Friday, September 24, 2010

o'bamacide - Images you’ll never see on the evening news!

From: Gospel of Life Ministries  Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 (
That's the number of babies killed in surgical abortions in the USA alone since 1973. 
52 MILLION ... and counting! 
In fact, by the time you finish reading this email, another 12 babies will be dead.  And that death toll is going to continue to mount unless YOU do something to help stop it.  Which is why I've sent you this important email. The only way we can rip the mask of anonymity off the terrible horror of abortion is if we put images of the mangled bodies of innocent babies in front of our fellow Americans. That's because  ... America will not end abortion until America sees abortion! 
Make no mistake.  "Big Media" has teamed up with "Big Abortion" to censor the truth.  They refuse to show Americans the human carnage that comes with every abortion!  But with your help today, Gospel of Life Ministries is going to break through that wall of silence and expose the truth about abortion for everyone to see.
Specifically, I want every man, woman and, yes, child, too, to see what "choice" really means.

To see the ugly truth for yourself, just click here: 
BUT LET ME WARN YOU: The  pictures you will see are  graphic images of what happens in the violence of abortion!  They are shockingly real! 
So shocking and so real that most media - including those who say they agree with us - claim they are  "too disturbing" to air on television or be printed in newspapers. 
The reality is that pro-abortion people won't show Americans  these pictures because they know  they are so shocking and so repulsive that Americans will demand an end to the slaughter!  And the rest are more concerned about preventing controversy than about preventing bloodshed. But the fact of the matter is that the photographs I'm asking you to help Gospel of Life Ministries show to our fellow Americans are crucial to stopping abortion.

They show irrefutably that the first trimester baby - that so-called "mass of tissue" abortion supporters are always talking about - is a real 'baby'!  What's more, rather than just shouting the conclusion that abortion must be stopped - both in law and in fact - it provides the facts that compel that conclusion

And if you're not sure you can or want to help, then  click here and take a look at the true meaning of "choice."  Since the media won't show that truth, we - the People of Life - must do it ourselves.

And the reason we have to do this is simply this:  We cannot change public policy until we change public opinion. 
Whether through cameras or carvings, human beings have always learned more effectively through their eyes than through their ears. Reformers know that the best and most effective way to change public opinion is to SHOW - in pictures - the injustice and brutality of whatever policy it is that the reformer seeks to change.  For example: It wasn't until the news media published PICTURES taken in Nazi concentration camps that Americans fully understood the evil of Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich.  Same with the Vietnam war.  Night after night the news media flooded American living rooms with PICTURES of mutilated children and the body bags carrying dead soldiers.  Wearied of those graphic images of war, the nation demanded an end.  So, too, with America's civil rights movement.  A 14-year-old African American Emmett Till whistled at a white woman.  For that "crime" he was beaten and shot to death and his killers set free.  At the funeral, his mother instructed that his casket be left open so the world could see "what they did to my boy."  The published PICTURE of Emmett Till's beaten and battered corpse changed the nation!  Do you recognize the common element in all three of those reform movements?  I can tell you in one word:  PICTURES!

That's because of the old adage: "A picture is worth a thousand words."  Well, our pictures of the butchered and mutilated bodies of tiny babies are worth more than a mere thousand words!  Without question  ... our pictures have the power to end abortion! 
But only if our fellow Americans SEE them! 
Tragically, the pro-life cause is the first social reform movement in our nation's history that "Big Media" has turned its collective back on.  Instead of working to end the injustice of killing innocent babies in abortion, "Big Media" has allied itself with "Big Abortion" and refuses to show Americans the deadly and brutal reality of abortion.  Which again is why it falls to us to SHOW our fellow Americans the truth and sheer brutality of what "choice" really means.

And that is precisely what Gospel of Life Ministries is doing through ... Our "Is This What You Mean?" Campaign, by which the word of the abortionists themselves challenge people to think about what they mean when they say "abortion."  Our multi-part video series in which we visually explain the ways abortionists butcher and kill babies at all stages of development! -- Medically-accurate illustrations of what takes place in the two most common abortion killings - suction curettage and D&E (Dilation and Evacuation)  Literally hundreds of graphic images of the mangled corpses of babies brutally slaughtered by abortionists.  Audio of late-term abortionist Martin Haskell describing a so-called "partial birth abortion" ... including the shocking tape of people applauding him!  Our DVD entitled: "The PROCEDURE: The Horror of Abortion Exposed"   A powerful new video entitled: "Biology of Prenatal Development" that we are actively working to get into every parish, school, and pregnancy center in America  ... and that's just for starters!

In addition, Gospel of Life Ministries has partnered with other pro-life organizations - most notably Gregg Cunningham and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform - to put the images of aborted babies on the sides of panel trucks and drive them through the streets of cities all across the country, and fly them with tow-banner airplanes! 
As you can see, Gospel of Life Ministries is doing whatever it takes to unmask the ugly face of abortion and SHOW America what "choice" really means. 
Now I'll be the first to admit that this strategy and these images disturb a lot of people ... including many pro-life individuals.

But what should be most disturbing to all Americans - and especially to every pro-life American - is what takes place inside an abortion mill!  Tragically, and thanks to the media's refusal to report the truth, most Americans don't believe the child in the womb is a human person.  That being the case, we must wake them up and confront them with the true horror of the abortion "procedure".  And one of the best ways I know how to do that is to SHOW them using pictures of the bloodied and mangled bodies of the dead babies!  Of this much I am absolutely certain: Disturbing or not, BY GOD'S GRACE, the pictures are EFFECTIVE!  I have countless stories I could tell you to verify that claim.

Today I'm counting on you to help me "disturb" the sleeping consciences of our fellow Americans. Please join us. 

Sincerely, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries
P.S.   I still have posted on our website the letter the late Bishop Kenneth J. Povish wrote when he found out about this campaign to SHOW America pictures of what "choice" really means.  In that letter, Bishop Povish wrote: "There is no excuse under the sun for keeping secret what is the most common surgery in America today."  The good bishop was right!  And with your help today we'll reveal the ugly "secret" the abortionists are frantically hiding from our fellow Americans.

The fact is, Gospel of Life Ministries needs you to click here and give us your financial support.  It costs tens of thousands of dollars to produce our videos ... update our website ... create new DVDs ... research and publish abortion materials .. post new images ... support the work of other pro-life organizations .. and, most importantly, distribute our materials around the country.  We are doing all we can ... but we can't do it alone.  We need your help!  I need you to click here and rush Gospel of Life Ministries the largest gift you can send today so that, working together, we can SHOW our fellow Americans the ugly truth about abortion.   So right now, for the sake of those 12 babies abortionists killed while you were reading this email, click here and make a contribution to Gospel of Life Ministries for as much as you can ...  hopefully at least $35 or $50. The more Americans who SEE the truth about "choice", the sooner we will end our nation's brutal and unjust abortion genocide!  So please be generous ... and please help today!  Today I am urging you to click here and support this Gospel of Life Ministries  mission to SHOW all Americans the brutal and violent truth of what it means to be "pro-choice."  Will you join me and help us do that?  NOTE: If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Gospel of Life Ministries and send it to us at PO Box 60038, Staten Island, NY 10306.  If you have any questions, call us toll-free at 888-735-3448, ext. 232.
One final request.
As important as your dollars are, even more so are your PRAYERS.  Without question, we must hit our knees and storm heaven with our prayers.  And while you're praying for us, we will be praying for you!  Thank you again and God bless.

related America's 'Final Solution' at httPublish Postp://

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