Thursday, January 21, 2010 - Chronicle · We.20Jan10

"What a glorious morning this is!" --Samuel Adams

The Scott heard 'round the world

Editorial Exegesis

"It was -- for the second time in Massachusetts history -- the shot heard round the world, or at the very least from coast to coast and surely in the halls of Congress. Scott Brown won this one fair and square with his down-to-earth charm, his hard work and his forthright position on issues -- and with the help of that much-disparaged by the opposition pick-up truck. But it is also true that Brown was the right candidate at the right time with the right message. And it's that message that the White House and congressional Democrats can no longer ignore. After all, if the people of Massachusetts can send a Republican to the U.S. Senate to fill the seat Ted Kennedy had a lock on for 47 years, then the revolution has indeed begun. And like that battle in Concord more than two centuries ago, this is only the opening round. Her fellow Democrats will attempt to blame the loss entirely on Martha Coakley, her inability to connect with voters, her verbal blunders and on assuming her primary victory was all she needed. Much of that is true, but it is also true that Coakley promised to be simply more of the same. And voters here are tired of more of the same. They don't see the point of an expensive new health care bill that threatens to damage the health care industry here, disrupt service to Medicare recipients and tax us all -- especially when we already insure 97.4 percent of our people. They don't see the point of paying higher and higher energy costs, when the world's pollution is not our fault. They don't see the point of growing the deficit so that our children and grandchildren will be paying for today's policy mistakes -- including a $787 stimulus bill that didn't. Most of all they are simply tired of the kind of Washington arrogance that says 'don't worry, we know what's best for you.' Voters of Massachusetts wanted to take back the power that has been so sorely abused. Yesterday they did." --Boston Herald


"It really is the people's seat, and yesterday the people took it back." --columnist Jeff Jacoby
"Voters in the often wayward Cradle of Liberty looked danger in the eye, stood up, and said, 'Enough.' Tuesday's takeaway is this: if Obama & Co. can't sell their agenda there, it's an epic fail everywhere." --columnist Tom Blumer

"[Scott Brown's] message of lower taxes, smaller government and fiscal responsibility clearly resonated with independent-minded voters in Massachusetts who were looking for a solution to decades of failed Democrat leadership." --RNC Chairman Michael Steele

"Democrats are settling on a new strategy to blame the defeat not only on Coakley's inept campaign but also on her personality and strained relations with both the Kennedy family and President Obama." --columnist Byron York

"[Nancy] Pelosi met with House Democrats yesterday to tell them how the negotiations on a compromise health care bill between the House and Senate were going. As she spoke, one Democratic member whispered to another, 'It's like talking about your date on Friday, but the date's in the emergency room.' ObamaCare went into the emergency room in Massachusetts and didn't make it out alive." --columnist Fred Barnes

"[T]the American people are losing confidence in Team Obama because quite simply they are tiring of being lied to, and treated like children in need of Ivy-League Platonic guardians." --columnist Victor Davis Hanson
"Obama was supposed to be a great persuader. It turns out that's only half true. He did persuade most of us that he should be president. But in Year One, he has failed to persuade most of us to support his major proposals. He's even moved us in the other direction." --political analyst Michael Barone

"Increasing numbers of Americans are saying that they are having trouble recognizing the country in which they were born and grew up. They will have even more trouble recognizing America if the Washington juggernaut does not lose a substantial part of its power in this year's elections." --economist Thomas Sowell

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