Saturday, December 11, 2010

o'queen - photo: She and Monsanto want to control what you grow and what We eat!

"Do as I say, not as I do." - Anonymous    "If 'they' can't outlaw it, they'll regulate it!" -- rfh
From:  bud Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 Subject: First derrieres

Left to right - 
Princess Letizia of Spain ,
French first lady Carla Bruni,
yup you guessed it.

Hmmmm..... Could this be the same woman who wants to control what We eat?


“Hypocrisy in anything whatever may deceive the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide-awake of children recognizes it, and is revolted by it, however ingeniously it may be disguised” -- Tolstoy

"It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds." -- Doctor John Holliday, from the 1993 movie "Tombstone"

The FOOD POLICE are looking for me & you.

The Obama "Fat Police"
"Why does there need to be a "MO Bill" to feed school age children when we have always ... always given free lunch to underprivileged children.     I think our schools over the years have acted very irresponsibly by putting in vending machines and fast food style cafeterias ... Now they blame the parents and the children.  Unless you are a college there should be NO vending at all.   You get a lunch at lunch time from home or the cafeteria and that's it.   If you want something else you would need to leave school property.  Nothing but home made healthy food should be served in our school cafeterias.  Even with all the crap about obesity, etc. most of our schools still have pop machines and other vending of junk food / fast food / candy and soda.  Whats up with that?  Greed? This Communist Food Bill is all about controlling food consumption for the American people.   MO is just exposing her MARXIST agenda to stop food consumption in the US, another George Soros plan to CONTROL the American people.   They've been exposed and it's looking real bad for BO and his networking marxist organizations."

-- quoted from

New Law Basically Outlaws Happy Meals --Nov 3, 2010 ... "Kid's meals" can no longer be sold with toys unless they meet specific nutritional standards; ... New Law Basically Outlaws Happy Meals ...
San Francisco: Nov 9, 2010 ... The condition of your kid is YOUR responsibility, not the
responsibility of the 'state'. Big brother wants to outlaw guns and “happy meals...

Senate Passes Historic Food Safety Bill, Now WhatBy HELENA BOTTEMILLER, DEC 01, 2010:
o'fast food
OUTLAW Gardens?  Maybe Not.  REGULATE Gardens?  Maybe.  -- rfh

        Called the "food safety modernization act", S.510 would outlaw gardening and saving seeds, in the name of "safety".  Obviously, it is an unconstitutional violation of intrastate commerce, if anyone other than a liberty activist still cares about the Constitution.  It would also enable the Department of Homeland Security(!) to makeManna Storehouse an ordinary occurrence.  The Senate voted for cloture yesterday, with a Yes vote from Ohio's Sherrod Brown.      We must urge Sen. Voinovich and future Sen. Portman to vote against it; and let Sen. Brown that we are agin' him on this bill.       The only good thing I can say about it is the (black) humor it has generated in Facebook:  When gardening is outlawed, only outlaws will have gardens.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2010  Update on "Outlawing gardens"  --  My Nov. 18 piece
     U.S. Senate bill seeks restriction on personal gardens" has done unbelievable things to my hit count.  However, my standards are higher than that.  While I do not always research thoroughly (and sometimes not enough), I do try to check the accuracy of what I write -- at least to confirm that there is a bill currently in the Congress that is cited by my source.
      However, it appears that my piece might have inspired a reaction greater than what the facts justify.  A writer to the Hoptown Hall Forum cited, which I generally consider to be a reliable source.  Snopes finds that claims that S.510 would outlaw gardening and saving seeds to be "mostly false."      So I read the official summary of S.510.  Farms and restaurants are specifically exempted from the inspection provisions of the bill, so Snopes is correct in saying that the bill will not outlaw gardening or saving seeds.  It does not appear to mandate the use of chemicals.
      However, there is no question that the bill would erect a vast bureaucracy to regulate food, which given the Executive's penchant for creating its own law; would likely have led to absurdities like the ones we have been concerned about.
      But Snopes (properly) ignores the most essential point.  No matter how broad or limited the powers S.510 would grant to the new Food Administration, it is still an unconstitutional intrusion on the rights of states to regulate what is mostly intrastate commerce.
     The bill has not been acted upon since December 2009, and I suggest that the lame-duck session of Congress has bigger fish to fry in its last few days.  But pressing for its defeat is still very much in order for any liberty-loving activist.       Go ahead and plan your 2011 garden. You're going to need it.
'hypocrite' quotes, source: 
[Note:  Monsanto is a major force behind what is termed Monsanto's Food Safety Bill S-510.  Monsanto patents seeds.  Seed "patent holders" will regulatory control your saving/storing/planting seeds! -- rfh, also see: "How Monsanto 'strong arms' farmers:" (Google search)]

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