and massive gun confiscations, before o'gunbans' election, and before o'who? setup a White House email address for "Reporting Enemies of the State", before "Domestic Terrorist" plans started being published by various states, before o'scamcare proposed tracking health issues that could be used as a basis to ban people of gun possession, and before o'soveignty considers the U.N. sponsored treaty to "international control of small arms."

From: baja Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Interesting videos. A total of 5 parts and about an hour long......
reposted from LibertyInOurTime: http://www.youtube.com/user/LibertyInOurTime

Part 1 of 5 parts:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ_DTRrC_8E

"Justice being taken away," wrote St. Augustine centuries ago, "what are kingdoms but vast robberies?" In this detailed presentation, investigative journalist William Norman Grigg documents the emergence of a global "Robber State" in which police power is perverted into an instrument of oppression, and the forces of organized terror and plunder prey upon the rights of all people.   Filmed in 1999 and produced by The John Birch Society. Links to informative news articles by The New American magazine:

The Gangster State: In a free society, the police protect citizens, but in a police state, they protect government from its citizens. This police state mindset is now more deeply entrenched under Bush than Clinton.

The Emerging Police State: With the threat of terrorism as a convenient cover, the push is on to centralize police-state powers in the hands of a strong executive branch.

Militarizing Mayberry: State and local police agencies are being transformed into paramilitary affiliates of a centralized police force controlled by Washington, D.C.

The Action Is in the Reaction: The terrorist leaders and their sponsors are providing the pretext for the U.S. government to institute police-state measures.

•  The UN's War on Firearms: Taking advantage of Black Tuesday and the ongoing "war on terrorism," the United Nations is intensifying its own campaign against civilian ownership of firearms.

Gun Grab Revival: Surging firearms sales after 9-11 briefly disarmed gun control efforts, but anti-gun lobbyists are now exploiting fears of terrorism to renew their attacks on the Second Amendment.

•  "Hat in Hand," on "Bended Knee": After supposedly breaking with the UN over the Iraq War, the Bush administration has not only come to the UN as supplicant but is pushing for a UN standing army.

Local Police Under Siege: The local police officer is in danger of extinction — not from the violence and turmoil he faces daily on the streets — but at the hands of the federal government that wants his job.

•  Watching Your Every Move: Comprehensive government database and new invasive technologies threaten our system of checks and balances, presenting an unprecedented potential for tyranny.

Flag-Waving Terrorists? Patriotic, constitutionally-minded citizens are being demonized by leftist "watchdog" groups and elements of the Justice Department as domestic allies of international terrorists.

From Republic to Reich: Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime exploited a terrorist assault on the Reichstag Building to carry out a pre-positioned strategy to convert the Weimar Republic into a police state

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