Thursday, January 13, 2011

2nd Amendment - SAF to Fight New ATF 'border states' Gun Regulations

o'who?'s czars will continue in their attempts to regulate firearms to the point it will be nearly impossible to buy, own, transfer, reload, carry, and shoot!  Already, leftist loons are using the "nut case" shooter's actions in Arizone to ban weapons within 1000ft of government officials, large capacity magazines, and free speech that might include words and symbols! -- rfh
From: ConservativeActionAlerts  Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 Subject: SAF to Fight New ATF Gun Regulations
President Obama and the ATF, have issued an "emergency order" enacting new firearms regulations.

Please take time to read this URGENT message and find out how you can protect your precious Second Amendment Rights, before it's too late.
Since taking office two years ago, Obama has consistently bypassed Congress and has given the federal government control of almost every aspect of our lives. NOW HE'S COMING FOR YOUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Citing border violence, the ATF has issued an "emergency order" requiring any store that sells more than two rifles within a five-day period to report the names, addresses and serial numbers of those transactions if the firearms are greater than .22-caliber, semi-automatic, with the ability to accept a detachable magazine.

If it's so important, why didn't Obama allow Congress to vote on it?  And if it's all in the name of border security, as he insists, why does it apply to every state and not just border states?

This regulation was implemented on Wednesday, January 5th-but there is a 60-day public comment period!
That means there is still time to register your disapproval of this order. 
Obama is attempting to regulate a fundamental, individual right guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution---but it shouldn't surprise you, because he's done nothing but "regulate" us to death since he's been in office.   The Obama administration has known about this ATF proposal for months, but they kept it quiet, knowing that people like you and me would be outraged.    Barack Obama is openly hostile to your gun rights.  He has chosen a very strong, anti-Second Amendment ATF head for an administrative job that has far more influence over the practical exercise of the Second Amendment rights than any other job in the country.

Now that very agency is going to require stores to report their sales transactions! You can be sure this is only the beginning!

This regulation is expected to be approved unless there is IMMEDIATE and VEHEMENT objection from Members of Congress and the public. 
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has repeatedly blamed the U.S. for Mexico's problems with violence, despite evidence to the contrary.  Now Obama is taking away freedoms from legitimate, law-abiding citizens while he ignores our open borders and tramples all over the Constitution --- all in the name of "security."   Obama spent the month of December trying to push amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through Congress, and NOW he's all of a sudden concerned about border security?  I don't buy it!  This is just an excuse to push through FIREARMS REGISTRATION WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.  And it's the first step in taking away your Second Amendment rights.
SAF will continue to keep watch over this administration's efforts to take away our gun rights---but we need your help!

Each year, firearms are used more than 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. B ut Obama would rather treat US as criminals, and bow to the rhetoric of another country, than honor the Constitution. The time for action is now.   You and I know how precious our freedoms are, and how much we appreciate the Constitution.  But Obama just doesn't get it.  He is chipping away at our freedoms every single day, ignoring the will of the People, ignoring Congress, ignoring the rule of law.  Is this latest attempt to end our Second Amendment Rights going to be the straw that broke the camel's back?  Will this spur you to take action and stop his dictatorship? Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

Respectfully, Alan M. Gottlieb. Chairman, Second Amendment Foundation
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:  Second Amendment Foundation, 12500 NE 10th Place, Bellevue, WA 98005

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